Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 15th - the small beginnings of a BIG eclipse season

disappear by spell-bound 170
There is some disagreement between astrologers as to whether Thursday's Full Moon in Aquarius is or isn't a partial lunar eclipse (astronomers say no).

I think since part of the Moon will be red and part of the Moon will be missing (get up super early to see this for yourself) - this is a partial eclipse but even if it isn't it can't hurt to factor this into our thinking. A Full Moon reveals and an eclipse conceals. So, just know that if something is brought to light now we may not be able to see the whole picture.

Let's take a look at this Full Moon and a brief look at what September's solar and lunar eclipses (September 1st and 16th) are going to look/feel/behave like and what the whole season will offer up.


Now, this week's eclipse isn't a 'true' eclipse (those start in a couple weeks). Eclipses can act as a kind of cosmic reboot; like when we download new software and have to turn our computer off and back on for the newly downloaded material to function properly. Except in this case, we are the computer, and our connection to a changing cosmos gets "reset".

Eclipses are some of the most dramatic means life has to draw our attention to spaces that need to change. They allow us to move from one level to another in some area of our lives very quickly. They can have influence weeks before and sometimes kick in 1-3 months after they have happened (often to the exact day).

Eclipse or not, significant changes are not far away - this would be a good time to slow down and take the time to analyze situations. We will be dealing with energies and situations we haven't worked with before so we need to be gentle with ourselves and other people. 

It is very difficult to see what is real and what is not real right now 

and sometimes we can only navigate through our sensitivity to our own discomfort. As we turn away from undermining beliefs and habits and relationships we can find ourselves heading in the right direction almost by accident!

Let's start with a sneak peek at the Full Moon partial lunar eclipse on August 18th - this is in our Aquarius house (natal and progressed) at 25 degrees.

This eclipse includes a Yod (finger of God, yes means exactly what this would make you picture in your head, it's saying LOOK HERE) pointing at Jupiter (in Virgo).

We've got the Moon sextiling Uranus (in Aries) and both the Moon and Uranus inconjunct to Jupiter. So, we've got the Moon in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) and also sextiling Uranus. Uranus is very strong here and sextiles represent opportunities. Uranus and Aquarius are about stuff that is "out of the blue", unpredictable, new, technology, freedom, rebelliousness, genius, humanitarian - you get the idea. Aquarius is the sign of the genius, the rebel, the humanitarian, the criminal - and yes, sometimes all in the same person!

This Full Moon offers unusual opportunities to be brilliant or to be a humanitarian or to rebel against something impinging on our freedom or to devise the perfect cyber crime! 

(although maybe skip the cyber crime because although eclipses often conceal things - this one being more Full Moon than eclipse it is more likely to reveal than conceal)

I'll do a Full Moon post, but know with this Moon sextiling (opportunities) Uranus - the planet of  "anything can happen", well, anything can happen. The Moon has Jupiter getting uber close to Mercury.

(the exact conjunction is the following Monday, so maybe if whatever happens involves a communication or conversation or an announcement it will happen then, although with Mercury's upcoming retrograde he will be hanging out with Jupiter for quite a while)

The last time we had an eclipse in Aquarius was on August 7th - 8th, 1998 (anything special happening in your life then?). August 7, 1998 was the date the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were attacked with car bombs (killed more than 200 people). If you are old enough to remember the Bill Clinton presidency, this was during the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal and was just a few days before Bill admitted on national television that he had in fact had a relationship with her. Two weeks later the Clinton administration bombed (August 22nd) Afghanistan and Sudan in retaliation. You might also remember there were some critics at the time who thought the whole thing reminded them of the movie "Wag the Dog" - a movie about a politician who invents a war to take people's attention off what was happening at home. Not sure what this says about what is happening in the world today - but it is interesting the time period reflected back to us now.

Before the next eclipse (the Solar eclipse in Virgo on September 1st) a lot is going to happen including Mars meeting up with Saturn in Sagittarius. This is BIG.

We'll unpack this later in the week in more detail. 

Just know that Mars is not only meeting up with Saturn (August 23) - he is going to move past Saturn. If Saturn is the old man who sends the young man off to war to keep him busy so the young man will not think about unseating him then Mars is the young man back from battle and running right at him. We can also think of Saturn as that wall we can't get past ... except now we do. And what it takes to move us past that wall is the " unknown thing" that is going to happen here. Then Mercury goes retrograde, so whatever happens we will have plenty of time to think about it. Next comes a challenging solar eclipse. Then we have the final exact Saturn/Neptune square on September 10th (the last two exact square dates lined up very closely with the Paris and Orlando terrorist attacks). Then we have the lunar eclipse.

What this will all look like is still to be determined.

OK back to the week ahead - On Monday, the Capricorn Moon keeps us busy and on task. On Tuesday, coming off her opposition to Neptune, Venus, maybe a bit disillusioned from analyzing 'the dream' and facing her 'wall', hooks up with the North Node (our collective destiny, the best way forward) - this is a great day to start something or work on something or meet up with something or someone that aligns with where we want/need to go. If it's our best way forward things will click into place and we will attract what/who we need (remember this is still Virgo - so our attention to detail and focus on little things can make a big difference). Let's pay attention to what happens now. This is positive news for Venus and Virgo themes - love, money, women, our values, our work, our health, our animals and co-workers. In Virgo we will find real, workable solutions and improvements. Mercury is also preparing to go retrograde and walking the degrees he will walk two more times, so whatever we are working with will be in play for many weeks. On Wednesday, Venus trines (brakes off) Pluto so the Venus themes of women, love, money and our values have an easier time with authority figures, applying a stricter focus and maintaining our sense of purpose. We start to break through any lock ups and move forward. On Thursday, we have a Full Moon in humanitarian and freedom loving Aquarius (next post) so all week the energy will be intense as we build toward whatever the Full Moon will eclipse out, reveal, conceal or complete. On Friday, the Moon (in Pisces now) hooks up with Neptune and squares Mars and Saturn, triggering the approaching final Saturn/Neptune square (we've been dealing with this dreams vs. reality stuff, our beliefs, boundaries, etc, all year) and probably focusing us on whatever it is we need to release/finish before the final Saturn/Neptune square on September 10th. We'll want to step up and take action on any responsibilities that come up now (Saturn/Mars). With Uranus and Mercury again aspecting each other there could be unexpected news. Dreams may prove important and even prophetic.

There are no Void Moons during business hours. The basic energy is on releasing, finishing up, cleaning out and creating space for what is next! We are approaching the end of Leo season, and with so much energy in Virgo it may feel like summer is already behind us, but it's not gone yet. Remember, to enjoy these last few days - get outside and have some fun! xo all

knowledge is power ....

magnifier by nuno canha

Today's first quarter Moon (in Scorpio) puts whatever was started at the New Moon to its first tests. Maybe we are learning something now to help us choose a different/better/simpler way forward.

With Mercury (in Virgo) trine (brakes off) Pluto (retrograde in Capricorn) - knowledge is power. Details are powerful, too, and carry the seeds of our success or failure. Look closely and carefully. 

Good energy for making important plans - a conversation or communication (Mercury) with an authority figure or someone or situation holding power (Pluto) can move something forward in a big way.  

Excellent energy to present a well-thought out idea to powerful people.

Trines release restraints. If we have our foot on the brakes trying to keep some information from reaching someone in authority - this could be the transit (brakes off) that opens the flood gates. Trines can also help us deal with indecision by releasing cleanly all that doesn't belong in a particular situation.

daddy's home | Saturn Moves Direct August 13th

dad by pete barker

Here is a link to my post when Saturn went retrograde at the end of March.

On Saturday, Dad (Saturn) is back from vacation. Have we been goofing off? Staying out late? Run up the electric bill? Worn out his favorite chair or left his tools out in the rain to rust?

With Saturn back in direct motion by next week - we might find ourselves having to confront tougher deadlines, stricter limits or road blocks. We could be up against "external authority" and "time" restraints in some way. Whatever we've been going over since very late March or early April when Saturn began to backtrack over 16-9 degrees Sagittarius (what house(s) does this hit in your natal/progressed charts?) can begin to move forward now. We will still be covering old ground here until November though.

He'll immediately square Venus in Virgo. We will have to adjust our approach to what we want. Something is ready for our renewed effort and attention now. What is it?

While Saturn was retrograde we fed ourselves on power that came from the past - maybe strong personal values (what did Dad teach us by his presence or lack of presence, by his examples good or bad), deep instincts or the qualities of ancient heroes and heroines or our ancestors. This was maybe potent nourishment or it wasn't and we felt weaker, but either way, the question now is how this will find a place in our life going forward.

If we keep trying to shape our world to fit something in the past (the good old days that only existed in our heads because we were asleep) we will certainly fail.

These are uncomfortable times - we are almost certainly better off hooking our coattails to what is in flux than anything covered in mothballs. 

All this Virgo is showing us we have to face our fear of imperfection; of being rejected. We can't stay comfortable anymore. It's better to allow the ancient story to be complete in itself. Its own chapter. Its own story. We don't really wish our grown children to be babies again, do we? We can let the old chapter be a source of strength and then get on with the business at hand.

We have a brand new chapter kicking off when Saturn meets up with Mars later in the month and damn it will be a doozy - the kind of chapter people will sneak ahead to read and want to re-read later when the book is finished!

As we move into Virgo season, we will accomplish more when we let go of the need for achievements and recognition this doesn't mean we won't have these things only that we can't need them if our true goal is peace and happiness.

We could simply move through life by doing what works then changing course when it stops working.The problem is we don't let go of what isn't working - remember our bodies crave what is familiar over what is good. We could waste this push forward in struggle or we could just move another way in constancy.

We'll move with an open heart and yes this will be tricky with Venus in Virgo wanting to dot I's and cross T's but it's the only way we ever really get anywhere anyway ...

Mercury Conjunct the North Node - the messenger

I want to ride my bicycle by phatpuppyart-studios
With Mercury (in Virgo) hooking up with the North Node today, we could get a message or "transmission of information" or have an insight about something that moves us toward our best future.

This could be something like someone emails us and tells us about a job opening or recommends a book we might want to read. If you have planets or points at 12 degrees Virgo in your natal or progressed chart it could be something even more important. Pay attention.

This can also be a time when we might meet someone who moves our story forward in some way. They could be someone that embodies Mercury - either appearing rather androgynous or fast moving or reminding us of a sibling, cousin or neighbor.

Or a conversation could come to us through an actual sibling, cousin or neighbor that points us in a new direction, clarifies a dilemma or confirms something for us.

This can also show up as a 'moment of choice'. Choose carefully.

This isn't something to strain to find - it will evolve organically and might even be more visible in hindsight. Virgo rules the tiny details and Mercury moves very fast, so it could be easy to miss .....

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 8th - the eye of the summer storm ....

summer eye by lorency

We have the first quarter Moon on Wednesday - this is considered the 'crisis' phase, when whatever was kicked off at the New Moon meets its first challenges. Are we ready?! This is another busy week although with Saturn sitting still in the sky it will be a little like driving with the brakes on! Stay focused. We need to get organized before he meets up with Mars in a couple weeks and we head into our next chapter.

On Monday, the Moon is in peaceful and balanced Libra. We can see the other person's point of view now, but decisions will be harder to make - partly because we can see the other person's point of view and also because we don't want to piss anyone off. With Mercury opposing Neptune our thinking will be fuzzy (maybe even depressed, careless or deluded) and it's not a good time to make an important decision anyway. The Moon opposes freedom loving, unpredictable Uranus. Something out of the blue, exciting or surprising could send us off the rails. Expect the unexpected. Something could end. The Moon goes void at 1:44 pm EST.

On Tuesday, the Moon moves into murky Scorpio - a good day for diving deep. Superficial fluffy conversations won't cut it now. This is a good day to deal with Scorpio stuff - taxes, other people's money, loans, sex and reproduction. This is a good day to do research into something from the past or to toss stuff we no longer need. If we have to step into our power and confront something - this can be good energy for that - we just need to avoid some of the Scorpio pitfalls like manipulation, jealousy or moodiness. Our instincts and ability to get to the bottom of things will be useful.

On Wednesday, Mercury (in Virgo) trines (brakes off) Pluto (in Capricorn). This is excellent manifestation energy - words are powerful with this transit. If you need to have a conversation or pitch something to someone in power - this is the day to do it. Conversations and communications with authority figures can really move things forward now. Mercury enters the shadow of his approaching retrograde (the degrees he will walk three times) - so pay attention to what is happening now, especially if any Mercury ruled stuff gets wonky (communications, transportation, computers, siblings, neighborhood) - we will be dealing with it for a while.

On Thursday afternoon, the Moon is in Sagittarius giving us the energy to deal with any religious, politics, long distance travel, writing, higher education. media, weddings, foreigners or legal issues. We are really starting to amp up for Saturn's direct movement in Sagittarius on Saturday - tempers could flare a bit here. Remember the stationing planet/candle analogy. Don't overdo it. The Moon is void until 1:24pm EST.

On Friday, Jupiter (in Virgo) makes his 3rd (and final!) opposition to Chiron (the wounded healer). The first opposition was back in November. The second was in February. Jupiter (expansion) clashing with the space of our unhealed/unhealable wounding is a mixed blessing at best. Maybe something gets bigger so we can finally see it or are forced to do something about it. There is something here about teaching us about the nature of our pain and hurt - this may or may not be a physical thing, but its roots are deeper than the physical symptoms.

On Saturday, Saturn moves direct. He will be moving 100 miles an hour (the rest of the year is going to fly by folks). Authority gets green lighted. It's still in the Mutable T-Square so far from smooth sailing. We've gotten used to this though. The key to this week may be to do what we can when we can. We won't expect any great rewards (although some will certainly be handed out - it is  Olympic week after all!). We'll take moderate chances but not risks. We'll have a suitcase full of Virgo planets as we head into eclipse season when anything can happen! It's not the worst thing we could carry with us. I'll write an overview post later this week about where we stand in the world.

xo all

I got two emails with similar themes while I wasn't posting from people feeling like they were in an "abyss". Mars has moved out of Scorpio. The abyss really is behind us. Sometimes waiting is necessary but we don't have to wait in a cramped pit! If we feel like we must have things under control before making a move, remember that sitting in the dark makes us vulnerable (depression and confusion and negativity can sneak up on us).

If we don't expect to make progress, we won't.

If we sit in the dark too long we start to lose sight of the world beyond the abyss. Sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to change our state - to not let our current experience define us.

How can we see anything from its true perspective when we are sitting in a hole?

question everything ....

everytime I breathe by princess of shadows
With mental Mercury (in Virgo) opposing dreamy Neptune (in Pisces) it is probably best to take a second look at any ideas/communications presented to us now.

Words can be exaggerated or untruthful. It will be easy to connect higher meanings to things than what is factual or intended.

Things could clear up tomorrow when Mercury hooks up with the North Node (our collective way forward).

Saturn (after his lengthy retrograde and preparing to go direct in Sagittarius) is stopped in the sky.

Maybe something in our Sagittarius house or with something Sagittarius rules - religion, politics, long distance travel, higher education. media, weddings, foreigners, legal issues - has come to a stop, too. We could feel a push to make a decision or make a move, but we're not quite there yet.

If the stuff we stepped away from in March (or have been going back over since March) didn't move back front and center or end to make room for a next step, when Mars went direct a few days ago, it likely will by this time next week (for me, it's those taxes we filed an extension for - ugh). We're all about to get our focus back. xo all

strange and breathless days ....

"The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color. Often at night there is lightning, but it quivers all alone. There is no thunder, no relieving rain. These are strange and breathless days, the dog days, when people are led to do things they are sure to be sorry for after."
 - Natalie Babbitt my mind, it wanders

i'm a superman by snieeeeg
Hopefully everyone is sleeping in today - the Moon is void until after lunch, so take advantage!

Since Virgo naturally squares Sagittarius and opposes Pisces as planets move through Virgo over the next few weeks they will be squaring Saturn (currently in Sagittarius) and opposing Neptune (currently in Pisces).

Squares denote tension and frustration - something happens that pushes us into a new action, thought or feeling. Oppositions are exactly as they sound - two opposing viewpoints, actions, situations, people, etc. Although stressful, without squares and oppositions, nothing would change and we would get nothing done, so we'll think of this as a good thing!

Today Mercury (in Virgo) squares a retrograde Saturn (in Sagittarius) and opposes a retrograde Neptune (in Pisces).

This aspect might improve our concentration on "the facts" but serious conversations will be challenging today. The answer could be "no".

We need to stay awake to situations involving lies, too much idealism and a tendency to want to escape. We could have planned to get some serious work done now and lose ourselves in a a hokey romance novel or Neptune oppositions are strong pulls to float off into lalaland (and yes, I know it's the weekend!) but the square to Saturn tells us it's best if we don't. My plan for the day is to clean my studio while listening to a book on Audible then have some fun later - although a good book on Audible is fun to me!

It is about to be all Virgo all the time folks - capping off the year of Virgo in a big way - or as big a way as possible in the 'keep it simple stupid' world of Virgo.

We need to be claiming responsibility for the order of our Virgo space now. With all these mutable T-Squares over the next few weeks, we might find ourselves arguing out and changing how things will work best.

Some of this might be painful at times, but it leads to clarification of what is 'real' (Virgo style real) for us.

For example Virgo in the 4th house of home and family is about creating "real" and grounded relationships in the home - that is Virgo's (and our) job here. It's also about home organization because the two go hand in hand. If we are running from our power and responsibility here situations will show up to move us back on track. Virgo energy is an excellent homemaker and housekeeper (caretaker of the resources). We won't be able to 'play house' with Virgo in the 4th - this job will be taken seriously.

Our Virgo house is the space in our life things will work best and flow smoothest if we keep things nice and neat.

For now it might be hard to know if we are coming or going. Let's not make assumptions. Stay grounded. Things could be hit or miss and that's OK and par for the course now.

This weekend it's Mercury's turn to be in harsh angles to Saturn and Neptune (next week it will be Venus and then Mars and the following week the Sun) so this is about our communication, thinking, local community, siblings, transportation, computers, etc - all the Mercury ruled stuff. If everything doesn't work out exactly as planned - we'll deal with it.

xo all - also it's still summer and Leo Sun season - get outside and have some fun in the sun!

catching up with the skies ....

calm down by cavecanem42

Alot has happened since I signed off for a blogging break last week!

We had a New Moon in Leo on Tuesday - fire sign New Moons (and the two weeks that follow avoiding void moons) are excellent times to initiate something NEW.

Starting now - especially with a blank sheet of paper and an open heart - enable the energies at play to work with us. 

Imagine the Gods and Goddesses rubbing their hands together excitedly, "OH, YES! NOW we've got a PROJECT!".

This is a great time for a NEW START (or revised start; new to you totally works here

regarding what we are known for, our creative work and what we value and are prideful of. 

Mars finally trucked his butt out of Scorpio and entered Sagittarius on Tuesday. I think we can all breathe a little sigh of relief that Mars is out of Scorpio. We are still traveling a path we have walked before - he doesn't hit new ground for a couple weeks. Maybe something we put on hold or started in early March reactivates or concludes now. With Mars in the murky waters of Scorpio we were all looking at our fears, phobias and re-walking the ground Saturn covered a few years back. In Sagittarius we are ready to take actions toward our future (more on this next week)!

Yesterday, Venus (love, money, values, women) moved into Virgo (kicking off Virgo season as we start to release the need for so much Leo drama - things calm down a bit).

Virgo Suns and ascendants get more attractive (physically attractive and also more able to attract). It gets easier for our Virgo natal house to attract what we need. Relationships (Venus) get more picky (Virgo). We get more analytical about summer romances (with people and things). Situations, things and people that seemed so wonderful in the sunny days of Venus in "I want it all" Leo, may no longer feel quite up to snuff. We no longer want it all, now we want the right things and people. Flaws (real and imagined) get easier to spot. 

Virgo's razor sharp analysis will draw our attention to what isn't working with our Venus ruled relationships and our money.

At its core Virgo is about purity (there is a reason the archetype gets its name from the word virgin). It's how we get to this state of purity that is tricky. Venus in Virgo can be the most beautiful (Venus rules nature after all). Imagine a summer sunset or standing at the ocean or sitting by a gorgeous lake. Now imagine the guy next to us starts to cough. Then he coughs again. Then all we can notice is that his cough is ruining our view. Of course, our view hasn't really changed at all - our attention just gets drawn to what isn't working.

With Venus in Virgo our attention can be drawn to what isn't working, what we don't want or the fact that someone else doesn't want us. It is our job with this energy to determine what is real here. Are we picking something/someone/ourselves apart? Do we believe we can't have what we want? Are we ignoring our own problems and trying to fix someone else? Are we unorganized with our money? Are we using perfection as a way to avoid ever finishing and being judged? We'll talk about this more next week.

xo all - will post this weekend about my family reunion!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 25th - the stuff we are resisting

can you resist? by jno0on

This is a busy week. I may take a blog break next week. I have my sister and her family coming on Wednesday from Portland to stay for a week and might not have time to look at charts!

Mars is still moving thru the last degrees of Scorpio- his 3rd time across these same degrees! Mars is very powerful in Scorpio (he is the ancient ruler of this sign) - he has concentrated energy and amazing willpower here. He can also be rather vengeful. Much of the violence we have seen these past weeks probably has a revenge component. This is activated in all of us now. The cure for Mars is Mars. Mars doesn't let go of things (like Neptune) he smashes them to bits. Or just initiates something else. Time to turn that increased energy and amazing willpower over here.

The Democratic party would be smart not to mention Trump or anything Trump is doing at their convention this week (this will probably never happen!) - it's Leo season and they need to stay positive. Uranus is preparing to go retrograde - he is very strong now as he stations. If they had astrological guidance - they would talk about : the ways social programs create freedom (Uranus), human issues (not women's issues, etc - they can talk about the issues but avoid the labels - they are really all freedom issues, all in this together), creativity, fun (let's fix this thing creatively - Leo), avoid shouting matches (Mars/revenge), civility, small changes will get us there - ask not what your country can do for you, etc (Virgo North Node), values, values, values. I am not sure if the convention starts Monday or Tuesday - if Monday it should get off to a fiery start, just like the Republican convention did last week!

Monday's Moon in Aries means we can get a lot done. She squares Pluto so there could be some kind of scapegoat situation or power struggle or manipulation here. It's not a good day to pick a fight with an authority figure - it's a better day to be a team player. Don't be too impulsive. If something stressful can wait for Tuesday's calming Taurus Moon, maybe wait it out. If we need the energy to get something done today though it should be there!

By lunchtime Tuesday, the Moon will move into Taurus and we will want to relax, be comfortable, get outdoors. Our earnings and the things we love and value will come into focus.

On Wednesday we have the Moon (in Taurus) opposite Mars - what/who are we saying goodbye to? There could be competition here somewhere. Mercury (in Leo) trines (brakes off) Uranus (in Aries) - a communication or idea could open up a new opportunity or send us in a new direction. Late in the day an aspect with Venus could mean something with a woman or love or money or beauty doesn't work out quite as expected. Maybe not a good night for a new haircut!

On Thursday afternoon the Moon moves into Gemini. We are busy, people are chatty and focused on Gemini ruled communications, siblings, the local neighborhood or transportation.

On Friday the week shifts off in another direction as Uranus stations retrograde. Remember the power of a planet when stationing! Mercury squares Mars. We might be challenged or pushed to challenge ourselves. Shock. Surprise. Earthquakes (or whatever feels like an earthquake to us). Uranus in Aries is a definite player in the unpredictability and violence in the outer world events this year. This is great energy for an argument. Or an anxiety attack. Or for some out 'of the blue' information that creates tension or frustration or forces us to try something else.

If we encounter resistance now it is probably best to back off a bit. A retrograde Uranus will require us to re-view where we've been resisting change. If we have been delaying a necessary adjustment it will become clear to us between now and the very end of December when Uranus moves direct. It could be best to prepare emotionally and internally for changes now and then make the actual changes next year if possible. With Uranus retrograde the situation will not be a new one - it will be something we have been avoiding dealing with; probably something having to do with Uranus's favorite word - freedom.

Stuff that gets delayed now, can come back around when Uranus moves direct at the very end of December.

On Saturday, Mercury (information, communication) enters Virgo (precision, caution, exactness) - Mercury will go retrograde during this transit so prepare for a long visit (thru early October)  - we will have plenty of time to get out t's crossed and i's dotted. More on this next post. It's good to remember that's it's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives - it's what we do consistently.

Remember we are in prime Leo season this week - fun, creativity, romance, children - whatever makes us stand out and makes our hearts sing is what the world needs from us now and should be top priority! With the Sun in Leo it's all about "me" for all of us. I have a bunch of house guests coming and am happy to have this get-together in Leo season (fun, creativity, children, passion) but also know everyone will want to do what they want to do and need some center stage! xo all

FULL MOON in Capricorn | the results of working hard or hardly working (or working hard at the wrong things)

by resido lancin
On July 19th we have a Full Moon at 27 degrees Capricorn. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, ruled by Saturn. It's all about stability, hard work and responsibility.

We have both the Capricorn New Moon from Christmas Eve and the Cancer New Moon from the 4th of July culminating here.

If we have been slacking off or putting our energies into the wrong things or into things that are just not meant to happen right now this will become clear to us

(the square to Uranus could make it easier to bounce off in an entirely new direction and get some traction fairly quickly).

If we have been working hard - the results will be clear now, too.

With Venus and Mercury in Leo and impacting Saturn, people will be proud (and loud) about what they have accomplished.

(note - there is an aspect for jealousy with this Moon, possibly career related since Capricorn is all about the Benjamins baby. Keep in mind that jealousy serves the purpose of showing us, for better or worse, what we really VALUE - also it's always good to keep in mind that "sometimes" - to quote a wonderful country singer - "we're the windshield wiper and sometimes we're the bug")

There is always a challenge between the polarity signs in play at the time of any Full Moon because we have the Moon opposite the Sun.

This one is about Cancer (home, family) and Capricorn (work, responsibilities in the world) or our own needs and the needs of other people. Any imbalances here will probably show up now to allow us to realign what isn't working. Also imbalances with authority and authority figures and the way we use and mis-use our own authority. The Capricorn Full Moon throws a light on what power can do and also on the finality of choices we've already made.

Right before Tuesday's Full Moon, a retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius will trine (brakes off) Mercury in Leo and right after the Full Moon Saturn will trine (brakes off) Venus in Leo. Since Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn these aspects will play a part in whatever is illuminated now (full moons tend to bring things to light).

However things shake out, they can fall more smoothly into place.

This Moon is all about achievement and commitment.

Plans will be solidified, previous leaps of faith will be confirmed. There could be an important announcement, conversation or answer. If we have been focusing our efforts in the right direction - something becomes more stable now. There is something here we can count on.

We have all been through so much these last few months especially with Mars in Scorpio - let's remember it's not just other people's Mars that is strong and active now (ie violent people doing or inciting violent things) - our Mars is strong here, too!

We need to stand in our own power - our own value - our own authority. What really matters to us?

Remember the Achilles heel with Capricorn and Saturn is that this energy often values stability over everything else. Its strength is in being 'un-moveable'. But stable things grow stagnant. Being unmoveable is not a good or realistic way to move through a life that is so changeable. We don't want to be un-moved by what is happening in the world! Probably the most important virtue we can encourage right now is 'flexibility'.

If we have planets or points in our natal or progressed chart from 25-29 degrees of cardinal or water signs we will feel this Moon more strongly.

Full Moons are very potent energy and this one is all business. Make sure you get out and walk in it!

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 18th - challenges and culminations

transplantacja by empreinte

If you look up in the sky now you will see the red planet Mars. And sitting very close to Mars you will see two other lights - one is the brightest star in the summer sky, also reddish in color, Antares (heart of the Scorpio constellation), and the other is Saturn.

These three guys are some pretty badass energies to hang together and due to Mars (now direct but covering old ground) and Saturn's retrogrades they have been hanging together for a long time. Magnify their malefic influence with that square to Uranus - the planet of anything can happen and rebellion sitting in Mars (war, anger) and we have some very challenging energy here.

This week add in the Full Moon energy and the Moon and Sun squaring Uranus, too - in some respects it really is a powder keg - use caution. There is also the potential for things (and news) to be 'blown out of proportion'. Keep this in mind.

Those with natal and progressed planets in the 25-27 degree range could feel this 'powder keg' strongest in whatever area of your life this is all sitting. This energy can also be depressing. Please use the Leo energy available to do something fun or creative.

On Monday, the Moon is in authoritative Capricorn. We are building toward Tuesday's Full Moon. We may be more emotional when it comes to our work or in dealing with authority figures. Mercury (communication) is trining (brakes off) Saturn (stability, authority) making this a good time to communicate with bosses and people we are looking to impress provided we can keep our emotions in check. Stay professional. Curb negative thoughts. News or decisions involving Leo ruled stuff (kids, creativity, passion, fun) or the stuff ruled by our Leo natal house, could require us to make adjustments.

On Tuesday, we have the Full Moon in Capricorn - more on this next post! This is the culmination of the Capricorn New Moon when we set our intentions for the New Year. What were doing last Christmas Eve? Something from that time period winds up now. This one is about commitments, focus and dealing with reality. Mercury is still trining Saturn so the Full Moon will likely illuminate some news for us. Whatever shows up will confirm if we have been working hard enough or are working toward the right stuff. The stuff we've been putting our energy into since the New Moon on July 4th will matter here.

On Wednesday, Venus (love, women, money) and Saturn (stability, security, authority, hard work) hook up (I am kind of picturing the GOP convention bringing out a bunch of women to talk about how much they love Trump or maybe something happens to make Trump more appealing to women or maybe Hillary gets more appealing by appearing more stable). We get the 'money, love, women' by taking things seriously or something more stabilizing comes through a woman. The Moon has moved into Aquarius so friends, groups, causes or the internet factors in somehow or maybe something new or unusual plays a part here.

On Thursday, schedules can get off-track. We will be adjusting to others. Stay flexible. On Friday, the Sun moves into LEO. Leo will encourage us to play, take center stage, take pride in ourselves and our 'creations', spend time with children (note - if you do not have young children in your life it is still important to spend time with children somehow - they carry the energy of 'newness' and it rubs off on us, unless you are newly 'in love' it comes with that, too!) and be passionate! If we do not know what we are passionate about, begin with whatever is in our vicinity since it carries the energy we carried when we attracted it - start by being passionate about that - it will carry us to the next thing!

Note that though I write these posts out as daily energies - energy builds and wanes, sometimes quite gradually- so we can feel these transits at different times than as noted here as planets and points move into and out of connection with other energies. Also, for example, if you are very sensitive or involved with Mercury - that trine (brakes off) with Saturn this week could impact you more deeply than the Full Moon ....

xo all - no void moons during work hours this week!

Mercury into Leo | speaking from the heart

stage by detail 24
Yesterday, Mercury joined Venus in Leo. His stay will be brief (he'll move into Virgo at the end of the month) and he will be moving full steam ahead. Note - he'll be retrograde again next month, so take advantage now.

Leo is the space we carry what 'makes us special'. With Mercury (communication, intellect) here it will be easier to put our 'special' into words and to connect with the ideas and conversations that will push forward whatever we are most passionate about.

We will want our words to be heard and appreciated now. So will other people. Even the most reticent among us will want an audience.

Speaking from our hearts will connect us to other people's hearts now.

This is very powerful energy. It's our superpower and should be used wisely. People will hear us with their heart and well as their head. This gives the potential for hearts to expand as well as to be broken into little, tiny pieces. Keep this in mind.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, so words can burn now and words can dig us even more rigidly into our positions. With Leo there is great opportunity for win-win and also for 'nobody wins'.

From July 22nd-29th when we have the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in the same sign - Leo energy will be at its peak. Leo rules passion, creativity, children, drama, romance, games, fun.

The energy right now is excellent for teaching us how we express what we are passionate about. It's very supportive of 'top of the mountain' heart-filled type of proclamations and proposals. Do people listen to us? Does what we say matter? We will care about this now .......

xo all

Venus into Leo | confidence is attractive now

those moments by monster donut

I missed posting on Monday about Venus's move into Leo and today Mercury joins her here. Anytime we have a week where two planets change signs we know our life (in this case our personal life since these are inner planets) will be changing, too.

Venus (love, money, values) had been somewhat comfy, although quite restrained, in Cancer for the last few weeks. She prioritized security over all else and this kept her safe, but also a wee bit bored.

Cancer rules the Moon and a Venus/Moon natal opposition is considered the Madonna/Whore complex in a man's chart - so Venus has probably felt like she was living with her mother-in-law!

With her move into Leo she gets to spread her wings a little (maybe a lot, maybe a whole lot and we do, too!).

She leaves her mother-in-law's safe little house with the shuttered windows, central air conditioning, and alarm system where her mother-in-law was paying the rent. What more could Venus want, Cancer asks as Venus heads for the door?

"Quite a bit MORE", Venus answers.

She moves into a noisy apartment on the other side of town with curtain-less windows, a fan that wakes the neighbors when their fan isn't waking her, a deadbolt that doesn't quite latch properly and the rent only gets paid if she pays it.

Standing on her own two feet (and what lovely feet they are - this is Venus we are talking about!), Venus is more confident. She is also more competitive. She has to be to make it on her own (cue Mary Tyler Moore tossing that damn hat).

We will be, too.

So, what does this mean to us? First, our Leo house, hosting the lovely Venus, becomes more attractive. Leo Suns and rising signs are more naturally attractive (ie easy on the eye and able to attract). We attract what we want and need (Venus) through Leo - so by standing out, standing up, being passionate, taking the world by storm - you get the idea.

We could, of course, go overboard with all of this. Leo (ruled by the Sun) doesn't really like others blocking their light. Competition can get ugly. We could become downright diva-like. Being in love with being in love fits here, too. Wanting to be adored will make being ignored harder to handle.

Venus in Leo is not so into compromise.

She is into fun (she meets all her new neighbors and is invited to all the best parties) and romance (there is surely some renewed passion without her mother-in-law in the next room) and creativity (she has a new apartment to decorate!) and passion. 

Our passion will be what attracts others to us and what we are attracted to in others now.

Leo season (arguably the best part of summer) kicks off. Back tonight with Mercury into Leo.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 11th - claiming our passion

my pet rock by alyanna

Feeling much better. I watch Sully every Wednesday and he was sick last week with a headache and fever. I must have caught something - wicked sore throat, mild fever and headache. I did a few sinus infection massages (so grateful for youtube!) and diffused some peppermint oil and slept.

Last week with Mars back over that Eris/Uranus point we had unexpected violence and chaos. He's finished with Eris but is still inconjunct Uranus so I am sorry to say this potential continues. Mars has basically been sitting on the same space for a month! Caution is required.

This week we also start to move from Cancer season into fiery LEO!

Our Venus ruled love, money and values and our Mercury ruled communication and ideas will be more focused on Leo's desire for fun, creative expression, romance, celebration and a desire to feel special and to stand out!

There could be a communication or conversation or a woman that helps us to 'stand out' or shows us something that stands out or is somehow better this week.

Our Leo natal house begins to wake up.

Cobwebs are quickly shaken out and we are ready for action. Our Leo natal house is the area of life we are meant to 'shine' and have the spotlight.

With Venus here since Monday we can more easily attract what we need to make this happen!

Leo is about passion and love, drama and creativity, generosity and greed.

Leo season feels like this - imagine you paint a picture and you hang it on your livingroom wall. You are scared and nervous about people seeing it, but at the same time you want people to see it. So finally one day someone is at your house admiring it and you say, "I painted that."

Of course, immediately everyone is looking at you differently and you are breaking out in a cold sweat and wishing for a diversion

(where's that crying baby, emergency broadcasting system signal or poster of a shirtless George Clooney when you need it?)

but a very necessary part of owning our Leo is claiming our passion, claiming our creativity - "I painted that."

Now, your Leo house may not be about painting and it might be something you can't really hang on your wall, but embracing the passion here is how we make our soul (Leo is ruled by the Sun) visible to other people.

Anyhoo, I have to get a few orders out and return a few emails. The only void Moon this week during work hours is later this afternoon, so after today it's all systems go. There is also a theme this week of assessing things for the future. We start thinking about what we are doing in terms of its future potential - how to make it into more. Leo is all about more.

Basically, if you are thinking should I take action or should I wait - with most things this is a time of action and a time to show up!

Back tomorrow with Venus and Mercury into Leo! xo all

the second half .....

looking ahead by david sant

The astrology for the second half of 2016 looks 'simpler' than the first half. I would write 'easier' but that feels a bit trickier to state since everyone is working so hard. But we could say 'easier'. The wealth is in what we know now. What have we learned?

Keep in mind -

1. If you haven't started anything new since the New Moon on Monday, there is still time. The Moon is in its crescent phase - it is building. Things started now are much more likely to become habit (for better or worse) - the planet and the other people who live on it with us need us to choose our new habits consciously. New stuff is sticky now. Decide what you need to stick and do that.

2. Remember when you are reading/watching the news and current events that the stuff happening now is not that different than what has been happening before we had 24 hour news channels and access to most of the planet with the click of our mouse. Read a history book. We are just seeing it know. We don't want to turn away and go back to sleep - and in fact we probably won't be allowed to do this, but sometimes the best thing we can do is turn it all off for a while. We still have to put our own oxygen mask on first. Of course, then, we have to look around to help others. We can't just pop on our mask and pick up a People magazine ....

3. Everything happening in the world is also happening in our own life (and even in our own body) - meditating and praying on seeing how this energy is impacting us and how we are impacting this energy helps. 

4. In a few weeks, Jupiter (in Virgo) will deliver the goodies promised since he changed signs back in mid August 2015. From August 23rd through mid September, he wraps up his tour of Virgo, hands out the medals and honorable mentions and heads to Libra (where the goodies will start to come through our relationships - remember all my flock talk last year - well here's where it starts to pay off).

5. In a few weeks Mars catches up with Saturn in Sagittarius. They will both be moving direct. CONTACT. BLAST OFF. The next chapter of our new story starts then. The week of August 22nd. And yes, it will be different, but also pick up where we left off because we don't get to skip steps anymore. Then in September we have eclipse season - which we are likely already feeling this week. We'll just expect the unexpected.

6. From the end of October until the end of 2016 it will be smoother sailing, relative to the rest of the year. How this is possible with the U.S. election falling in that time frame is anyone's guess ....

7. 2017?? We'll see what Saturn in Sagittarius does without dreamy Neptune .....

For now - let's do what's right in front of us. We'll think about what we say before we say it - if it doesn't 'nurture' the other person (Mercury in Cancer) - we'll just shut up. We'll prioritize our health. We'll stay humble. We'll serve others - not at our own expense, but the word 'serve' has gotten a bad rap. Service can be beautiful. The world needs more beauty. It's Cancer season - get wet - this means oceans, lakes, bathtubs, tears and sweat, mother the mother-less including ourselves ... let's get our 'house' in order .... xo all

Mercury and the Nodes | maybe just a quick glance ...

glance by meyrembulucek

Today, Mercury (in Cancer) trines (brakes off) our Pisces South Node (what we are releasing) and makes a comfy sextile (opportunities) to our Virgo North Node (where we are heading).

Since Virgo rules Mercury this one is worth thinking about.

Maybe there is some connection to the past with whatever information comes in now to move us ahead. I know I said don't look back which is why I'm posting this little post - this isn't so much a look back as something from the past creating an understanding or opportunity for us now? or maybe it is a look back, this stuff is tricky people, don't hate me. There is quite a bit going on today in the skies.

This is probably more like something from the past bringing something to light because the Sun hooks up with Mercury tomorrow maybe shining a light on information or a conversation or communication or idea we need. Or some info with a link to the past shining a light on us.

Anyhoo, this might be a small thing, but for some it might be mucho important so although we are moving ahead now, Cancer season always prompts a bit of nostalgia, and something comfortable and easy (trines and sextiles are smooth sailing) connected to our past could ease us into our future now.

Today is a 'go-for-it' day anyway, so whatcha' waiting for? xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 4th - starts and surprises

that's when I'll come home by vampire-zombie

OK, this week we are full steam ahead.

We kick off with a New Moon in nurturing and home/family oriented Cancer. See my New Moon post here.

This Moon has an opposition to Pluto and trines Neptune (in Pisces). Meanwhile Mercury (also in Cancer) is inconjunct Saturn (in Sagittarius).

I like a Cancer Moon (it's my natal Moon after all) even though this one, hanging out with a somewhat debilitated Mercury, feels a bit anxious. There could be some red tape or vague feelings we have forgotten something. Saturn is present to show us our limits and Neptune is present to show us other possibilities. 

It's up to us to not be looking backward and miss them.

Cancer season leaves all of us emotional (for some people this kind of collective overload results in an inability to feel anything). Since our emotions literally create our reality and future reality we want to stay checked in (hiding out occasionally is totally allowed, of course).

When too many people check out at once and we start to drift off-course life will often find bigger ways to bring us all together emotionally. We've got Mars (masculine war) inconjunct Eris (feminine war) and Uranus (anything can happen, rebellion) so there is continued potential for collective violence and the loss of prominent people. Big explosive news in the collective also means big explosive news in our individual lives ... keep this in mind.

On Tuesday, our New Moon home themes continue. The Moon moves into Leo in the afternoon and our focus expands to include love, fun, children and creativity.

On Wednesday, after a void Moon morning, the Sun and Mercury meet up in Cancer then the next day they both oppose Pluto (in Capricorn). This is a continuation of our New Moon Cancer story. Maybe a new conversation or communication comes in now.

We also have Venus (love, money, women) squaring Uranus (unexpected, rebellion, new) mid-week. We could have a breakthrough. Sudden events or unexpected urges could challenge relationships. Issues about freedom and independence could surface now.

Remember what we don't deal with inside we meet outside ourselves. If we are trying to resist some change or something new or exciting this could be a time our partner expresses this energy for us by doing something unexpected. This doesn't mean we want to have an affair so our partner has an affair. Maybe we are sick of our job and our partner quits theirs! Most likely it is something smaller and less impactful though. This transit can also make unusual people (and things) more attractive. I plan on introducing my own unusual things to a few new people on this day - that's a positive way to work with this energy. Not a good day to go shopping if you can't afford a few impulse purchases!

On Wednesday, the Moon is still in Leo and the last aspect it makes is a trine to Uranus - making this a good launch day for a new or revamped project!

Beginning Wednesday (thru the following Monday), we have a gentle Grand Water Trine forming. This is a fortunate transit. Trines remove stop signs and get things moving. We have Mars (direct!!) in Scorpio trining Chiron retrograde in Pisces and Venus cuddled up to Mercury in Cancer. This is action (Mars) and ideas and communication (Mercury) getting us what we want (Venus) and it's healing (Chiron) for all parties. This is great energy to create win-wins! With Mars setting the agenda we will need to take action - sometimes with trines things move so smoothly we don't really take full advantage. It's like having a beautiful day and we get busy and never go outside!

On Thursday the Leo Moon is void most of the day (good energy for practiced work and to get much done, not a good launch day) there could be an important talk or decision possibly involving a financial or 3rd party matter (this could also have happened yesterday) - whatever this is it continues to evolve the situation. With Uranus still square Venus some kind of curve ball could be thrown at us here. The core of whatever is happening is still Cancerian (or related to our natal Cancer house) - home, security, family, real estate, mom, country. It feels like we need to take whatever comes up seriously. We could also see legal, educational, foreign, political, travel or wedding stuff kicked up a notch here.

This same energy continues on Friday, but today our Moon is in Virgo and we have a nice aspect between Jupiter (luck, expansion) and Mercury (communications, ideas, siblings, neighborhood) so this is a good day to get lucky with whatever we are selling, writing, deciding or talking about. Remember Jupiter is still in Virgo - so focus will still be on day-to-day activities, paperwork, our health, our job, employees, pets and organization. If we work at home this can also impact our business. On Friday the Moon is in Virgo and the last aspect it makes is a sextile to Venus - making this another good launch day!

xo all

New Moon in Cancer | don't look back - we're not going that way

Cancer is all about looking back - family, country, home, mom and apple pie. But with Monday's New Moon (in Cancer) opposite Pluto (transformation, karma) looking backward is maybe not such a good idea.

(plus the Moon is conjunct asteroid Eurydike, namesake of  the wife of Orpheus who was saved from Hades only to be lost again forever when Orpheus could not resist the urge to look back)

Anything gone now is gone.

The good news if Pluto makes it heavy - with all this water ie the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer, plus an easy trine (brakes off) to Neptune in Pisces, letting go should be like water running through our fingers.  

The next steps unfold naturally. 

This New Moon is in the nurturing and emotional mama bear sign of Cancer.

This is an excellent time to begin a self-care regimen. This moon is all about family, security, our home and intimacy (and your natal Cancer house!). 

This is powerful energy to focus our intentions and make affirmations for new beginnings and goals with Cancer stuff : mothers, motherhood, self-care, nurturing, home, family, real estate, home business, food, breast health, stomach and digestive health, gut health, security ...

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write 10 affirmations down by hand, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.  

Know these things are already yours.

Cancer is a water sign so this is a great day to be near and in water! 

I'll get the weekly post up by Monday night - have a wonderful holiday everyone in the U.S. and Canada - everyone else enjoy your Monday! xo

the jumping off place | Mars direct

crystal mark photography
After seventy days (!) Mars (our energy, initiative and drive) has picked up his normal pace and what we thought we began back in February or March finally resumes its development.

After many weeks of waiting, preparing, and planning - new activities, projects (and elusive answers and situations) will propel us forward now.

We are ready (trust me on this!) now that we've undone or redone something or had to wait for something else to be done or catch up with us before we could pick up on whatever we've had to postpone since Mars began to slow down radically in late March.

All things Scorpio and Sagittarius are full steam ahead! Some people will feel these energies more than others, but whatever has been lagging will now be leading.

It's still old stuff because Mars won't be covering new ground until late August - but with Mars in direct motion we can finally get it done, get it right or get it going!

There are also multiple positive aspects right now and everyone is probably feeling at least one of them. So from here we go on ... again.

With Jupiter still in Virgo - let's be focused, clear, and willing to allow whatever inspires us (Jupiter) to transform our everyday life (Virgo).

Let's enjoy whatever accelerates, with a positive focus much that was promised earlier this year, will leap forward dramatically between now and late August. Be confident, we are prepared for whatever comes next.

We'll finish whatever is being reshaped with this and start the next chapter at the end of August! xo all

use what you know | part II - Mars goes direct!

miss halfway by holunder

On Wednesday, Mars finally moves direct (in Scorpio) and we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus all snuggly and simpatico in the same sign (Cancer). Many people will feel some kind of relief or movement pretty quickly.

(keep your head for  a while longer - remember the candle analogy and whole angry Martian thing)

Since someone the other day mentioned Brexit we'll touch on it briefly here.

Remember the background story to everything right now is Saturn in Sagittarius - thru December 2017 - Saturn (restriction, authority, time, hard work, structure, no) in Sagittarius (the higher mind, long distance, anything foreign, higher education, philosophy, our beliefs, adventure, travel, open, exploration, big picture).

During the time Saturn is in Sagittarius he is working through multiple squares to Neptune (home in Pisces) and aspects to Jupiter (in Virgo) and Uranus (in Aries). There are many, many ways this could play out based on the characters (archetypes) and signs involved.

A big part of Saturn's square to Neptune is about letting go of preconceived ideas about what structure and security is supposed to look like so we can build a new (Uranus) reality (Saturn) before/when Saturn comes home to Capricorn in 2018.

This is the work we are all doing without even realizing we are doing it. 

OK, so the United Kingdom (in a very close vote) voted to leave the European Union. The European Union was started on 11/1/1993. On this date Mercury was retrograde in Scorpio. Mars and Pluto were conjunct in Scorpio at 24 degrees - which is pretty much exactly where Mars is now sitting as he prepares to move direct tomorrow at 23 degrees. Remember when we talked about transits impacting natal energies. Entities like unions (and businesses and countries) have natal charts just like we do. In some ways saying corporations are people is not that far off the mark. An organization started with all this Scorpio - especially Pluto, ruler of Scorpio and Mars, Scorpio's ancient ruler conjunct - has some real darkness, secrets and fear connected to it. 

And we still have Jupiter going through Scorpio in 2017 and we have Venus going retrograde in Scorpio shortly after that. So even though I wrote last post that by the end of August we will have some closure with the Mars retrograde piece of the puzzle (as the baton gets handed back to Saturn) - the story is far, far from over. We're not even in the middle part yet!

What this means for the European Union is no doubt major changes ahead! And those changes will transform alot of fear the collective is carrying as the fear comes to the surface for us to "see" it. Just google 'observation effect' - this still blows my mind. We don't need 12 years in psychotherapy to work this crap out. We often just need to really "see" something to shift it.

So what do we do now? For all of us the next step is to 'use what we know' - we really do have all the information needed to work this out by now -  and do 'what is right in front of us'. Roadblocks will start to clear, our energy levels will increase and our Mars ruled initiative will get us moving! We still need to do the work. And when we can't see what we need to do, we'll just do that sink full of dirty dishes - it's a start. Whatever is missing will come to us over the next few weeks as Mars makes his final pass over these same degrees!

Breath work is very helpful now. With Gemini (ruler of our lungs) the odd man out in the mutable t-square we've been working through this year - deep breathing, no smoking, time outside in clear, clean air, aromatherapy (yes, I have a dog in this fight, but she's only a small dog), singing, eliminate the babble, say what we mean, no double negatives (don't say "isn't this great?", "don't you just love it?" - toss the nots!), no lies, no gossip.

We have a New Moon on the 4th of July (on the United States birthday, so we know it's important) - we are all going to get some traction to move forward!

my magnetic aromatherapy lockets - new layered style for summer

My aromatherapy lockets are 10% off for blog readers with coupon code SUMMERTIME - xo all

use what you know .... part I

fear by TheRoflCoptR
July and August are going to propel all of us forward. This is the "ready or not" next steps in our journey and we're all more ready than we think we are.

It's almost time to use what we've learned.

Our Scorpio houses, that carry this lifetime's fear, were worked through by Saturn (2012-2015) and now Mars mission here (since February) is almost complete.

Mars and Saturn will meet up at 9 degrees Sagittarius in late August and that will be that. Our Scorpio houses and the fear we carry will have evolved. We will move individually and collectively forward with the new energies into a new space.

And in case you are reading this and thinking what the hell is Cat talking about, let me say this -

I didn't start this blog to write about astrology or world events and some days, believe me, I regret my writing here has taken this turn. The last thing I need or want to be is 'preachy' and it's easier and faster for me to write funny anecdotes about what Olive and I are up to. But since it is the most fun and interesting (and hopefully useful) subject for me to write about right now, we'll plow on. I am going to change things up this summer a bit and get back to more business posts.

Anyhoo, back to astrology. Astrology is a language. It's a system of archetypes and patterns and a belief that above effects below (and vice versa). It isn't a religion or spirituality and people who love and study astrology come from and practice all different religions. Some are non-religious. It's a language that fits many paths.

The basics is this (and this is my elevator pitch interpretation and there are many types of astrology that would say something somewhat differently) - our astrological birth charts are our contracts and road maps. They are an imprint of the moment we took our first breath - we literally are the universe at exactly that second.

And we carry this energy for the entire collective for as long as we exist on the planet.

Our chart isn’t fate or destiny – it’s really a blueprint of potential!

(astrology sees free will as the central axis of any chart - some things we will have to meet up with, how we handle them is always up to us)

Now, after we are born the universe just keeps on spinning, so as we move through our life we activate certain energetic points that line up in particular ways with the spaces they occupied when we were born. These are called transits. So let's say when you were born the Moon was at 10 degrees Cancer - at various times throughout your life the moving planets will affect 10 degrees Cancer either by landing on 10 degrees Cancer or on an angle to this space and we say they are 'transiting your natal Moon'. 

(Also your chart keeps progressing. We are not static and our charts aren't either. Your chart progresses one day for every year you are alive, so if you were born on March 1, 1977 and you are 30 years old, you will look a bit like a chart prepared for March 31, 1977. So let's say on March 31, 1977 the Moon was at 11 degrees Leo. Today's moving planets affecting 11 degrees Leo are said to be 'transiting your progressed Moon.'. And, yes, since we move our chart one day for every year we are alive, if we live to be 90 years old we will have moved the energy only 90 degrees, ha! So you can see that small things are big things!)

Since our natal chart is the energy we are composed of, it is the lens through which we see the world. So, for example, the 'mother' in our natal chart isn't the reality of who our mother is, it is the way we perceive and experience her. We are already energetically prepared to line up with a certain kind of 'mother'. Our mother is reacting to us as much as we are reacting to her! The energy we carry (beliefs) determines what we notice. And what we notice (believe) sets up a certain trajectory for us. And this works the same with all our experiences and spaces in our charts (not just mom).

OK, now back to our Scorpio houses and this Mars transit. Scorpio rules the stuff we don't want to look at; the stuff we push down - our dark side. This is the fear we carry for ourselves and for all of us. When we, as individuals, transform some of this energy by bringing it to the surface, it has an impact on the collective energy - and the trajectory (and future) for all of us.

God, the Universe (pick your comfort zone) has been giving us an opportunity to work through our fears and transform this fearful energy. Some of us, those with planets and points in our natal and progressed charts that Mars is walking back and forth over, are feeling this transit the most (and there are multiple transits at the same time we are all working with) but since Mars is an important inner planet we are all feeling it.

Astrology houses also relate to the energetic centers in our body known as chakras (which makes perfect sense since we are literally mini versions of the universe). For example, I am a Scorpio rising - Scorpio is in my 1st house (also 12th house). The first house of our astrology chart corresponds to the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus rules over our lower emotions like anger, fear and jealousy. We need a good balance of these emotions because they protect us but too much and they can overwhelm our entire system. This chakra also has to do with gut instincts. People with an abundance of this energy in their chart are assertive and can protect themselves. When it is under-active, we have trouble standing up for ourselves. I have little fire influence in my chart and have issues with keeping my solar plexus strong. I also have stomach problems which I know relate to suppressed anger, fear and jealousy. I'm working on all of this and it's a process. We are all a work in process ....

Ok- I will finish this up later with the Mars Goes Direct post! xo all

(if you would like me to look at where this Mars retrograde has worked through your chart I'd be happy to - just drop me a note or comment)

Mercury into Cancer (Wednesday) | taking it personally

love my soul by rapid heart movement

Mercury (communication, ideas, intellect) enters Cancer on June 29th.

There are multiple ways we will find this playing out. First, Mercury will bring an even greater focus to our natal Cancer house and to the things Cancer rules (home, family, country, history, roots, mom and apple pie - well maybe only apple pie if it's baked by mom).

Since Cancer is a cardinal sign initiating a new season we will enter into new conversations that move existing things along or take us in new directions.

Words can bring comfort. Nostalgia wins hearts here. It will be easier to connect emotionally with others through conversations and communications.

On the flip side, we (and others), might take things too personally. Words can also make us overly emotional as they carry us back to other times we have heard/experienced them.

Our thoughts and decisions could be influenced by the past, even the distant past, and we want to be certain we are not romanticizing something from our history or being too needy with others. It will be good to give those needs a voice - just think through whether it really applies to the current situation.

We will be most successful when we speak and write with the intention to make the other person feel safe, secure and connected.

A Cancer's first impulse is usually to retreat into the safety of their 'shell', so privacy, and time to get our thoughts together, will be important now.

We could regret oversharing information with others. As writer and researcher Brene Brown says, "we share with people who have earned the right to hear our story."

The stories we tell ourselves and each other and our shared history will be what connects us now. Keep that in mind. xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 27th - foward we go!

fast forward by PORG

This will be another busy week with lots of twists and turns.

We start the week still under the influence of the magically positive trine (brakes off) between Pluto and Jupiter (exact yesterday). This is an opportunity to build on whatever positive happening has been moving through our life in the last couple weeks.

If there is something we can do to push something forward let's do that in the beginning of the week while we still have this "lucky" energy at our backs.

We've also got Mercury in Gemini (lots of ideas, thoughts and conversations) sextiling Uranus (sudden out of the blue change). Pay attention. We won't have this kind of Jupiterian "luck"for another 8 years and it will not be so grounded then - able to produce physical changes, opportunities and actual stuff we can hold in our hands. With Capricorn and Virgo there will be work involved, but we have the potential to make something real here.

If anything has shown any promise over the last couple weeks, take some steps with it now.

Mercury squares Chiron (stationing retrograde) so there could be a conversation or communication that touches an old wound or makes for an uncomfortable decision. It would be best to stay aware of how much of our thinking is 'habitually negative' - it would be good to stay positive and I don't mean pink flowers although maybe having some around would be helpful. Focus on positive possibilities. Let the other stuff drift off.

THE BIG NEWS - Mars is moving direct on Wednesday - project delays and roadblocks will begin to clear.

He is uber powerful now as he sits in our Scorpio house (I know you have especially felt him over the last few weeks Aries and Scorpios!), - maybe like a knot of fear in our stomach. Where is 23 degrees Scorpio in your natal and progressed charts? Our Scorpio house is the space we carry this lifetime's fears (and our 8th house, the house Scorpio rules, the natural home of the fears we have inherited from our parents and society). Mars has been covering the same ground Saturn covered a couple years ago trying to show us the stuff we are afraid of that is standing in our way. Fear that surfaces this week will be alot about this. This isn't new stuff, but it could be shown to us in a new way.

The stuff that has been stuck with Mars retrograde is about to come unstuck. He won't be covering new ground until late August, but we should have a good idea by now of what we want to do or not do. If a decision is still not clear to us we can use the next few weeks energy as Mars covers the same old ground in forward motion to figure it out. By now we probably know what's worth fighting for.

By the end of August the die will be cast so to speak. Battles will be won or lost, decisions written in stone ....

So, Monday - Venus and Neptune are snuggly and this bodes very well for love and money - with Neptune, inspiration and imaginative will be in good supply. There is also a trine (brakes off) between Saturn and the Moon (in Pisces) making this a good time for dealings with authority figures, positive closures and long term commitments. Also keep in mind the Jupiter/Pluto stuff I wrote earlier.

On Wednesday Mars moves direct (YAY forward motion people!) and Mercury moves into Cancer making how we feel about what we hear much more important than what people are actually saying. Words can make everyone more emotional - keep this in mind.

Thursday's opposition between Pluto and Venus could offer a powerful (karmic) situation with a woman - there could be some kind of triangle with what is happening, maybe something to do with real estate or family? With an opposition something/someone 'out there' is doing something that requires some action or decision from us.

With the Venus (love, money, women, beauty) Jupiter (expansion, luck, growth) sextile (positive) on Friday bringing us back to the Jupiter/Pluto (karma, fate, transformation) trine (brakes off) - it again feels like positive growth. There will be opportunities now for all of us to shift the patterns we have when in relationship with others.

All in all a mixed bag but mostly positive week with moments of frustration and insecurity.

xo all