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89-LIon by Lucky978 |
See Part I focused on the U.S. situation HERE
Monday's Solar Eclipse in Leo is a super-charged New Moon! Hooked up with the North Node of our collective way forward, conjunct the powerful degree of the royal star and king-maker Regulus and it's the second New Moon in Leo this year and it is trining (brakes off) "anything can happen" Uranus (ruler of the South Node of Aquarius) -
this is a potent fresh start
focused on the theme of our Leo natal house (what house holds 28 degrees Leo in your natal and progressed charts - what are those house themes?) and Leo ruled creativity, children, romance, fun, games, our heart's desire, generosity, pride, confidence, courage and love.
August 6th's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius may have eclipsed something out or brought something hidden into the light. We talked about this eclipse HERE and HERE - this stuff is factoring into the next eclipse, but now we are focusing on moving forward.
Big energy moving through the collective fields means there is big energy moving through us!
This is the time we release our detachment (Aquarius) and we move into our heart (Leo). This is the time we take the thing that has alienated and set us apart (Aquarius) and bring it front and center onto the stage (Leo). It will be the thing we are proud of. It will be the thing that makes our heart happy. It will be the thing that when we think about moving toward it - we feel a little lighter, life feels a little easier. It won't be the big complicated thing we get a headache just thinking about actually doing.
This is the time we step away from the crowd and back into ourselves. We put the oxygen mask on our own face first. We stop revolting against what we don't want and start creating what we do want. We put away the phone and go play with the kids. We turn off the internet and use our computer to write that book we have been wanting to write. We turn our attention away from the masses - our pseudo family who agree with us - and toward the people we love who are right in front of us - who probably do NOT always agree with us. We are connected to the people we are physically connected to for a reason!
We have gotten ourselves into quite a bit of trouble by only looking at the stuff we agree with and talking to and interacting with people we agree with. We have lost sight of the fact we can get along with all kinds of people we don't agree with and the fact that lots of people out there do not agree with us and probably never will - and that's OK.
The trine (brakes off) to unpredictable Uranus (in fiery, independent and action oriented Aries) is a good indicator that we don't have to figure out how to get where we want to be. The universe can use whatever action we take to get us on the path toward our heart's desire. The Leo space in our natal chart shows what we are here to give and the world is hungry for it!
Things fall into place when we get clear on how we want to feel (happy, joyous, lighter) and do more things that make us feel like that. Do fun stuff and the universe will respond by offering us more fun stuff to do.
Things fall into place when we do the things we are already doing - 5 planets are retrograde folks - with more joy and an open heart.
This eclipse is connected to Mercury's retrograde journey AND this year's Venus story AND this year's Jupiter/Pluto story. The new beginning offered up by this potent New Moon could take some time to shake out. We have Mars hitting the eclipse degree on September 2nd (courage, anger, action), Mars conjuncting a retrograde Mercury (maybe an argument, maybe news that requires action) on September 3rd and Mercury stationing direct on the eclipse degree (28 degrees Leo) on September 5th (final decision, some kind of culmination point or results via information or communication). This is all going to take some time to unwind.
We also have Ceres opposing a retrograde Pluto on August 21st. This will play into the eclipse story, too, likely dredging up issues of dependency and control. There could be power struggles around nurturing - maybe something like "if you want me to take care of you or give you this thing you need, then you must do this thing for me that I want" - maybe something that needs to be given freely comes with a few strings attached. On the other hand nurturing given freely can transform the situation. We'll talk about this more as we move through it.
So start thinking about your New Moon intentions for after Monday's eclipse. We had a New Moon in Leo on June 23rd so we might get another crack at something we started then.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and with the Sun ruling this New Moon - and the North Node of our collective way forward now in Leo also - this is all about following our HEART. Whatever new thing/situation/person/belief/action we choose to work with needs to be something we are excited about, it needs to stir us. It needs to not have any self-sacrifice or victim mentality connected to it. It needs to come with a certain ease. This doesn't mean there won't be work involved, but it can't be only work involved.
With the North Node in Leo now if we really don't want to do something and we do it anyway, it isn't going to work. What we want, what is calling to our heart, is the only thing that will work now. Choices get easier. I will do a post by sign when I do the weekly next weekend.
Let your heart guide you, forget logic with this one, clear your head, write what your heart wants not what you think you should write, write your intentions down by hand in script on a blank piece of paper, speak the words out loud, burn the paper - release your attention from these things knowing your intention is known.
Life has heard you.
Know these things are already yours.
If you are lucky enough to get to watch this beautiful eclipse, be sure to have the proper glasses and understand exactly when it will happen in your area. It will only last a maximum of 2 minutes for the totality, so you don't want to miss it by misunderstanding the correct time - Mercury is retrograde and crazy crowds are expected so prepare for travel delays and get there early! Please, please bring your highest, most peaceful and joyous energy with you. Don't be afraid to look into the dark, but carry forward the energy of that moment the light comes back on.
And let's bring our pets indoors - they can get eye damage, too.
xo all
Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!
Thank goodness.
not sure I would agree about the 'not revolting' it feels more dangerous to ignore what is happening
xo Lynn
Hi Helen - I am sure 'not revolting' doesn't mean ignoring, but it's always a good idea to push for what we do want rather than against what we don't, right? We are always getting what we focus on, what we give our time and attention to.
The thing is we are heading into or already into the Age of Aquarius and we have this opportunity right now while the North Node is in Aquarius's polarity sign of Leo to release the stuff that doesn't serve Aquarius and head toward the Leo HEART stuff before the Aquarius HEAD takes over.
I don't doubt there is alot of revolution/revolutionary ideas/actions ahead of us - Aquarius rules revolution, but we have this period of time - because soon we are going to have Saturn and Pluto both in Capricorn - the sign of winter! - this time to move toward what makes us happy. Life is pretty neutral with this stuff. It's fine with just giving us winter because we can grow strong during winter, right?
but we have this time - this north node in Leo - where a focus on our heart works best so we are better off, happier, more comfortable when the snow comes in - better to go into winter with the people we love, doing work we love, etc - since we can't avoid the winter.
I think I am getting off-course. Ack! People revolting by marching AGAINST confederate statues coming down will lose. People revolting by just going out and pulling them down will lose, too. This stuff happening during eclipse season tells us it matters. It matters as we head into our country's Pluto return what we put on a pedestal - what we 'look up to'. We need to figure this out.
I agree with you we can't just ignore everything that is happening. But working toward what we do want will work better than hating on/ working against/ resisting what we don't. I don't know exactly how we do this either. I guess we start by thinking about what we want and not what we don't want. There is a whole lot of faith involved with life on planet Earth if we don't want to go bat shit crazy xo
I agree Cat, but just in the example of the statues - how does not revolting look if you want them to come down? Doesn't everything including the U.S. come from some kind of revolt.
I don't know, maybe forget the statue exists and focus on creating new memorials to things/people that should be celebrated/honored. And I am not saying to never revolt - I am talking about specific aspects at this specific time.
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