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The Sea Nymph by xBassxHarmingx |
The Full Moon in Virgo is at 7:51PM EST on Thursday, March 1st.
The Moon is opposing the Sun and Neptune (in Pisces) and trining Black Moon Lilith (in Capricorn) offering something de-stabilizing (or the results of that) and trining Saturn (in Capricorn) promising stability (or the results of that).
At the same time Venus (in Pisces) is trining Jupiter (in Scorpio).
This Moon will conclude eclipse season (although the eclipse energies continue to play themselves out at least until the next eclipse).
A Virgo Full Moon provides the facts. The fog clears. The results are visible. Sanity prevails. This is the view of the situation from the cold light of day.
The trine to Black Moon Lilith (in Capricorn) proposes that whatever she has been stirring up in our Capricorn house has a role to play in the results here or the way we see/manage the results. BML can represent something we have shunned/neglected/avoided or something that has really pissed us off. In some way the Moon is a response to that.
A Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here.
In Virgo we can see all the ways this thing has been built - all our steps and missteps, craftings and procrastinations. And we can also see all the flaws in the construction - this is Virgo after all.
If it is something we are happy with - well, Venus's exact trine to Jupiter, can expand on it. And even if whatever is happening here isn't the whole enchilada - we get enough of the enchilada to have a nice lunch and we have some promise of more enchilada later on. Maybe even a better enchilada. With maybe some nice guac on the side.
And if whatever is happening here is less than we were hoping (those rose colored glasses and all that) - we get maybe not a total healing, but a remission, so to speak - or maybe instead of an enchilada we are presented with an empty plate because we forgot to 1. buy the ingredients and 2. cook the enchilada, well, we can still use that Venus/Jupiter to expand what we want later.
All is not totally lost. The enchilada ingredients are still out there somewhere. They are just not in our cupboard right now.
And, yes, I did just have Chipotle for lunch, how'd you guess?
Now, the slippery thing is that with the Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces (exact on Sunday!) and the fact we have six planetary energies (celestial bodies) in Pisces - we are still swimming with the fishies (and you can see how hard it is for me with Neptune 1 degree from my Ascendant in my natal chart to be specific about Neptune even with Virgo sitting at the top of my chart!).
There is still a whole lot of dreamy Pisces and practical Virgo can only do so much wrangling.
Lots of things could feel like they are hard to hold onto. Lots of things could feel like they are slipping through our fingers. Maybe completions will still feel incomplete and unsatisfying somehow. Maybe we feel better - the symptoms clear up, but since we aren't sure what really happened or what is about to happen we still aren't clear headed even after the Moon has slapped us in the face with that splash of cold water. We will have to see how this goes - there are always more questions than answers.
The good news if things are not going our way is we have Mercury (in Pisces, so not totally clear headed, but he is still Mercury!) meeting up with Jupiter the day after the Full Moon.
And Mercury is the ruler of the Full Moon (ruler of Virgo).
So, we know whatever the Full Moon energizes is set to expand somehow one way or the other, hopefully with a sharp course correction if we don't get what we want here. Probably it doesn't feel like the end or the "facts" feel somehow less than satisfying (did we overcook that enchilada?) no matter what result they are showing us is because the story/chapter doesn't end with the Moon.
Even as the light of the Full Moon (Virgo!) renders the "ideal" a hallucination - we have what we need (Virgo!) to continue to expand, but now in a more grounded, logical manner.
Do your Virgo - dot the I's, cross the T's, be practical, use discernment, use common sense, do what is right in front of you, be of service. Work the Virgo Moon. Don't turn away from the facts presented now. Our instincts could mislead us. Stick to the facts jack. We will continue to expand. It's written in the stars folks.
If all this Pisces has us totally un-moored and down the rapids without a paddle - believing every cockamamie conspiracy theory, drifting into an addiction, wasting hour after hour on Netflix, succumbing to anything that has taken over our life including an illness or romance - this practical Moon with its trine to stable Saturn is that giant boulder up ahead. Yeah that one. The one with the jagged rock formation that looks like a handle that we can't miss. And by can't miss, I mean really can't miss, like it is going to hit us in the head if we don't grab hold of it. So grab hold of it.
With a whole new Neptune chapter kicking off this weekend, we will be glad we did.
As always when reading by sign - check your Sun sign and your Ascendant (first house ruler) first. Take what resonates, release what doesn't. Maybe re-read the whole thing in a couple weeks and see how it feels then. Also note that Full Moon timing is tricky and events sometimes conspire a week early, at least for me and some I have read for, as we build toward the Full Moon event chart as the Moon waxes.
ARIES/Aries Rising (Virgo 6th house) - the Full Moon is happening in your 6th house of day-to-day activities, work, co-workers, pets and your health. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. There may not be a quick fix to the situation/problem, but there is a Neptunian way forward (your 12th house!) - use your intuition, imagination, connections with others. Health issues can be diagnosed now. Work issues and organizational systems can be improved as well as co-worker/employee relationships. Pisces in your 12th house gives you access to "behind the scenes" assistance for healing, creative inspiration, spirituality as Neptune/Sun kicks off a new chapter this weekend. An important thing to remember with Pisces is the more you try to over-manage something the more it tends to drift off course. Let things unwind in their own time. Chiron has been working his way through your subconscious, self-sabotaging Achilles heel for several years and is preparing to enter your sign in a few weeks - for the first time in 50 years! - only weeks before chaotic Uranus leaves your sign, not to reappear in your lifetime - don't let the door hit ya' Uranus! So whatever has been rocking and rolling settles down to let the healing begin. Whatever soothes your warrior/worrier Aries soul will be best for you now. Think Pisces - mediation, water, spirituality, art, healing, release, prayer - dive into the mystical and maybe let the mystical take care of the practical for a bit.
TAURUS/Taurus Rising (Virgo 5th house) - the Full Moon is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. Efforts you have made in any of these areas can provide beneficial results now (or over time, if the results right now are not totally positive) and with Jupiter working all year to expand your 7th house of partnerships - working with another person in these pursuits will double your expansion potential - if not for the actual thing you are working together on then for the relationship itself (and future relationships). This is Leo's house, so be sure you are following your heart! Pisces in your 11th house brings you healing through your causes, social groups and friendships and can help whatever you are doing (that heart-centered thing!) reach a wider audience as you move forward. Just don't try to micro-manage the process. This will flow. This weekend's Sun/Neptune kick off starts a new potent chapter for that 11th house. This is a good time for connecting with your flock. Remember as your relationships and dreams within the larger world gets a reset, we have a long history of giving up our individuality for the safety of the tribe. This is not the tribal experience we are seeking in this new paradigm. Don't focus on getting specific outcomes with others now. Instead focus on feeling your own emotions (this won't be easy for you with Pisces ruling that 11th house). The tribe needs your individuality now. This is not about fixing anyone or anything, although that 5th house Virgo will feel like it is. Be yourself within the group Taurus - they need you!
GEMINI/Gemini Rising (Virgo 4th house) - the Full Moon is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. Previous efforts to work out a family situation or career issue should prove beneficial now. If results are less than you would hope, allow the situation to settle a bit. Pisces in your 10th house brings healing energy to your career/public life making you more confident of career goals or even bringing a beneficial career development. If something you do in 'front of other people' ends now, the way you handle the situation will be the energy that moves you forward into this new chapter - bring in some Virgo - be practical, quality over quantity, don't expect immediate results, allow something to grow over time, do your duty. The important thing to remember with Pisces is the more you try to over-manage something the more it tends to drift off course. Let things unwind in their own time. Trust the best career opportunities to arrive when you are ready. Jupiter is working all year to expand your 6th house of daily habits and your health - the expansion will come through a focus there. With Neptune conjuncting the Sun this weekend in your 10th house of career a whole new chapter filled with opportunities is coming Gemini! The healing here could be about any emotional wounding regarding your reputation, how you feel in front of other people's eyes, the way you work with authority, your relationship with your father energy. The more you allow other people into this healing, the more of a public example you offer, the more energy you will have available to help others through your work in the world.
CANCER/Cancer Rising (Virgo 3rd house) - the Full Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. There could be a choice, decision or official communication/statement. Be proactive and transparent - it's a Full Moon there is no where to hide anyway! Information spoken or gathered now will open paths for new opportunities for you in the future. Partnerships can be strengthened through whatever is happening. Pisces in your 9th house of travel, higher education, religion, politics, legal issues, weddings, the media, your beliefs - can bring a healing solution to one (or more) of these areas. There is also something here you can build on for your future. The important thing to remember with Pisces is the more you try to over-manage something the more it tends to drift off course. Let things unwind in their own time. This weekend's Sun/Neptune fresh chapter for your 9th house brings healing energies to this area. Maybe a legal issue gets resolved. Maybe your plans for a course of study or travel fall into place. The ways you are stepping outside your habitual ways of interacting with the outside world will be the steps that put you on this new path. In a few weeks Chiron is going to move into your career house and you will start a new chapter of healing the emotional wounding regarding your reputation, how you feel in front of other people's eyes, the way you work with authority, your relationship with your father or patriarchal energy. Efforts made in your 9th house can help feed your growth in the 10th (career/public image). So what do you really believe? What do you need to learn? What trees are blocking your forest Cancer?!
LEO/Leo Rising (Virgo 2nd house) - the Full Moon is happening in your 2nd house of money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. Your attention is brought to your resources and any issues that are working at cross purposes with the financial safety/security you seek - debts, other people's money, taxes, your spouse's income. With that Neptune opposition the problem will be something you can't control. Maybe a partner's spending/income or an intimacy issue. The practical Virgo Moon can assist you with a plan if you knuckle down to it. You will need to do the follow-up and day-to-day work to manage it. With Pisces in your 8th house kicking off a whole new chapter this weekend - there could be issues around a partner's finances, other's people's resources, taxes, debts, inheritance or an intimacy/trust issue (sex, secrets, power, addiction) ripe for healing. The important thing to remember with Pisces is the more you try to over-manage something the more it tends to drift off course. There are some things you can't control, but you can control the maintenance of your personal boundaries. Merging with someone else shouldn't mean losing yourself, your self-esteem or the resources you have accumulated.
VIRGO/Virgo Rising (Virgo 1st house) - this Full Moon is happening in your 1st house of yourself dear Virgo. Issues around you, your health, your work, your partnerships. Particularly your partnership issues around the healer/patient, martyr/victim archetypes will be in focus as the Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. With Virgo the story is usually something around what is seen as imperfect or broken. Remember the Virgo/Pisces polarity carries the tension of what is real vs what is ideal. And you carry this energy into your relationships with other people (that 7th house). What would happen here if something was just allowed to be what it is. Pisces mantra is "let go and let God". Try that. Maybe a relationship ends now. Or maybe a relationship's archetypal story does. For example - someone you are healing gets better and what will that mean to your relationship or you have been a victim of something/someone and there is nothing more to be gained from rehashing that story - it is time to wrap it up, or a work partner gets promoted or leaves and what does that mean. Maybe you have been over-giving and you can see it now clearly and what are you going to do now that you have seen it. Neptune's meeting with the Sun this weekend will start a new relationship chapter/story for you. Letting go of the idea that something needs to look/be a certain way - that perfectionist trap where you pretty much ensure you get to lose - will be extremely healing. Forgive. Release. This Full Moon is giving you this extra light to see your relationships with other people and with yourself more clearly - are they mutually beneficial? do they leave you drained or inspired? Chiron is getting ready to leave Pisces in April and he won't be back for 50 years (he will retrograde for a bit next fall/winter!) - so what have you learned since 2011 about the way you see yourself vs how you see other people. And how's that working for you?
LIBRA/Libra Rising (Virgo 12th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. 12th house events have a way of unfolding in their own time and space although often make us feel that a good deal of work (that 6th house opposition) and elbow grease need to be applied, and sometimes they do - usually in a "behind the scenes" kind of way. Mostly though things will resolve themselves - in particular work and health (you or someone you are caring for) related situations- naturally. This may not be a total resolution, but the healing will be clearly visible. You could have done alot of work to make this happen that will never really be properly acknowledged (Virgo just does the work, Virgo doesn't need the clap on the back for doing the work) or there may be a need to do that now and that is OK. Pat your own back. If a work/health situation has been challenging (this could also be related to a pet) the answers will be found in that 12th house realm - healing, compassion, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, release, letting go. Go easy on yourself because this hasn't been easy. Help is available from behind the scenes, just ask for what you need - then let it go and have faith your voice has been heard. On the flipside whatever problems have been created from you escaping from your daily responsibilities (distractions!) and those 6th house themes (health, day-to-day, pet, work) that have slid off course - it could be time to get to work, especially when Neptune and the Sun hook up in Pisces on Sunday and kick of a new chapter here. Either way your day-to-day schedule, health and work are due for a beneficial re-set Libra!
SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (Virgo 11th house) this Full Moon is happening in your house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. 11th house events have a way of becoming public. And you have Jupiter in your own sign expanding the potential of whatever you are doing this year. Maybe a creative project, romance, child situation or something having to do with a recreational (fun) pursuit or way you have been following your heart will now be something that other people get to respond to. The public attention can be a good thing or a more challenging thing depending on what is getting exposed here. This weekend's Sun/Neptune meet-up will be a time of healing and the launch of a new chapter for that (or another) 5th house situation - creative project, children, romance, recreation, following your heart - the healing will come through an acceptance of the flaws naturally present in all situations. Scorpios ability to "fix" 5th house situations is always dependent on the Scorpio's ability to "let go and let God" with the results. Stuff will always drift off course here - some would say be subject to angelic and other-worldly intervention, but the drifting will be where the golden nuggets are found. In May, Uranus will move into Taurus, your polarity sign, and your life will be changing big-time, maybe by the entry of an unusual person. Now is a good time to lay some groundwork for that. Stay open to other people. Don't allow yourself to feel challenged by alternative viewpoints, instead be curious about them. Meet people where they are now instead of where you want them to be.
SAGITTARIUS/Sagittarius Rising (Virgo 10th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. You just had Saturn in your sign for over two years - your increased self-worth, ability to bounce back and make the most of what you have can be needed now - use what you know. The facts are available and your Virgo 10th house allows you to make the necessary corrections - just avoid the procrastination/perfectionism trap. Jupiter in your 12th house this year tells of 'behind the scenes' assistance or applied use of your intuition for expansion. If something doesn't work out now, if you don't get what you want, trust (Pisces!) that things will actually work out better in the long run. The blessings (Jupiter) may be hidden (12th house) but your sustained efforts - not controlling or pushing or manipulating - but just by keeping on keeping on (being responsible) and making the proper course corrections along the way will ensure this. An important thing to remember with Pisces is the more you try to over-manage something the more it tends to drift off course. Let things unwind in their own time. This weekend as the Sun conjuncts Neptune in your 4th house - home, family, roots, mother, home business, real estate - you start a new chapter of healing within these themes. Give yourself the gift of family time now. Compassion, forgiveness, letting go and releasing boundaries here is the cure for what ails you. Don't underestimate yourself Sagittarius. You have earned what you have and you have what it takes.
CAPRICORN/Capricorn Rising (Virgo 9th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. There could be news, a communication, conversation, information that is challenging now. Maybe there is a situation with a sibling or within your local neighborhood. Maybe a physical thing like an issue with your phone or computer or vehicle. With Black Moon Lilith trining (brakes off) the Full Moon from her perch in your sign access to her highest energy here - an ability to persevere and to figure out the best ways to get the best results - is available to you. Think about your habitual ways of interacting with the outside world (what is foreign to you) and how those habits (and the physical things that support them) can be upgraded now. There could be opportunities to gain a wider audience for your beliefs/teachings. This weekend's big Sun/Neptune conjunction in your 3rd house opens up a new chapter/story regarding the way you use words and information (and/or a relationship with a sibling, cousin or your local neighborhood). If something needs to said/heard this is the time. Words heal. How are you going to use the gift of having so many universal energies available to your voice in this upcoming chapter? What do you have to say? Choose? Decide? Listen to? Keep yourself open to new ways of communicating. And be flexible.
AQUARIUS/Aquarius Rising (8th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. If there is something you have been burying in that 8th house basement that you haven't wanted to deal with - this could be when you have to. Maybe life wants to show you that what you think you need from outside yourself you are actually quite able to produce or maybe you already have or maybe it is just a story you have told yourself and created in your life that it is time to let go of. Fears around not having enough money can't be solved with more money, although more money (more self-esteem, more recognition of what we really value) could be the by-product of resolving those fears. If more money just allows the fears to be obscured in that 8th house basement, the money may not come now. Resolving the fears is what unblocks the flow if you see what I mean here. Jupiter is busy expanding your 10th house of career/public life - this is where the opportunities are going to come in. Watch for them. The Neptune/Sun conjunction this weekend in your 2nd house of money, your values, resources and self-esteem kick off a brand new chapter/story. There could be something that needs to be released (Pisces) here to make room for something else. Maybe something you used to value that will be worth more to you if released. Give something away. Even a bag of clothes to Goodwill can unblock some clogged energy around your resources. If you have been overspending or have overspent on something (overstepped your available resources, promised too much or had too much promised to you) or been out of divine timing with what you are wanting - the energy is available now to fix the situation. New ways of making money, getting more of what you really value and increasing your self-esteem are opening up! Keep in mind, and I know you already have alot going on in that mind of yours Aquarius, Uranus is headed into your 4th house of home and family in May intent on re-connecting you (the one you carry in your head) with you (the one who is actually walking around) through your roots, home and family by stirring up these very areas over the next few years. It can be a good idea to take the time, starting now, to reconnect with these things in your own way (release detachment, distractions, climb back into your physical body) - Aquarius always has to do things their own way, right?! - so by the time Uranus moves in - and Uranus is your ruling planet so mostly friendly/familiar to you - you will already be starting the journey home to yourself and that disconnect from the safety of your 11th house world - 'living life at a distance' - isn't too jarring!
PISCES/Pisces Rising (Virgo 7th house) this Full Moon is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnership. The Full Moon brings something to light (to our attention or into the open), to a fullness or to a culmination here. This could be about a personal or business relationship or who and what you 'partner up' with. The facts are available now and whether there is good news or challenging news with Jupiter lighting up your 9th house (your beliefs, the big picture, the wider lens, travel, media, foreign issues, legal issues, higher education, weddings) you will be able to see the bigger picture and your way through this. This could also be a time to partner up with someone very different from you or someone who is able to allow you to see things in a different way. This weekend's powerful meeting between Neptune (your ruling sign!) and the Sun in your sign kicks off an important new chapter/story for you Pisces! Compassion, forgiveness and healing are available. Forgive other people and you will forgive yourself, too. Big doors can fly open. Whatever is sensitive and exposed, whatever is wounded, the spaces where you carry the greatest self-doubt and vulnerability will be the gifts you carry into this new space. Chiron is preparing to leave your sign - YAY Pisces - and move into your house of money to heal your relationship with your resources (and self-esteem/values) over the next few years. You are being prepared to create a living from living your purpose, but you might need to leave a few things behind first. For now, celebrate how far you have come!
xo all - be sure to get outside and walk in the Moon over the next couple nights!