(luckily, he did get a nice pair of snowpants for Christmas that should come in handy - thank you Kella and Chris)
So, back to my 2011 countdown. I think that if 2011 will be a year of DECIDING we will need to surround ourselves with people who encourage us.
(and we need to encourage people right back, of course)
We cannot do this alone and need our tribe, our peeps, our friends to help us stay motivated and on track - people who are truly happy for our successes - people who remind us how strong we are in the times when we have fogotten.
I have decided to become a more proactive encourager in the new year and draw more encouragers into my tribe. Encouragers don’t promise rainbows and eternally sunny days - they are not in our lives to splash pink paint over our problems and pretend they don't exist.
Encouragers promise presence, wisdom and positive energy. They reinforce us to ourselves. They tell our stories back to us in the strong voices our hearts need to hear.
In 2011, I am committed to encourage the people in my life and attract more encouragers into my life!
(even if I have to bribe them with upcycled jewelry and a free driveway shovel-out by a very good looking guy in new blue snow pants)
*you're doing everything right print by laura george
Encouragers are my favorite type of people! I love them, I need them, I am one. I feel it is our duty to be the brightest sort of light to others. So that they may find their own spark and lead others kindly on. Thank you for always being an encouraging presence to others!
Enjoy the day!
Great post [and I *love* the artwork you chose to illustrate it too!].
I recently made myself a new headr for my blog which lists the things I do there. 'Encouraging others' sprung to mind as that's what I hope I do, but I debated with myself over whether to include it ... in case it sounded a bit self-important. But in the end I *did* include it and it was great to hear my thoughts about it echoed in your post today.
Julie :-)
Oh, yes - thanks for this post.
I have been following you for a few months now, and I really like to read your thoughts - there is always some food for thought in it... (do you say that?)
I am an encourager - I really like to encourage other ppl, but I also need encouragement myself, though ppl tend to forget, that even encouragers need encouragement :-)
Wishing you a very happy new year - and I think that there is no wrong decision in life (the only wrong is to not decide), so just go ahead whatever is your decision!
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