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to make a wish by ESPRIT-CONFUS |
Neptune stations direct today at 11 degrees Pisces. Pisces people and anyone with a strong Neptune or planets from 11-14 degrees of the water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) and mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will feel this change of direction, although maybe not immediately.
Neptune rules our imagination, dreams, spirituality, escape, addiction, art, illusion, delusion, intuition, healing, hospitals, connection, compassion, sacrifice, the things put away, the ocean, the things we do last, the 12th house, the sign of Pisces. Like steam from a hot shower forming on a clean mirror he fogs up whatever he contacts, doubly so when he is moving backward (from our perception here on Earth) which he has been doing since June.
For people touched by this, and for everyone to some degree, especially since he has been very strong in his home sign of Pisces since 2012 (continues through 2025), this retrograde has been a process of something dissolving; fading away. Or maybe we have been what is fading away as we drifted farther and farther from solid land. Loss and gain through Neptune happen over time. The way water erodes rock or slowly creeps higher upon a shoreline. Now that he is direct we could feel rather unstable and uncertain as we regain our sea legs or more intuitively sure about something that isn't totally logical.
His last aspect before his station being a sextile (opportunity) to our Capricorn Moon is a good sign for practical, solid and lasting growth (well, as solid and stable as anything can be involving Neptune!) for our spiritual understanding/collective compassion for the next 6 months (until his next retrograde). Our dreams can become actual solid things. What are you dreaming about?
If you have planets or points near 11 degrees Pisces (Neptune's stationing degree) or a water or mutable sign you might want to take note of what is happening now and make yourself a post-it for the Full Moon in Gemini on December 3rd which will square this degree. Gemini rules information/communication/learning so something could come to light during that Full Moon that reveals something happening now is not quite what it seems.
Now that Jupiter is in Scorpio he will be trining Neptune in Pisces. The first trine (brakes off) will be on December 2nd, 2017, then on May 25th, 2018 and finally on August 19, 2018. This is wonderful energy for healing and compassion and making amazing art; for dissolving barriers and expanding connection. We feel empathy and compassion when the barrier between us and other people is dissolved. We heal when the barrier between us and wholeness dissolves. Our art and imagination come alive when the barriers between us and our muses dissolves. These time periods could also see us obsessed, manipulative and in water "over our head". Addiction, escape tendencies could expand. Truth gets stretched. It's not that we have to take the bad with the good so much as the bad is part of the good.
Remember with transits sometimes all we have to do is survive them. We just have to absorb the energy shifts. We evolve through that. We just have to be still standing or sitting or laying down (just not in a big, old wooden box) when the transit is over.
And with Jupiter in Scorpio for the next year our shadows will keep expanding until we are standing inside them in the dark groping for a light switch.
When I meditated on Jupiter in Scorpio and my own situation I kept seeing those giant fractal mirrors. At first I thought I was seeing broken mirrors, but later realized I was seeing a mirror made up of intentionally placed pieces.
It made me think about how our reality mirrors us very precisely. We all make each other feel exactly the way we feel. So however we make someone feel, whether consciously or unconsciously, will eventually become the way they make us feel. Instead of blindly groping around in the dark (although sometimes groping in the dark can be a good thing) we can choose to see what is really happening.
We can use this knowledge (you are mirroring me) to understand other people, to see/feel our impact on them, to resolve struggles quickly.
So if someone makes us feel a certain way, we can know that we are either making them feel that way or we have made them feel that way. Or someone/something else has - there is only one of us here.
With that knowledge we can consciously choose language and take actions with them that supports how we want to feel.
For example, Jupiter in Scorpio is alot about power and control within relationships.
So if someone is making us feel our own lack of power and control we can be certain they are feeling a lack of power and control. If we say and do things to make the other person feel more empowered and in control of themselves - the same will be mirrored back to us over time. It can't not be because we have changed, so what is reflected back to us (us!) through other people has to change, too.
This isn't New Age mumbo jumbo. Try it and see what happens. Think about the way someone makes you feel, conjecture they are feeling the same way and actively choose to make them feel differently via your words and actions - make them feel the way you want to feel. See what happens.
xo all
(Of course let's not do this at our own expense - Neptune rules martyrs, too - but we CAN help other people feel empowered without dis-empowering ourselves - if the action/words we are using dis-empowers us, these are the wrong words/actions. Do it/say it differently.)
Love to you and yours Cat.
Happy Thanksgiving. ♥
Back at you Janell - have a wonderful weekend XOX!!
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