but being way too lazy and lacking in actual artistic ability to attempt anything like either of these
and having seen something like this (it offered COURAGE) in a dentist's office years ago, my daughter and I set out to create a kinder and gentler New Jersey. We may have our work cut out for us ....
Looks like posters with the same idea are available by Micah Max - not sure that was what my dentist had (don't think so because his had a giant happy tooth) or where you can get one- but they may be worth the hunt!
That is such a cute idea. :)
Oh I so have to do something like that. Mind if I borrow it?
we can never have too much patience and happiness out there suds!
Totally awesome!
Just what Jersey, and every other place for that matter, needs.
You rule, lady!
Very cool! Made me smile!
Love it - who couldn't use more happiness and patience!
wonderful and creative idea! go girls!
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