Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 31st - New Directions, Focus Adjustments and Cutting Our Losses

"My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. Continue to allow humor to lighten the burden of your tender heart." ... Maya Angelou

I have been thinking about giving this blog a rest (and yes, by rest I mean a nice walnut box with a red velvet liner about 6 feet in the ground).

Having been told for months, years maybe, (when did my blog take this astrological turn, it's hard to remember and even harder to search the backend of blogger to figure it out), that it isn't a good idea for a jewelry designer and maker to talk about this stuff so often.

It hurts my SEO (which I rarely think about probably because acronyms have always annoyed me for some reason), my credibility, my right elbow, my left toe - you get the idea. And now with so much happening astrologically in September and October I am afraid I might not have the time or skill set to do it all justice.

This will be the last weekly forecast then I'll likely go back to timely "bigger picture" business/personal posts with a magical, astrological bent. I'm a bit up in the air about it. For this week, we'll take a lesson from Maya and continue on!

Anyhoo ....

Lots of ending, releasing and new beginning energy again this week. Last week the Sun went into Virgo so details matter, little things are big things now. We are working our way through these last moments of summer - lots of water aspects - tears, sweat - we are feeling everything.  There is this "where are we going?", "what are we doing?" energy we are working our way through.

On Monday we are wrapping something up. We have an Aries Moon, so will probably want our own way with whatever we are working through, of course so will everyone else. Monday's aspects trigger the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that happens at the end of September so we may feel like something has to end or we are reaching or reaching for some new height and are willing to 'eclipse' something or someone out to reach some achievement or reach for something we want.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we have Venus meeting up with Mars in Leo. This is excellent energy to meet someone new, start a new job, launch something. Yes, Venus is still retrograde for a couple more days, but when the Goddess of love and money meets up with the God of  action, opportunities that come up are most likely opportunities to take. Taking action to get what we want is favored here.

This is the second of three conjunctions between Venus and Mars in 2015. The first conjunction (the third week of February at 1 degree Aries) offered a new beginning where actions (Mars) combine with our wants or love or money (Venus). This week's conjunction as Venus prepares to move direct (14 degrees Leo) is an assessment of what started then. When Venus stations direct on Sunday, assessment time will be over and things will move forward.

The final conjunction will be on November 2nd (Virgo 24 degrees) and will wrap up this Venus/Mars cycle. Wants are materialized. What actions do we take to get what we want? This cycle is about our relationships, our values and self esteem, our money and/or our creativity.

On Friday Jupiter will be pushing us to go bigger with something.  On Sunday Venus moves direct and whatever we have been working through since she went retrograde in late July will move forward as she does. This is a reconnecting week - if we broke up with something or someone over this Venus retrograde period - that can come back up for another looksie as she moves over the same degrees she touched earlier in the summer - this doesn't mean a reconciliation is 'meant to be' if your ex suddenly pops up in the coffee shop or if an idea you let go of is suddenly in the news - it's just energy that is moving forward - forward can bring us back together with someone or something or just move us on up and away

(did you maybe notice how rude that ex is being as he orders his tall non-fat latte with the caramel drizzle or feel how that idea you let go that is suddenly all the rage still brings a pit to your stomach when you think about actually doing it).

As Venus stations we might feel a need to 'do something' about that relationship issue - we can really just let it all unfold. Venus wants acknowledgement and so will we. On September 6th our new flock assembles.

Mercury has entered his shadow so all the stuff that is going on right now is the stuff we will be dealing with while Mercury is retrograde in the coming weeks. Mercury is in Libra and hitting our North Node (future) so lots of job offers for lots of people who have been looking and that continues now as Mercury rolls through the upcoming eclipse degrees. If you want something put yourself out there for it.

Things are about to change, yes again, so take this time to think about what you want and that new dream we are hatching! The upcoming eclipses will take whatever anxiety and crap we have littered our past year with that has spread over into the rest of the house and clean it up .... xo all

FULL MOON in Pisces August 29th | happiness comes in like salty water

photography by vena
On Saturday we have the first of three Super Full Moons to usher us into eclipse season.

With our Sun in Virgo, we know the Full Moon will be in Virgo's polarity sign of Pisces.

Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, but really the opposite sides of the same coin. The balance of these two signs is where we bring God (or whatever word you feel most comfortable using here) to earth through our actions of service.

Pisces; the mutable water sign is the archetype of the mystic, the dreamer, the visionary and the compassionate (also the addict, the escapist, the pessimist). Pisces beckons us to look inside, to use our intuition, to feel our connection. Pisces sun people need to meditate everyday (well, we all do) to empty themselves of all the crap they have collected from everywhere or they will become very spacey and forgetful.

(and if you are a Pisces thinking your absentmindedness is a character flaw - no, this is a just a condition of not being true to your mystical archetype - you must spend time in quiet everyday - I'm not a Pisces Sun but have Neptune in my first house and find this true for me also - when I get busy and don't take the time to get quiet and go within, I start misplacing and losing things very quickly)
Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces, and the mythical God of the Sea has been in his home sign since 2011 (and will be hanging out until 2026) - this is powerful energy for collective change and awakening.

How does water change things? Water dissolves. Water washes away. Water erodes. Water suffocates. Neptune rules spirituality and dreaming. Neptune rules creativity and inspiration. Neptune rules illusion and escape. Neptune rules water and the sea, drugs and hospitals.

The last time Neptune was in Pisces we saw the abolitionist movements to end slavery in the United States and to free the serfs in Russia. This is powerful energy for the release of victim consciousness. This transit of Neptune has again put issues of injustice and inequality on our collective radar (a spotlight on refuge and immigration issues, the black lives matter movement, etc) - the ways we blame the other and refuse to look at our own shadows. Pisces dissolves boundaries - we can more easily see and feel the ways we are the same. The unifying forces of Neptune and Pisces remind us that "there is only one of us here" is not some crazy bumper sticker but the way the universe actually works!

This transit will increase our sensitivity to toxins and our focus on water. Escapist activities like drugs and the internet will expand (basically anything that is pleasurable and repeatable). Neptune in Pisces wants to feel everything.

Saturn, preparing to move into Sagittarius for the next two years is going to be squaring Neptune in Pisces popping some dream bubbles and bringing us down to earth. Whether we end up disappointed or transcending our previous limits depends on our chart and the other influences hitting it. Some will be able to make the magic happen and some will have a rude awakening. Not everything is possible, and not everything belongs to us. For those indulging in escapism, denial or addiction, this square will be especially harsh. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel this. For people born with Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984) at some point over the next two years Saturn will conjunct your natal Neptune - the dreams and fantasies you've been carrying will be questioned and addictions and vulnerabilities exposed. This is just how life works - the ebb and flow of things - sometimes we're the windshield and sometimes we're the bug kind of thing.

There is nothing to fear here. Sometimes Neptune takes us down the wrong path, and Saturn is our course correction. Saturn can focus our dream and give us traction. Sometimes traction comes in the form of our back against the wall giving us something to push off from. This might manifest as the lack of something essential. Then our discomfort will push us to do something else.  

Sometimes the Neptune vision needs limits to manifest.

FOR NOW we have this loving and compassionate FULL MOON asking us to embrace the positives of Pisces - compassion, imagination and our highest vision for ourselves and use the energy of the Virgo Sun - precision, work without rewards, craftsmanship, service, putting our dreams into words, speaking our truth - to move everything forward.

This is an excellent healing moon. Walk in it. Be near water. Take a bath.

It's a powerful time to be mindful of what we have worked for and created and be grateful for the process (Virgo). It's a time to recognize our ability to dream (Pisces) a different world - to be a difference in the well-being and evolution of the planet. xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 23rd - Get Stuff Done, Meeting With DESTINY

be brave locket by polarity and inspire your art
We've got the Sun in Virgo for the next 30 days, so we are all burning the fuel of Virgo precision "do the job. do it right. measure twice, cut once. eat your veggies. move your body." - you get the idea.

(ugh, Virgo, I'm tired already!)

Summer is winding down ... sniffle.

He is joining expansive Jupiter, who's been in Virgo since August 11th. Now we get a little movement going! This is about what we will be working on through next July.

Our focus turns to our Virgo house - what house(s) holds Virgo in your natal and progressed charts?

(this is an especially important time for people born in the 60's with Pluto and Uranus in Virgo - more on this later in the week)

Make a list of how you want this area/house of your life to expand. Start to get organized. This year we need a plan.

On Monday we have a Sagittarius Quarter Moon that has us thinking BIG and BELIEVING in ourselves. It's also an energy that encourages us to RUSH and bounce from one thing to another, but we won't. We've got a Virgo Sun to keep us grounded.

By Tuesday and Wednesday the Moon is in Capricorn and we are plowing on through whatever is in front of us. We can get a lot done with this energy. We are building toward a full moon so this is the peak work time of the monthly moon cycle.

(if you are looking to work with the Moon, this is the week to put in the hours - remember working with the Moon isn't a Monday to Friday thing - we slow down after the Full Moon Sunday and rest completely during the few days of the Balsamic Moon about 10 days later)

On Thursday, Mercury enters Libra and conjuncts the North Node on Friday (we could also feel this on the 24th or 26th or 30th). Our attention will flip to key relationships (Where's that flock people - I just left another flock last week - ugh!).

A NOTE ABOUT FLOCKS - Remember as relationships take center stage this week we have a long history of giving up our individuality for the safety of the tribe. This is not the tribal experience we are seeking in this new paradigm. Let's not focus on getting specific outcomes with others now. Instead let's just focus on feeling our OWN emotions. The tribe needs our individuality now. This is not the time to be fixing anyone or anything.

The North Node is our future and with Mercury, the fleet footed God of communication nearby a message about our future will be delivered.

Are you paying attention?

We might meet someone we are destined to meet. We might have a meeting or talk with someone that impacts our future. We could have an idea or receive an offer. In gracious, balanced and partnership oriented Libra however this plays out there will likely be choices.

Over the next 3 months (Mercury will be retrograding in Libra in a couple weeks so this is a longer transit than usual) Mercury will conjunct the North Node two additional times (October 8th and 10th) so whatever comes up this week will come back around then. This might also connect back to last September.

(back in October 1995 and 1996 we had this configuration if that time frame rings a bell for anyone for fated options and meetings)

On Sunday we have a Full Moon in Pisces. I'll do another post on that. It will be a biggie and connects to mid September. Did I say the eclipses are coming? Some people feel the eclipses a month early - if something has just eclipsed itself right out of your life, know it needed to go. xo all

New Moon in Leo August 14th - FRESH START | Money and Love Reset Button

Today's New Moon in Leo (even with a retrograde Venus and maybe even because of it - she does conjunct the Sun tomorrow!) is excellent instigating energy.

Fresh starts associated with this New Moon

(we've got a friendly aspect to Uranus now, too - making unexpected events, to quote Martha here - a good thing and favoring our more unorthodox and unique endeavors and perspectives)

have an element of generosity, excitement and, dare I say this - LOVE - connected to them.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 10th - Jupiter into Virgo | the details that change the BIG picture

We start the week moving into the Balsamic Moon phase - see my post about that HERE.

The dark night sky is the perfect arena to see August's annual meteor showers. More shooting stars = more wishes. Let's get outside and on this!

We have Jupiter (the planet of luck and wishes) changing signs this week and a New Moon in Leo on Friday - the two weeks following the Leo New Moon is a great launch period - see my post HERE about that.

There are some caveats this year with Venus still retrograde - I'll write about that with my New Moon post later in the week!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 3rd - Saturn Says MAN IT UP

Mega-accurate and amazing astrologer Susan Miller has called August the best month of 2015. She isn't concerned with Saturn and maybe we shouldn't be either!

Read her HERE (if you know your rising sign, read that FIRST)

Maybe since Saturn sits all comfy, cozy with my natal Sun I give him a little too much power. But, I see pressure this week.

Anyhoo, here we go because this is another big week!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Once in a BLUE MOON

Another crazy astrological week (and yes, I realize it's half over!).

This whole summer is going to be a wild ride. And if you are thinking, "no, not me, my life is moving along the straight, narrow and predictable road" ... well, talk to me in October and we'll see where you are then.

Let's start with Saturn, this is the BIG Daddy taskmaster of the zodiac and he was in the deep dark waters of Scorpio for two years, peeked his head into bright and bold Sagittarius last December and then retrograded back into Scorpio in June for a final plunge into the dark (whatever halted in your life in June is back).

Olive Bites at Art Star Asbury Park July 2015

This past weekend's craft show has left me totally exhausted - maybe I really do need to be drinking all this wine! Ack!

I met so many wonderful people at this show. I had Kella and Chris's vintage camper "Lucy" - Suburban Camping Company with me and it brought so much joy to so many people (rent her here for parties, camping, overnight guests) plus people were very kind and excited about my work ... and the weather and city of Asbury Park (where my mother grew up) was looking especially amazing.

Back later this week with the upcoming forecast.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 20th | Welcome to the Jungle - it's LEO Season
welcome to the jungle - it's LEO season
Another action packed week as we enter Leo season!

First, Venus stations as she prepares to go retrograde next weekend.

She's still hanging out with Jupiter and if we look up at the night sky they are still the two brightest stars. They are in two different signs though since Saturday when Venus left Leo and moved on to early Virgo.

Venus is only in Virgo for the next week and a half. Then her retrograde, which begins Saturday and lasts about 6 weeks, takes her back into Leo. So we have this short window to work with her in Virgo and she will also hit these same degrees in the fall when whatever we are doing now comes back around in some way.

New Moon in Cancer, Wednesday July 15th - Plus Up Close and Personal With PLUTO!

first ever photo of Pluto's surface
Today's first ever photos of the surface of Pluto (everything we've ever seen before have been artist renderings!) along with tomorrow's New Moon in Cancer which has a Mars/ Mercury conjunction and opposes a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn - must mean something!

Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign of things hidden and dark; secrets and shadows. Pluto rules transformation.

Quantum physics has proven the bizarre fact that observation affects reality so now we are all up close and personal with this bad boy planet of revolution, destruction, power and the hidden realms will Pluto's influence change? Will we?

Pluto was discovered (astrologers believe planets are discovered and named when we are 'ready' for the archetype they represent to be introduced into our collective awareness) by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.

Clyde requested his ashes be inside any spacecraft bound for Pluto, so he's in there! Pluto brought us the rise of Hitler, World War II, nuclear power, the United States as a super power. There is all kinds of pain behind Plutonion violence. How we transform this pain is up to us.  

Compassion toward ourselves and others lays the groundwork for our miracle now.

Is something hidden about to be revealed? What are we all waking up to? Everything negative with Pluto comes from holding on and everything positive comes from letting go, not sure how any of this will factor in. The timing is quite interesting though

Because tomorrow's New Moon is a doozy.

Yesterday and today we are building toward it. First advice I would have for tomorrow is to hold our tongue. There are power struggles. With Mars and Pluto (both war planets) in opposition and Mercury (communication) thrown in the mix there is a good potential for an argument that will not end well. Just agree to disagree.

Don't fire off any emails in haste or anger. This energy is encouraging stuff to fall apart. If something ends today it's pretty much over. And think about that if you are the one ending it. We will have to deal with the consequences.

Now with all this going on we still have a New Moon in the nurturing mama bear sign of Cancer. It's an excellent time to begin a self-care regimen. This moon is all about family, security, our home and intimacy. With the Sun and Moon in Cancer we can all experience compassion and healing now. What is takes to get us there could be big.

Hang in there - we are all in this together and our new story is coming.

Lots is happening. First the New Moon then we're charging toward Jupiter square Saturn! It is a whole new ballgame for certain, especially for our businesses, our art and work we do with women.

Venus is about to go retrograde so if we have something in the cooker - we don't have much time to run full steam ahead but we have at least a week! The retrograde will be an excellent time for relooks and re-dos with our businesses, money and love.

Wednesday is a powerful energy to focus our intentions and make affirmations on Cancer stuff : mothers, motherhood, self-care, nurturing, home, family, real estate, home business, food, breast health, stomach and digestive health, gut health, security ...

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known. Know these things are already yours. Cancer is a water sign so this is a great day to be near and in water! xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 13th | Potential for High DRAMA

I'm going to keep this short because I have a New Moon post on Wednesday that will cover this and much more.

On Wednesday, we have a New Moon in Cancer. This one comes with a little baggage

(or maybe enough baggage to keep the Beverly Hills Housewives in Paris for a month - yes, that much!).

The New Moon has a square to Uranus in Aries and an opposition to a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. These are all big time change making planets and signs.

New Moons bring new beginnings. Since these are times in the dark we usually can't see what has taken root until sometime later and then we look back and go "oh yeah that thing started then" or "that changed then".

This Moon could be the exception.

These squares and oppositions will make whatever the "new" thing is that is happening quick and challenging or it could be birthed from some kind of challenge or opposition. 

It can also get us out of a stagnant or negative situation and into a whole new space pretty much overnight. This is decision week.

Lots of drama near Wednesday. I recommend having some wine and chocolate on hand. Try to keep your schedule light.

Mars and Pluto are war planets so we have some kind of war/dispute/confrontation in our Cancer house - where is Cancer in your chart? Verbal challenges and some kind of upheaval are both possible. The middle of the week is kind of a mess. We are all letting go of some big family of origin stuff with this. It has to go. In the big picture outer world there is the potential for some chaos.

Fortunately, this Moon is anchored by a grounding and compassionate trine to Saturn retrograde in Scorpio and Chiron Rx in Pisces.

More on this later in the week!

For now and Monday and Tuesday - the Moon is Balsamic so let's take it easy. It's Cancer season so time to nurture ourselves and those close to us. 

We'll be full steam ahead by the middle of August, but we have some stuff to wade through first. xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 6th | Preparing to CHOOSE

We kick off this week with our Cancer Sun (all about our security) opposing Pluto; retrograde in Capricorn.

This is going to pull some of us back to that March 20th eclipse.

Pluto clears out what is not working, worn out and dysfunctional. It sounds like this would be the stuff we would want to let go of anyway, but life is not always so simple. Sometimes this stuff needs to be pried from our cold, dead fingers and actually Pluto rules death and can oblige this, too.

(hopefully it won't come to that though!)

The United States has a Cancer Sun - we just celebrated USA's birthday on Saturday. 

Pluto in Capricorn, the sign of stability, our foundations, power, and the polarity of Cancer, has given us a national Pluto opposition since 2008 and continues until 2023. 

The country and its institutions are being tested for flaws in its character and cracks in its foundation. If the flaws are deep, the institutions will fall. Fate will be the judge of any weakness here. Lies can be disastrous. Shortcuts will not work. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn we had the American Revolution.

For each of us personally, this is a time we can clearly see our self defeating behaviors. We will feel a need to control our own lives. For everyone, but especially those who carry a strong Plutonion signature, there will be power struggles. 

We are learning how to step into our own power and responsibility and find the balance between standing up for our rights and not imposing our will on other people. It is a challenging polarity to balance.

(and speaking of Polarity - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my Polarity Lockets?)

This week we have Pluto making this opposition with the Sun allowing us to see clearly some dark corners we would probably rather not look at. There may be ulterior motives and secrets and power struggles. We may have to put some of our energy (Sun) into Pluto themes - debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, other people's money. Next Sunday, the Sun will square Uranus and whatever needs to break free, probably will. Uranus will allow us to move on and make the necessary choices. There may be some security rattling with this one.

We have to do what we have to do now. If you know you need to do it, just do it. Whatever we find ourselves avoiding now is what we need to move on from BUT this is our Saturn summer to clean stuff up. Do what you have to do first.

On Tuesday Mercury's final aspect in Gemini is an inconjunct to Saturn (retrograde in Scorpio) so there will be some communication, meeting, offer related to someone older or more established maybe or related to our goals or something financial, sexual, maybe divorce, mortality, reproductive issues, or third party stuff. We will need to be flexible here. The Moon is in Aries so we get a little of that warrior energy to work with and we have the Cancer Sun to proceed with love and compassion.

On Wednesday Mercury moves into Cancer so our communications and conversations get more emotional. Home, real estate, renovations, security might be our focus. Our attention moves to our inner circle - old friends and family require more of our energy and attention and give us more of theirs.

Venus is moving toward her long, upcoming retrograde. If you have any beautification projects planned - don't wait too long. In 2 weeks she will be retrograde and that will not be a good time for a new hair color, paint color, you name it. You will just have to re-do it later. Don't do anything new and permanent beauty related with Venus retro!

Venus has three meet-ups with Jupiter - expansion (7/1, 8/4, and 10/25) and three squares with Saturn - retraction (7/14, 8/5, 10/10).  She’s in Leo for most of this encouraging our heart to choose the road ahead! Then she moves into Virgo saying, "make it good, make it last." We are starting a new twelve year expansion and abundance cycle with Jupiter and a new eight year love and values cycle with Venus AT THE SAME TIME - this is why we need to be doing what we love now!

We can think back to the Augusts (within a couple months in either direction) of 2007, 1999, 1991 and 1983 to see what new Venus chapters have brought us in the past! We only get Jupiter and Venus launching new cycles at the same time every 24 years so let's make this one count. This summer is our time to get it all together and tie up any loose ends, so we can move forward in the fall! xo all


I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend - I did, but now need to play catch-up. How is it always Sunday night? Going to be late with the creative forecast - a heads up that the week could be a wee bit challenging.

We have Venus building to a square with Saturn this week - asking us "is this what you really love?" - we also have a lot of Cancer stuff (home, family, renovations, security) preparing us for the New Moon in Cancer next week.

Conversations and communications are going to get more emotional when Mercury goes into Cancer mid-week.

Back tomorrow night with more info - with any luck! xo all

Happy FULL MOON Day to Jumpstart July!

Tonight we have the Full Moon in Capricorn I wrote about in my last post Astrology Forecast for Creatives HERE

Spend time outdoors today, tonight and tomorrow!

We also have Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Leo (where is Leo 22 degrees in your chart?) - we could see them a couple days ago here. We have clouds today but maybe you can see everything where you are. Even if they are not visible be assured they are still out there doing their thing!

We start July with a Full Moon and we will end July with another one - making this a very emotional month!

Remember Full Moon's illuminate and throw light into hidden corners. With the Venus / Jupiter conjunction in Leo the spaces in our life we are making choices out of love (Venus, Leo) are going to expand (Jupiter) now. The spaces where we are denying our passion and stepping back from our personal power and responsibility because of fear will be revealed to us, too.

If our life energy is locked in an unconscious fear pattern we will continually self sabotage in order to stay safe. Know that whatever shows up for us now is what we need to work through to evolve. We need to be patient with ourselves and with life. July is going to be a time of preparation.

xo all

My Cancer Aromatherapy Locket featuring the adorable illustrations of Oksana Grivina is on sale now for all those Cancer Birthdays!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 29th | Love WINS
This week is all about - LOVE (yes, it totally wins), CREATIVE PROJECTS, CHILDREN and FUN.

Yes, I'm shouting - it's that kind of week! Whatever we have going on in these areas is where we want to focus our energy for the most support.

We saw the preview of the power of this building Venus and Jupiter in Leo period (the first one aspecting Jupiter trining Uranus) - with the Supreme Court (Jupiter rules legal issues, the media, weddings) supporting marriage for everyone (Venus rules love and our values and Leo rules true love and pride).  

This is the summer of love and we are only just beginning!!
Monday and Tuesday are great days to get alot of work done. The Moon goes void Tuesday afternoon so that's not a good time to start anything new.

On Wednesday, Venus officially unites with Jupiter in Leo adding positivity and expansion to our Venus ruled love, money, and values. And since Venus rules Libra, currently ruling our North Node - it will make it easier to work with other people to get what we want. Win wins will be everywhere. The caveat is we must have skin in the game and commit our heart to this journey.

Whatever that important news was we got last week when Mercury finally cleared his shadow will act as an invitation to pull our story forward. Mercury moves 10 degrees in the next week so communications and information is zipping along. With Mercury full steam ahead we are as clear as we are going to get right now about what is coming next. If we are unclear we can go back to what we used to love and do that. Doing what we love pulls everyone forward now.

We have a Full Moon on Wednesday/Thursday in Capricorn. This is the culmination of the New Moon from January when we set our New Year resolutions. Where are we with that? Things feel quite different now, huh?

This Moon opposes Mars and the planet of war has just moved into emotional Cancer so likely the stuff that is culminating from the beginning of the year will involve some kind of competition and likely some kind of angst. I know we are so over competition.

Mars though, still likes a good head to head, and since he is one of our personal planets he hits our personal lives as well as the world at large with this one. It's OK we are up to it. Lots of fire to work with. Remember the dream doesn't have to be BIG. It just has to be OURS (think Leo in your chart!). Focus any potential disappointment or anger toward our next move. We've got this thing. It's not a race - we are in no hurry.

We have a Cancer Sun now so are all burning Cancer fuel (this is the time of year we all get to see what it feels like to be the tender bellied crab). The Sun trines Neptune retrograde in Pisces on Thursday, too.  

So that Full Moon culminating our Capricorn ambition will be fueled by our emotions (Cancer) and our dreams (Neptune) making the most impractical suddenly quite practical.

Remember we have all working that North Node (where we are going) in Libra and South Node (where we've been) in Aries for the past year and we have been shown why we need those pesky 'other people' and the ways going it alone just doesn't work for us. The Full Moon squares the Nodes so whatever it brings to light will move this part of our story forward, too.

Saturn is back in Scorpio through mid September so something from December (when he moved into Sagittarius) comes back around and (if you are old enough), think back to the summer of 1984 and what story we were working with then! If music helps with memories (it does me) think - Springsteen : Dancing in the Dark, Lauper : Time After Time and all the music from Footloose!

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 22nd | Comfort Zone RESET

comfort zone quote by neil donald walsh | misty michelle design
We have four astrological events this week worth talking about!

And I am writing this on the Summer Solstice (today's chart sets the scene for the next 3 months) so lots going on.

We'll start with a challenging aspect we have been kind of muscling our way through since May 9th when Mercury (in Gemini, where it rules) began squaring Neptune (in Pisces, where it rules).

This has not been an easy aspect.

We might have been hit hard with information we received or things hidden may have come to light. News out of the blue we didn't have the grounding for, issues regarding balance and our relationships with others, lots of nostalgia and crazy weepy feelings these last 6 weeks have strained many people. This stuff is karmic. The good news is this aspect begins to wrap up on Tuesday and every day after that continues to lessen.

Our comfort zone has been permanently RESET.

One of the best things about astrology is it lets us see the cycles and gain some perspective on why things happen when they do and also see when challenging cycles are going to begin to smooth out.

The potentials for this Mercury and Neptune square started in 2011 when Neptune went into his own sign of Pisces and continues until 2024 when Neptune moves on. We have not had this exact aspect since the mid 1800's so know that whatever came up for you over the last 6 weeks, and this could apply to someone near you and your karma is to help them through it, for example (you could think past life or family karma with this) it is probably very old.

This aspect has been happening at some point every May or June for the last 4 years but until this year has only lasted a couple days - this one lasted 6 weeks. There is another dousy in 2021 - if you haven't been playing out some long karmic situation these past few weeks, your turn will probably come up then. I know you will still be remembering this blog post in 6 years right?!

It is important to think about what has happened to us since May. Depending on your birth chart this will hit everyone in different spaces but it is the same basic theme of choices that need to be made and news we needed to deal with. Our response matters, but mostly just having dealt with whatever came up will move us forward. 

Lots of breakthroughs can come from these annual transits, too. Artists will create the best work of their lives, big romances (one of the great loves of your life regardless of outcome), medical breakthroughs, spiritual awakenings. We also have asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, shadowing this transit for 4 more years so there are many opportunities for great healing.

When you heal any aspect of your story you heal the collective story - when anyone lets in more light, there is more light for all of us. 

On Monday we have a big, powerful trine between Jupiter in Leo (growth, happiness) and Uranus in Aries (fast change, action) shaking something up and breaking us out of our rut. This is the final one that started back in late September - what has expanded in our life since then?

Uranus is always about landing us (yes, sometimes with a kick in the ass) where we need to be when we can't quite get ourselves there.

By this week the groundwork will be set for this so we likely have some idea of the potential for a positive something or other shaping up in the background, paving the way for something BIG and something NEW.

If an opportunity just comes totally out of the blue now, I would say go for it. Whatever is growing will begin to blossom between now and mid August. This is about hope and opportunity. It's all good.

And it's another comfort zone RESET.

Venus in Leo trines Uranus from Thursday through the beginning of next week and then joins with Jupiter next Wednesday. Venus adds love, money and our values to the mix. While there are no guarantees, of course, our best bet is to reach beyond what’s comfortable or common. The opportunity will lie within something's newness now.
On Wednesday Mars enters Cancer. Anything uncomfortable - feelings or issues should probably be confronted head on. Sensitivity could bring on anger or vice versa and mama bears will be dangerous. Don't say I didn't warn you.

This cycle through August 8th will focus us on Cancer favorites - security, home, real estate, family, roots, renovations, etc.

I am going to do a post later in the week about various summer aspects we will all be working with!

xo all

seeding without weeding .... how to destroy your business by using Etsy fundamentals outside Etsy

Weeds for Sale © 2011 Mufidah Kassalias
Many people I know with maker businesses started their business on Etsy. It is understandable when, as they move their business outside Etsy territory, they might stumble a bit.

You'd think it would be easier for someone who had a business before Etsy, but I seem to make all the same missteps and then invent a few of my own.

(and now that I think about it this is the same thing that happens to me when dancing although I am excellent at that dance move Courtney Cox does in the Springsteen video, yeah that move)

1.  On Etsy more is more. More options, more variety, more opportunities to draw more people into our shop, more price points, more for sale = more sales.

 (this more is more will actually cause our business to break down on Etsy, too, or give us one, but it does usually produce more sales, at least until it doesn't)

Some of us have been seeding without weeding our Etsy shops for years.

But outside Etsy this more is more stuff doesn't work at all.

At shows - now for in person sales, we need a certain amount of product to sell a certain amount of product. At a craft show for example, I want to make 10X my booth fee and I stock with 2.5-3X that to make it happen. So if my booth fee is $100, I want to make $1000 and I bring $2500 - $3000 retail of my makings.

(of course I still need the weather and the foot traffic and the location and the right show to make this happen, but much of that is outside my control, the parts I can control and inventory is one of them, is how I give having a successful show my best shot)

So, let's say my retail price point was $30 and I was bringing $3000 worth of makings - that would mean I was bringing 100 items with me. Now, on Etsy the way to more sales would be to have 100 different items for sale and just remake things as I sell them. At a show this doesn't work of course and would be a very bad idea anyway. You might think more choices would give you something for everyone, but my experience tells me something different happens.

Given too many options people face overwhelm and can't decide.

There is an infamous 'jam' study about this. Lots of options = more eyes on our stuff. Lots of people stop and look, but then they more often leave without buying than when we have fewer options.  

There is a sweet spot with this between too few and too many and it is our job to find it. 

Since I sell mostly picture jewelry the customer has to like a particular style of jewelry and then they have to like a particular picture. This is easy on Etsy where I can offer almost limitless options.

In person this is trickier.

So I limit the options on a particular style down to say 12 options, sometimes as few as six. The customer who likes that style can make a decision and a purchase much easier.

(And yes, sometimes they ask if I have something I do have but didn't bring - I just hand them a business card - most of the time I will never hear from them anyway. I find that when I have a customer who says something like "oh I love this style I wish you had an owl" and I whip out an owl, will just as quickly respond "oh I wish he was blue" - they don't really want to buy anything even if they think they do. This happens to me in Anthropologie where I often like everything but nothing enough to buy it - like if that same plate were in the drugstore I would snatch it up but in Anthropologie surrounded by lots of amazing whoseewhatsees I can pass it up. I'm not sure we can totally eliminate this.)

Remember also at shows we have just a few minutes to get a buyer to purchase. They didn't just come to see us (although that doesn't mean we aren't totally adorable and have minty fresh breath). Unlike Etsy where people tell me they return to my shop again and again to decide - that isn't going to happen with in-person sales.

We need to be weeding.

On our own website -When I started my own website I just pulled all my listings over from Etsy and made a huge mess of it. I have been weeding it ever since (yes, my back hurts and my gardening gloves have holes worn through the fingers). I do not suggest anyone do this.

On our website things need to make total sense - for your customers, stores that stop in and for SEO.

1. We need to be selling the things we are talking about (this is why I am absolutely moving the astrology posts off this site this summer, I know I said it before and backpedaled because it was so sad for me to see the traffic stats on the new site, but this time it's all moving - it will always include astrology since it's a passion of mine, but I need to have many more posts using the words I want Google to affiliate with what I make) - blogs are necessary SEO tools for our website, assuming of course we update them regularly, but can be detrimental if not used correctly.

We need to weed.

 2. We need our lines to be consistent. For example if we sell lip balms and lotions we probably need to have the same flavors/scents for both. We need to sort things out seasonally. If we have a line of necklaces and sell bracelets - we need that line of necklaces to work with that line of bracelets or we probably need to just ditch the bracelets. Things need to make sense and be consistent.

We need to weed.

3. Our websites do not have the SEO strength that Etsy has and people are not often randomly Googling the thing we are selling.

How often do you buy from a random website? Well, that's about as often as everyone else does. People aren't just going to Google "necklace" and stumble into my website. People need to be looking for me.

Which means I not only have to be selling something people want - they have to have heard about me. All that social media/promotion stuff we haven't wanted to do

(and yes, I know I am just talking about myself here, but I think many makers can relate)

 - well with a website it is no longer an option. This stuff is going to take a lot of time and since we sell things we make and not just something we purchase and bag up there is not a lot of time to do this part.

If we set up our website the way we set up our Etsy shop - no one will ever find us. We need to figure out what works and what doesn't with this stuff and trust me we don't want to be late to the party - and when it comes to social media I am often late to the party.

(I think because they didn't serve wine and cheese and finish it off with chocolate cake, that would have had my butt in line much, much sooner)

Although to be fair to myself I jumped into Twitter with both feet, was a little more tired by the time Facebook came along and maybe gave it more of a one legged hokey pokey kind of effort. With Pinterest I was years behind the curve and just started my Instagram a couple weeks ago! Gulp!

We need to make time to do this stuff if we are going to have a website and we need to choose which social media to focus on - we don't have time to do it all.

We need to weed so we can focus.

A diluted focus will always lead to diluted priorities, diluted enthusiasm, a diluted brand and a diluted bank account.

Wholesale - Off-Etsy we might decide to sell to stores and we might need to sell to stores in order to make a sustainable income. Store owners are busy people. They don't have time to be figuring out how to work our website or read our 10 page linesheet. We need to be streamlined and consistent.

They want stuff that is new and interesting but they also want stuff that has a track record and sells. These are not things that go together. We have to figure out how to give them both these things. For example with my new aromatherapy lockets I tell stores about the popularity of aromatherapy and the popularity of my regular line with customers on Etsy. So they get something new and exciting, but they do not feel they are going way out on a limb with me.

We need to weed through our losers and seed our winners for them because we want them to be successful and we want them to come back and buy more from us!

There are many changes we need to make as we maneuver outside Etsy, and maybe you have been weeding all along. But if our weeding is really only dictated by the Etsy expiration date feature we need to take a better look at this. Continuing to seed new stuff without weeding out the old makes the life we are creating for our business as short and unattractive (unattractive as in both ugly and not able to attract) as the life for our garden.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 14th | One Part YES and Two Parts Pure Panic

every sunrise by the amazing aimee dolich of artsyville
So, we have a lot going on!

We now have Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury direct!

Are we ready to start? Within a week something is likely to kick into gear and life is going to look a whole lot different for a whole lot of people. In Gemini there will be choices - but we know the one that sets our heart on fire is the one we need to reach for - something that is likely one part pure YES and two parts total panic. Something new.

Do that thing Yes, that thing. There is luck here. And things are different now. We will grow with the situation. One step will lead to the next.

Mercury is direct and by the New Moon on Tuesday communications begin to pick up speed and then late June (Mercury totally out of his shadow) many hanging plots will be wrapped up.

We have a retrograde Saturn back in Scorpio today for the next three months. If you are a very late degree Scorpio, or have very late degree Aquarius, Taurus or Leo planets you will feel this strongest.

 (if you have planets in very early degree mutable signs - especially Sagittarius but also Pisces, Gemini and Virgo - you will feel Saturn's brief absence from Sagittarius and his restrictions easing up, so use this time to reflect on what Saturn in Sagittarius has brought you so far - likely some kind of roadblock

You’ll get a Groundhog Day style repeat when Saturn returns to Sagittarius in September - maybe there will be something you can do differently with that second chance?)

We will all be tying up loose ends from his Scorpio transit of October 2012 through December 2014. Yes, a recap of two years worth of lessons in three months ... oh my. This is heavy and, in fact, significant decisions or shifts in consciousness are happening.

If we ignored the stuff this stern taskmaster planet asked of us then, this will be one last chance to get our crap together. Situations will crop up that allow us to see if endings, boundaries and commitments we made are still valid and still being honored.

This will give all of us an opportunity to confirm why we ended that thing we ended or why we made that new commitment or took on that extra obligation in the first place. Are we sure this is the way we want this thing to go down?

Stuff we thought we were finished with can show up again. If this makes us feel like giving up, and it might at times, like we are going in circles, know that Saturn allows us to complete this stuff once and for all. This extra step back for another opportunity to get this right (ie step into our responsibility) will be a gift in the end. I want this. This is where I am going. This is what I am going to do. By going back over everything that confirms our choices - we will be certain.

On Tuesday we have a New Moon in Gemini. Here's some excellent New Moon posts. This Moon is sextile Eris (female warrior), conjunct Mars (masculine warrior) and squaring Chiron (wounded healer) in Pisces and Black Moon Lilith (outsider, rebel) in Virgo. This feels like, YES, stand up for yourself and for what you believe in and for those who cannot stand up for themselves! We can use Gemini logic, intellect and maybe even humor for whatever shows up. This is also an excellent moon, Gemini is the twins after all, for another look toward that damn flock we need if we haven't found it yet! The Moon goes void within hours so don't start anything new right at this Moon.

Mini astrology lesson : The moon is called "void" or "void of course"when she makes no aspects to any other planets. This is important.

Our moon lives in imagination where all our possibilities are kept alive simply because we never choose to live them out. So, in astrological terms, the Moon has to make an aspect to a physical planet before she leaves the sign she is in, before she 'changes the subject' so to speak, for anything to actually happen in the physical realm.

When an action is taken under a void of course moon - nothing will come of the matter.

Now sometimes this is a good thing. I got a letter on Friday (Mercury direct) from the IRS that they are missing our 2012 tax return. WTH! Thank goodness they have our money. So, I need to file/refile. A void of course moon is the perfect time because I want nothing further to come of the matter. I want the matter to end there. No one wants any further dealings with the IRS, right?

But now with most things we do, we want something to come of them, so should avoid starting things at the void moons which occur every couple days or so for a few hours. Here is a list of void moons for June.

xo all

owning our gifts | part II

awakening by elif demir
You can read the prequel here
and part I here

(this is starting to feel like Jurassic Park, which yes, I'd kind of like to see, have to find a kid to drag along)

I heard from a couple people last week who were not really feeling it when I wrote about letting go of the idea of "hard work". I know where this is coming from because we might like the idea of being a "hard worker" and "paying our dues".

(although I think if we are honest with ourselves we like these things best in hindsight when they have led us to victory or some kind of reward or achievement and not so much when they just lead us in circles - feminine energy is not linear, circles are our friend now)

If being a hard worker means doing the best job possible, I'm totally with you. If paying our dues means putting in the time it takes to get really good at something, you and I are in total agreement and maybe should go on vacation together or at least have a sleepover and do our nails.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 8th | POTENTIAL

We start the week with the Sun and Mars hugging it out

(both in Gemini making us all feel like an "action Jackson" Aries)

sextile Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. Sextiles may be the least potent of the harmonious aspects but with everything else that is happening thrown in we have a really nice sized nugget of POTENTIAL here.

(let's just say if this was Gold Rush, Parker Schnabel and his grandpa would be two very happy miners)

Jupiter (opportunity, expansion) plus Uranus (new, revolutionary) could feel like whatever is happening is too big to handle, maybe some opportunity we think we are not quite up to or maybe some change that feels like too much.

owning our gifts | part I

pandora by mary pohlmann
"One person who did not listen was Pandora. Her story comes from Ancient Greece and her curiosity brought a whole heap of trouble."

When I googled Pandora's story this was the first couple sentences to pop up. And it's pretty much the way most people remember the story - the first woman on Earth, made by the Gods, she wasn't satisfied and wanted more, more, more, had to open that damn box and it unleashed untold agony on the world. 

She is the ancient Greek's version of the Eve story and a key foundational block of the patriarchy paradigm we've been living.

Now that the sacred feminine is rising (and the sacred masculine) this isn't about the feminine energy taking over - we had a matriarchal society prior to patriarchy - this is about the merging of the two. 

miranda was not a morning person .....

10% discount this week for blog readers in my Polarity Locket shop on Etsy with coupon code MORNINGPERSON.

(which I actually am, how about you?)

and I'm not sure why I thought this was so clever an hour ago, it makes no sense - I guess it should read - Miranda didn't like having her picture taken ... but she did like to show off her kick-butt jewelry

so we'll just pretend it says that! xo

Believe in Your SELFIE | Magnetic Venus Roars Into Leo on June 5th

On Friday Venus moves into firey Leo.

(we talked months ago about that Leo space in our charts being uber important this year and this is one of the reasons - it's always the space we are meant to take center stage and SHINE, but now it will make us more attractive to others, too)

Venus is the invisible force of attraction - love, relationships, art, friendship. Venus pulls these things together. Venus is always reminding us to honor our natural attractions - the people, colors, tastes, art, animals and interests we are drawn to.

Venus doesn't have hobbies - she has passions. She is the space in us that carries this energy. 

Our attractions are our primary clues as to how we can make a unique contribution to the world.

She has two aspects to her - one is contemplative - observing patterns of relationship - between people, within our art, in nature, etc. The other aspect is dynamic -  paintbrush meets oilcloth, girl meets boy, writer meets publisher, etc.

On Friday (and Friday is named for Freya's Day - the Norse Venus) she (and this invisible force of attraction within us) moves into LOOK AT ME Leo which you might remember is currently housing our largest planet the expansive and opportunistic Jupiter.

What does this mean for us?

Well, the Venus space in our charts is where we experience value. She rules the second house of the things money can buy and the things money can't buy. Now she transits the sign (Leo) that Jupiter has been expanding all year. Where is Leo in your natal chart?

(if you don't know email me and I will find out for you)

Because she is about to go retrograde this will be a long and important transit for everyone and especially for anyone doing creative work. We will do it now and then we will relook at it when she retrogrades over these same degrees later in the summer.

If we have something we are passionate about or are seeking to attract something (or someone), this is an excellent period for taking this seriously. 

We can work now to attract the community and resources we need. 

We can put the work we have already done out there. 

We can be more visible in the world. 

We can work more easily with other creative people because we can see the creativity in others and be more generous with our encouragement.

Through mid July (and especially after Mercury moves direct next week) we will be moving forward with this. 

It is also an excellent time to make anything, including ourselves and our work, more beautiful and attractive

Whatever we put our energy and passion into now (especially if it falls in the realm of that Leo house) will attract what it needs to thrive. 

With Leo the proud and Venus the sign of ownership - this will be a transit about our self respect. How do we feel about the work we put into the world? About our relationships? Are we proud of what we project and what we attract? A light will be thrown on this stuff so we can see clearly how the outside and the inside of things in our life line up ... and how they don't. Nothing is all wine and roses. This transit isn't about how this stuff looks as much as 'how we feel about how this stuff looks'.

She has a long retrograde coming up starting in late July so now is the time to make the things we are passionate about more attractive - including our work and ourselves. Whatever action we take will have the blessing of her magic.

We will be working with relationship, self-esteem, financial and appearance (the outside matching the inside) matters.

If we are lacking passion right now - see what shows up for us over the next few weeks. And do some fun Leo things to get re-immersed. Leo rules the 5th house of children, fun and games, love, creativity, romance, luck and inner joy. Making time for these things now will move us into the space we need to be.

It is more important to do what we are doing with passion than it is to "find' our passion. Doing what we are currently doing with passion allows our passion to find us.

Remember we are not the water - we're the faucet! Stuff flows through us it doesn't come of us. Thinking like that always helps me be more productive with my ideas.

Also remember she supports both the contemplative and dynamic aspects of creativity so whatever space you are currently working will be supported. Her long transit is an excellent gestational period for something to be birthed in September or October.

We have her here until mid July when she moves all of us into the Virgo cycle. She retrogrades a week later (a retrograde Venus is not the time to make any drastic changes to how anything looks, also relationships started with a retrograde Venus will change when she moves direct) and then the following week pulls us back into Leo (she will be retrograde so we will be moving over past stuff then - stuff began now) until early September when she begins to move direct again and she will be fully direct by October. If you have natal (or progressed) planets 14-29 degrees Leo (and the other fixed signs - Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus - heads up, too) you will feel the retrograde transit the most, but everyone can benefit from the Venus transit in Leo starting on Friday!

xo all - Back to that new series tomorrow. I thought it was important to get this out since it is one of the reasons this summer is so important.

FULL MOON in Sagittarius June 2nd | the BIG Picture | Speak the TRUTH

I like tonight's Full Moon. Yes, we have lots of Gemini energy, so we are going in all kinds of directions at once and we have to do things again. We'll just roll with that. Mercury is Retrograde so we are kind of looking backwards to avoid falling into that hole in front of us and I know this makes no sense, but it's just how it is.

It carries the gift and the challenge of the past.

(I have lots of re-do's going on with my business and have been listening to a book on Audible that takes place in the 60's and watching a TV series on Netflix from the 60's and feeling uber nostalgic for simpler days even while knowing it was all smoke and mirrors)

We have an opposition to Mars with this one so someone else is facing us and bringing either passion (PASSION!) or competition or we are just pissed off at them or something they are handing us to deal with.

Jupiter, Sagittarius ruler, currently in Leo, has a nice alignment bringing the potential for growth, happiness and prosperity. Do I hear a HELL YEAH!

Full Moons are peak times. Think of them as that moment of our breath when we have inhaled and are FULL. 

We immediately start to exhale. 

The Moon is full. It is bright and fills the sky. It is illuminating. 

We can see (if we open our eyes and sometimes things will happen to pry our closed eyes open) what we are holding onto. 

Are our arms filled with starfish or alligators?

Hearts open during the Full Moon cycle (it's actually a very good time for heart surgery).

This Moon forms a Yod to Pluto in Capricorn. So, with Jupiter sextile Mars we have boldly optimistic actions and options and a powerful urge to take that leap, Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn as the focal point will require us to be accountable for our actions and outcomes.

Now, remember with Capricorn as the focus, ambitiousness is a good thing. Ambitious gets the brass ring with this one. It also brings power struggles. Even if you think you are no longer playing this game, you can get embroiled. Be honest with yourself about the things you think you want now - will they make you stronger, smarter, expanded in some way? We need to choose our goals carefully because we are more likely to attain them!

Our thinking will be expanded. Thoughts are things people, although we can take anything too far, expanded thinking leads to expansion - a definite good thing!

Now - the fly in the ointment, yes, there is always a fly in the ointment - sometimes the fly ruins the ointment and sometimes we just scoop his little ass out and the ointment is just fine.

Dreamy Neptune is squaring Sagittarius making for BIG dreams and fading boundaries. BIG dreams and things not being quite as good as they appear. BIG dreams and pie in the sky thinking. There is no need to hurry. If something seems too good to be true we can wait until Mercury goes direct mid month when things will be clearer.

We have to use our intuition and our discernment now. What is this Full Moon shining a light on for you?

BACK TOMORROW with my new series! xo all - get outside and walk in this moon - it doesn't matter if it cloudy and you can't see it - it's there. Also a great time to detox - think milk thistle and an epson salt bath. Or just have a great big CRY that works, too.

The local Native Americans called this Moon the Strawberry Moon and we've got this (the strawberry motherload) going on here - planted 6 plants last year, we now have about 50 plants, you just have to cut off the leaders as the sprouts take root. We've eaten at least 100 strawberries each in the last couple days! ----->

owning our gifts | part I | prequel - yes, I am having prequels and sequels now, I'll blame the movie industry and the summer blockbusters

Full Moon (June 2nd) post tomorrow which will cover this week's creative forecast, too. Expansion time people!

We are living through some major paradigm shifts - which is really one shift, the rising divine feminine and end of patriarchy (which isn't a woman/man thing, although it may play out this way at times - this is archetypal energy, we all hold feminine and masculine).

One of the spaces that is shifting for everyone is our relationship between money and hard work. We have a Full Moon in Sagittarius (the sign of expansion ruled by Jupiter) tomorrow night, so this seems like a good time to start a series about what this shift might look like for us.

the best use of mercury retrograde ... and the heart and head of creatives come together this summer

Mercury is retrograde until June 11th.

I remember when most people had never heard of Mercury Retrograde and now it seems like poor Mercury (planet of communication and MAGIC) is being shamed/blamed for everything that goes wrong!

This is probably because 1. the internet has exposed many more people to astrological teachings 2. most people are moving so fast now any sort of slowdown feels like a problem  3. it's a convenient excuse when stuff falls to shit (pardon my french), especially stuff that would normally be considered our fault

The truth is, although we don't want to spend too much time looking backward, there probably is a telephone pole 20 yards from that guy's head, we can't full steam ahead through life either.

Life doesn't stop because Mercury (or any other planet) is retrograde.

A sneak peek at our new ARCHETYPE Aromatherapy Lockets with the uber-talented Jessica von Braun available next month!

Our new Soul Scentered line of archetype aromatherapy lockets (damn say that five times fast or once after a couple marguaritas) is coming this summer. My archetype lockets feature the amazing work of Dallas artist Jessica von Braun of Solocosmo!

Feeling our Way Through the Fog | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 25th

At some point this week we've got Neptune squaring all the planets in Gemini including Mercury which is retrograde.

This means multiple spaces in our lives are being challenged by Neptune's dreamy and illusory meanderings.

Things can be foggy and changeable

(speaking of changeable - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my changeable Polarity Lockets - 10% off this week with coupon code FOGGYWEATHER)

making this a poor week for making important decisions - next week is better.

If we must decide NOW, let's get a second opinion (maybe a third) and be sure we have all our facts in order, T's crossed, I's dotted and ducks in a row. This will be challenging because people will be saying one thing and meaning another, the truth will be slipperier than tired, bare feet on a wet dock and there are real risks (and consequences) to taking incorrect actions to get what we want.

Stuff can bite us in the butt very quickly with these aspects.

There may be multiple options but no good, correct choice.

We can easily convince ourselves that what we are doing is OK (when it's not) or that something is urgent and essential (when it isn't).

See this girl walking into the fog ----------->

well she might be about to step off that dock into some pretty frigid waters ... use caution.

We begin the week with a waxing moon in Virgo (through Wednesday). This is a good time for practiced work and production and if we are ready to move forward with something that has an element of service to others and/or quality handcraft (Virgo's specialties) this is a good time to take action that will bring us positive results.

On the other hand Virgo wants things done and done well and with all this Gemini energy making us feel rushed and pressured we really need to get a grip on where we are right now. 

Are we pumped up and ready to get to work? Are we enjoying the fruits of past labors? Are we releasing what was and slowing down? Are we standing quiet and waiting for our muse to beckon us forward into something else?

With Virgo the lesson is always life is what it is and we are where we are. No one is falling behind. No one is winning. No one is keeping score.

Recognizing and embracing the space we currently call home within the noisy background of the endless demands from the outside world is a precious and valuable ability to have in this time of massive change and unrest. The world has its own schedule now - we need to be clear about ours.

A wise teacher once said to me - there is no train to miss if you don’t have a ticket.

That train pulling away from the station is not an opportunity passing us by, but a confirmation we are exactly where we need to be (if this were our train we would have a ticket and a seat) - preparing to journey forward when the train (I like those old fashioned ones with the ear splitting whistles and hot, sticky leather seats myself) and timetables are right for us.

xo all

Upcycled SAFETY PIN Necklace for Mother's Day | Tutorial

Here's a DIY safety pin necklace tutorial you will love. A totally adorable and easy peasy handmade gift for the mom who takes her safety pins (although maybe not her own personal safety) seriously.

Now some DIY tutorial makers might tell you to glue those safety pins closed and add a nice safe lobster clasp to the back ... but Olive and I, well, we think moms are a little tougher than that ..... xo all