Question of the Week

This week I am asking crafty Miranda Layton of Buttonenvy about her earliest crafty memories and here is what she has to say:

When I was five my cousin moved two hours away. She is three months younger than I am and, at the time my constant companion and only source of sibling interaction. I was devastated. To console me my grandmother gave me a dollar for the ice cream man and, for the first time let me go outside by myself to purchase my frog pop. This is one of my first clear memories. When I had finished my ice pop she told me we could save the stick and, after we had enough of them, we would build a little box out of all the pieces we had collected. This started my craft as therapy addiction. A few years later, when I had learned to read, I started to hoard the Rag Shop fliers from my grandmother's newspapers. I would plan how to spend every cent of my five-dollar weekly allowance. On the way home from a weekend spent with her my mother would stop there, and I would fill up on plastic visors and puff paints. This was the eighties remember and puff paint seemed like a craft revolution. This will lead into a long list of crafty business ventures.


A great big thanks to another Kat - the amazing editor at Smidge - for this wonderful shout out about Polarity's recycled lockets!


These are the instructions to make one of my jewelry cases from old frames. This will be featured on a new how-to blog - if anyone making one of these would like a free test tube with cork and hardware (just pay $2.00 shipping) drop me an email - enjoy!

Is your jewelry all knotted together in the bottom of a drawer? Are you always looking for a piece that you know “is in there somewhere” – well, this is the perfect solution to begin to untangle your messy life ….

Stuff You Will Need

2 picture frames of the same size (the deeper the better with square edges)
2 hinges with hardware
1 latch with hardware
foam board (cut to fit inside one of the frames)
fabric (dense weaves are best)
a piece of glass to fit one of the frames
silicone sealant (clear for kitchen and bath)
staple gun
glazier points
hanging hardware (saw tooth hanger)
drill or dremel

Step 1 - Line Up Your Frames

Marry your frames – stand them up on a table and make sure they fit together perfectly (place interiors together). Mine are square and sometimes I have to turn one in a different direction to get the perfect line up. Check your corners and sides. If your frames are out of line – give them a quickie divorce and get yourself two frames that want to live happily ever after together… skip this step at your own risk…..

Clamp your frames together –wrap cardboard to protect your wood and then clamp your two sides together (interiors facing each other)

Step 2 – The Hinges

Line up the top of the hinge with the top of the interior frame cutout and repeat for the bottom, set your hinges in place, mark screw holes with an awl or pencil (I actually use jewelry tweezers), remove hinges, pre-drill holes for hinges, secure hinge hardware with a screwdriver

Step 3 – The Latch

Determine which frame will be the front of your jewelry case. Measure to find the center (unless you are an off-center kind of girl), lay out your latch so that it opens toward the frame you would like to be the front of your case, mark screw holes with an awl, pre-drill holes for latch hardware, secure latch hardware with a screwdriver. Blow out any sawdust from the frames and wipe clean.

Step 4 – The Glass

Clean your glass; I know you are just going to get it dirty again, but you need it clean for a good seal and you want to check for any scratches or mars. Open your case. Lay your glass into the front frame. Gently hold a slight pressure down on your glass as you apply a continuous ¼” (approx) bead of clear silicone along the entire inside edge of the front frame; applying the silicone to the location where the glass meets the frame. This will hold the glass in place. Allow this to dry for 24 hours.

Step 5 – The Big Finish

Lay your foam, which you have cut to fit inside the back frame (I cut my foam with a mat-cutter but you can use a razor knife), on top of the fabric you will be using as a backdrop for your jewelry. Cut the fabric about 2” larger than the foam all the way around (you may want to iron your fabric at this point). Fold the fabric around the foam
(with the outside of your fabric facing away from the foam) and secure it with a staple gun. I use 6mm staples so they will not poke out the other side. Staple one side and then the opposite side pulling tightly until all four sides are secured. Fold your corners like you are wrapping a birthday present and staple. Cut away excess fabric.

Cut a piece of cardboard the same size as the foam (usually something you can use will come with the frame) – lay the cardboard into the back frame and lay your fabric covered foam panel on top of the cardboard.

Use a screwdriver to push 8 glazier points into the frame on top of the fabric panel (two points on each side).

Add your hanging hardware to the back by measuring to find the center and then nailing in the hardware. Use a long saw tooth hanger so the case can be adjusted for weight when hanging.

Using corsage pins (available at craft stores, florists, etc) you can hang your jewelry in style!

You can also make 2 fabric panel frames; attach them with the frame outsides facing together (opposite of above) and create an amazing display for your dresser!