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Our world by thefirebomb |
The major aspects for this week are:
TUESDAY - Venus square Saturn, Mars trine Jupiter
WEDNESDAY - Mars square Chiron
SATURDAY - New Moon in Pisces (26 degrees), Sun square Galactic Center, Mars into Capricorn
SUNDAY - Sun conjunct Chiron
On MONDAY we start the day with the Moon in Capricorn - get to work, be responsible. The Moon's last aspect before going void for most of the day (11:36AM EDT through 6:44PM EDT) is a square to Uranus - so we could be feeling restless, maybe ambitious. Watch for hasty decisions/actions we might regret later. After the void, the Moon moves into clear-headed Aquarius. We could become more forward-leaning, more interested in public issues for the next couple days.
On both Monday and TUESDAY we will be impacted by Venus (in Aries) squaring Saturn (in Capricorn). Venus in Aries is us wanting what we want and wanting it now and here is that wall, that limit, that un-moveable object - those pesky freakin' RULES.
It's possible we don't get exactly what we want now.
Or extra responsibilities/work/commitments are added to our plate and that thing we thought we wanted becomes a little less shiny.
When Saturn exactly conjuncted my natal Venus a couple months ago I had to renew my driver's license. Now, I could have renewed by mail - this option is given out randomly in NJ and for years I complained that I was never selected and had to truck my butt down there to the Motor Vehicle Commission and get in line. This year I finally had the "just-mail-it-in" option, but had procrastinated the whole thing until the very last minute and had to truck my butt down there anyway.
It was pouring outside. I put on some waterproof eye make-up, spent extra time doing my hair, a crazy amount of time picking out just the right scarf, etc - I brought a mirror and an umbrella. You get the idea. Serious (Saturn) attention to appearance (Venus).
The rain and winds stopped just in time. The lines inside were very short. Everything was going my way. I get to the clerk's window and she says "remove the scarf", then "step back to the line and do not smile". Yes, New Jersey has a 'do not smile in driver's license' thing (somehow this is not hard for us here in N.J.). And, we also have a new 'your face fills the entire box' thing, so the license barely shows your hair, etc. WTH!
I remove my carefully selected scarf, relax my face and try to smile with my eyes. "Have a seat" she says, waving her hand toward the waiting area.
I leave 20 minutes later with what is surely the worst photo I have ever taken in my life. Certainly the oldest looking photo.
It look me about 30 seconds to think about old man Saturn sitting on my precious Venus (!) - appearance (Venus) on official document (Saturn), bringing age (Saturn) to beauty (Venus). I tried to think about a fine wine and about the myriad experiences that I wouldn't change for a second that had produced these lines/spots on my face, but all I could see was this ghastly photo staring at me from my wallet.
This wasn't even my mother's photo. I had skipped an entire generation and become my grandmother!
Hubs said, "not a bad photo actually - you just look serious and it's only for three years." Which depressed me even further - is this how I actually look and what the hell am I going to look like in three years?! - and why was he giving me even more sober Saturn! Ugh. My Venus in Sagittarius doesn't want to hear this crap. I decided to purchase a new wallet that night - something Venusian to house my old man scowl.
Of course Venus/Saturn could have brought something else entirely. Something much more challenging. I tell myself it was actually pretty clever of me to give the energy this space to work itself out. Plus, I am now smiling more often. And I have a new wallet.
Now, this story is about Saturn conjuncting Venus - taking her over. This week's energy is the square which is different.
This is our Venus (love, money, women, beauty, self-esteem, our values) restrained/cornered by Saturn (time, authority, responsibility). We can't go any further without changing something - we have to pivot. So, maybe we get a 'no". Maybe whatever is happening has us feeling less than desirable right now. There could be some kind of reality check. A limit is reached.
With Venus and Mercury traveling together through Aries this month we are going to have to stand up for ourselves regardless of the external outcome. The standing up is the outcome because the energy is shifted.
The good news is that on TUESDAY we also have a trine (brakes off) between beneficial Jupiter (retrograde in Scorpio) and the powerful Sun (in Pisces).
There is
Whatever the "re" thing is (re-sorting, re-flecting, re-doing, re-visiting) that Jupiter is doing down there in our Scorpio house is where the light of the Sun is shining now. Moving toward that - where the energy is naturally taking us anyway - is the way around Saturn's wall.
EXAMPLE FOR LIBRA/LIBRA RISING - Venus is in your 7th house (Aries) of partners and partnerships, so the square - extra responsibility, the "no", the time is not on your side thing - comes from this area. Maybe your partner and you are on different pages about something. Maybe your partner is the one hitting some kind of wall or issue with authority or together you are dealing with a family/home issue. Maybe he/she is playing Saturn McScrooge and you are just not feeling very desirable now. Move your focus to where it naturally wants to go. The Sun in Pisces, your 6th house of daily activities, your health, co-workers, pets - tells you to keep moving forward - dot your i's cross your t's, get on a schedule, work the process, eat right, etc AND Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio, your 2nd house of money, your values and self esteem tells you that re-working your finances is needed - your money/self-esteem and your health working together will get you through this. Maybe money spent on a gym membership or healthier foods would be money well-spent now. Or better organizing (6th house) of your money and resources (2nd house) will help your partnership (7th house) issues to move more smoothly.
For all of us maybe work and responsibility (Saturn) create tension in our relationships (Venus). This could also be something about aging (Saturn) gracefully (Venus). Hmm. Maybe a relationship or value (Venus) is tested (Saturn). Maybe a financial (Venus) limit (Saturn) is hit. Maybe a situation with a woman doesn't go quite the way we had hoped or maybe a commitment is tested. There are many ways this could play out for us.
Whatever the wall is - allowing our energy (the Sun) to move where it naturally wants to go - with Jupiter reworking that Scorpio house(!) - is probably the best way to deal with this. Be creative. Pisces/Scorpio is very healing energy. Forgiveness. Compassion. Prayer.
Venus will be going retrograde next fall in Scorpio and hitting these Jupiter retrograde degrees, so let's get this right now with Jupiter so we can benefit (attract) from Venus then.
On WEDNESDAY, and we could be feeling this Tuesday night - Mars (in Sagittarius) will be squaring wounded healer Chiron.
This doesn't feel good.
Mars anger could come out in a sudden burst.
Our actions could hurt someone else. Someone else's actions could hurt us. An old wound can be triggered. There could be something here about guilt or shame. Maybe we are feeling confident and then we get rejected. Something new could feel like a huge risk and maybe the bigger the move we make the bigger the splash of cold water in our face. We could have something exposed that embarrasses us and we'll just have to deal with it. Mars is about to move into Capricorn, where he is exalted, he just crossed the Galactic Center and Chiron is preparing to hit the Aries point on his way out of Pisces (I am going to write about the big picture in a post this week).
The bumps and bruises are part of the process of release. It could still hurt though.
Keep in mind the Sun will be back here on Sunday with a big old flashlight.
The Moon continues her journey through "just be yourself" Aquarius. Maybe we are not so interested in duty and responsibility now. The Moon will square Jupiter - this would not be a good time for big financial/intimacy moves and then she goes on to sextile Uranus creating opportunities with unusual ideas or people. Or maybe an opportunity to take a break and do something else.
While we sleep the Moon will enter Pisces.
On THURSDAY, the Moon in Pisces could focus us on art, healing, spirituality, our dreams and intuition. Our left brain is asleep and our right brain is activated. We could be feeling more vulnerable but also more sensitive and compassionate. On Thursday night the Moon will sextile (opportunity) stable Saturn, so our best time to be productive will probably be quite late in the day.
I will write about Friday and of course this weekend's New Moon in Pisces and other big energies in the weekend post and flesh the week out with a couple dailies since I didn't get to this post on Sunday and feel like I am rushing it out this morning!
The week sounds a bit challenging now that I reread it.
We could feel like one minute we are raring to go and the next adrift and unmotivated. Jupiter has just turned retrograde, Mercury is walking his shadow steps, Mars has just crossed the Galactic Center and will be changing signs after a long journey through Sagittarius at the end of the week- we are expanding. And the times they are a changing folks!
I will write some dailies! Don't start anything new today with that void Moon. If we get one or two ego hits this week know we can handle it. We were born to do this. We've got this thing!
xo all
Mercury is preparing to go retrograde. BACK UP YOUR FILES.
Before I drift into whatever the week holds, I have to laugh about your driver photo. I wish I could post a picture here of Ed's. Why in the world the people at DMV let him get by with it, I'll never know, but he put on this goofy smile and kind of freaked out eyes and they just handed it to him! We got to thinking that maybe this is his best look, you know? As for me, I've taken one great photo for my airport ID and I ask them to use it every year. Hoping I can get 100 wallet size photos for friends and family.
Thanks for your example for Libra rising! I have Libra rising, with Venus in the 7th house (Aries), conjunct Saturn in my natal chart.
I have been trying to start booking for a vacation for my husband and myself that I have been looking forward to (visiting the Redwoods) in April, but my husband, who has been suffering with serious neck pain in the past few months, told me that he doesn't think its going to work for him. (There's that "no" you mentioned.)
We discussed either postponing it, which may or not work, depending on my work vacation availability, and we also somewhat reluctantly discussed the possibility of me going alone.
It will be interesting to see what happens!
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