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Is There A Ghost by DeBally |
Here we go!
Pencil in Wednesday and Thursday for the most likely times to bring BIG news or a big decision.
On SUNDAY, Juno (partnerships) conjuncts the South Node at 14 degrees Aquarius.
Juno has been in liberating and innovative Aquarius since mid-December waking up/breaking up outdated/boxed-in partnerships and agreements that are no longer evolving both parties. She has also been busy turning friends into partners and partners into friends (which could be a good thing or just create more detachment within relationships).
Her travels through Aquarius (until February 23rd when she moves into Pisces) are showing us the ways our existing relationships are confining/liberating and encouraging the idea that true partnership consists of two unique and equal individuals.
Independence and individualism within relationships - how do I keep "me" as I become "we".
Marriages, for example, where the wife is playing mother to the husband or the husband is playing father to the wife are showing the strain of a changing paradigm where interdependence comes through everyone's ability to stand on their own two feet (often women - physically and men- emotionally) and be themselves. The ways we are unable to be ourselves within a partnership could feel stifling.
Partnership agreements/contracts we came into this life with might reach their natural conclusions (romantic/professional). Maybe new clauses need to be added or outdated requirements crossed out and initialed by both parties. Maybe something is just done. Stick a fork in it.
As Juno moves over the South Node (what we are releasing) it is possible a relationship that has been too restrictive, or tied to the past, could end. It is equally possible a committed relationship could move to a deeper level as certain expectations/requirements are released and both partners feel freer to just be themselves.
Maybe a friendship or group activity requires a revised commitment/contract. New relationships (karmic) can also get started now.
Rules and behavior for dating that equalize both parties (we can see this conversation in the collective now) are up for re-negotiation, too.
Freedom and equality are the key words here - although it might look like the relationship issue is about something else. If one party is feeling too put upon (this may or may not be actually true), restricted, subject to unequal power rules or feels a contractual agreement has been broken or not lived up to - something could be re-negotiated between now and the end of February.
Although all relationships are working through this to a greater or lesser degree, this week's Juno transit would likely have greatest impact for people with planets or points near 14 degrees Aquarius or the other fixed signs - Taurus, Leo or Scorpio.
EXAMPLE for Cancer/Cancer Rising (Aquarius 8th house) - the 8th house is about other people's resources and how they are shared with us. This transit (mid -December through late February) could be energizing situations involving your partner's income or your joint finances and how much each partner is putting into the pot. Are both parties contributions being equally valued? Inequalities could lead to breakdowns/breakthroughs now as Juno touches the South Node. Or maybe one partner has different needs regarding intimacy or fidelity - working this stuff out now will take the relationship to a deeper level. An inability to resolve these kinds of issues could contribute to an ending. Restraining contracts/debts could also be on the table or cycle out now.
EXAMPLE for Libra/Libra Rising (Aquarius 5th house) - the 5th house is about creativity, children, romance and recreation. If one partner is working while the other partner is playing this could need to be restructured now. Unequal child-rearing roles or disagreements around how much freedom to give children, for example, could cause breakdowns/breakthroughs within partnerships. Can you be in a romantic relationship and still create what you need to create? Can you be a parent and be in a romantic relationship, too? Maybe relationship rules with grown children are getting re-negotiated as old guidelines drop away. Maybe the contract being worked out is actually your contract with yourself.
Compromises could be required.
There are many ways this could be playing out. Think - contract re-negotiation - what is working for both parties gets to stay (it doesn't matter how oddball or strange it is or how it doesn't look like something traditional or what we thought it would look like), what isn't working needs to go/change.
MONDAY and TUESDAY are all about the Aries Moon (Moon changed signs while we slept Sunday night). On Monday it will sextile the Sun (in Aquarius), square Saturn (in Capricorn) and sextile Venus (in Aquarius) all before we sit down for lunch. After the weekend's meandering/dreamy energy it might be a good idea to take a moment this morning and get centered.
With the independent and likely impatient Moon squaring Saturn (the rules/authority) and sextiling the Aquarius Sun - we could be butting our head against something rather solid. Maybe something from the past is holding us back or tossing up a roadblock. After lunch, the Moon's sextile with Venus, gives a green light to social activities. Good for sales and commerce and making money through our own initiative/courage. If you need to make contact with a woman, or take action regarding a money matter, make your move after 12:30PM EST.
On Tuesday, the Aries Moon requires us to focus on the here and now. The Moon squares Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter before finally conjuncting Uranus, late at night, and going void. This many challenges to an independent Aries Moon would make this a good day to work alone. People will be pushy and situations will push our buttons. All these tense contacts to our emotional Moon could make us moody. Be diplomatic. Do the work that is right in front of you. Make plans. Strategize. But maybe save the power moves for a day without so many challenges. It could be hard to get to sleep if we go to bed too late (over-stimulated from that inventive Uranus).
WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY are big news and information days. The Moon moves into grounded Taurus making us more focused on our money, our resources and our emotional stability.
Mercury (our communication, words, thinking, ideas, sibling, transportation, local environment) in solid-as-a-rock Capricorn conjuncts karmic, transformative Pluto at 19 degrees.
Yes, 19 degrees Capricorn AGAIN - there is unfinished business here - it goes way back ...
Mercury/Pluto makes me think of powerful secrets and conspiracy theories. Passionate communications. Conversations are life-changing, life and death or maybe just feel like life and death.
Maybe we overwhelm people with our words. Maybe we are the ones overwhelmed.
This is good energy to be mentally focused and diving into something. Excellent for research and what we discover could change our thinking.
It's time to speak (Mercury) our truth (Pluto) and hear (Mercury) the truth (Pluto).
Then Mercury moves right into a sextile (opportunity) with expansive, lucky Jupiter (in Scorpio).
So the news comes in - good or challenging depending on our personal storyline - but either way we can figure out a way to make use of it!
In the collective there could be another big story in the news about abuses of power.
Whatever this is for us personally - new/information/ideas, etc - it will be too big to push under the rug. There is truth here and it might be raw and ugly. But maybe not.
The good news is a powerful, expansive sextile between Mercury and Jupiter that follows, telling us there is benefit and growth connected to what we learn/say/hear now.
There is reason for optimism here. There might be a pot of gold at the bottom of that rabbit-hole, after all. Keep digging.
Mercury will also be sextiling Chiron (in healing Pisces) so we know the words are medicinal, even if they hurt.
Skipping ahead to SUNDAY, Mercury is going to square unpredictable Uranus.
So here is the fly in the ointment - a last minute Uranian plot twist (I am certain Trump, with Uranus on his natal Sun, will be tweeting!).
There could be an unexpected result, conversation or new information now. Words are disruptive. It could be the consequences of whatever is being chosen/decided/said, but we won't be able to put the genie back in the bottle or ignore what Pluto told us earlier in the week.
Spontaneous words could fly now. Stay in the moment.
EXAMPLE for Aries/Aries Rising (Capricorn 10th house, Scorpio 8th house, Aries 1st house) - your 10th house rules your career, your business or public life, so a conversation or information now could impact your work or professional life. You could put some insider information or thorough research to good use - for your growth, expansion. It could make you lucky. Any gain could also come through powerful, well-placed contacts or working with other people's resources. On the flip-side of this, especially with that square to Uranus in your own sign at the end of the week - there could be some unwelcome "truth" uncovered regarding your business or career or you could spill the beans on something yourself and have to deal with the unexpected consequences. Think before you speak now.
EXAMPLE for Leo/Leo Rising (Capricorn 6th house, Scorpio 3rd house, Aries 9th house) - your 6th house rules your day-to-day activities, work and health so a conversation or information coming in now could impact one of these areas. Information, a decision, a solution - could work to your benefit or for your growth/expansion. It could make you lucky. Uranus's square at the end of the week indicates there could be an additional twist or turn after you think you have your ducks lined up. Stay flexible.
And, yes, I could be WAY over-thinking these specific scenarios (who me? overthink it?).
Maybe just be prepared to adjust and make use of information that comes in this week. And then re-adjust!
On FRIDAY, the Moon is void until 12:40PM EST and then moves into Gemini. We will be busy (the weekend, too) - communicating, going here and there, multi-tasking (yes, I hate that word, too!).
Mars leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius (through March 18th). We move from dealing with secrets to dealing with truth (and yes, that will mean different things to different people and people will be PREACHY).
In fiery Sagittarius, our actions are more courageous and things move faster. We could be quicker to anger, but also quicker to spring into action when necessary. The anger could dissipate quickly as the next thing on the horizon catches our eye.
We might be more easily distracted and our actions less focused, but the bonus optimism and faith in the bold new adventure that Mars in Sagittarius inspires in us could be worth whatever detail is lost to a wider lens.
Our Aquarius Sun's (and Juno's and Venus's) yearning for freedom or something else gets kicked up a notch now.
Our energy flows with Mars, so whatever the theme of our Sagittarius natal house is where we will feel a kind of pressing urgency to DO SOMETHING.
EXAMPLE for Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (Sagittarius 2nd house) - your 2nd house rules your money, resources, values and self-esteem. Mars' transit here makes you more courageously/actively push yourself to make more money or acquire more resources. It can also increase spending.
EXAMPLE for Virgo/Virgo Rising (Sagittarius 4th house) - your 4th house rules home, family, home business, real estate, security. Mars' transit here could focus courageous actions in these areas. Whatever needs to be improved, whatever needs to be initiated - here's your shot of adrenaline to get it moving.
xo all- keep in mind I list transits when they are exact, so transits other than the Moons are in play for some time before and after the dates I list them in these forecasts
(Did anyone else have a some kind of structural break down after last week's Capricorn New Moon party - although a party in Capricorn might look more like a bunch of people waiting outside the principal's office or in line at the DMV - something we count on or were counting on? Most likely pertaining to our Capricorn natal house - in my case 3rd house/car break down right on time. In the United States it is our government (Capricorn ruled) that has closed up shop/broken down - not able to be counted on right now.
For me, I predict a mid-week 'face the music' moment with a potentially costly repair or vehicle death notice (Pluto) followed by a 'come to Jesus' reprieve/miracle fix (Jupiter). Followed by something like - the repair doesn't actually fix the problem or the car breaks down again (Uranus). Or something else totally happens. My crystal ball is fuzzy. Stay tuned ...)
Last week hubby's sister passed away. She had been sick for a few years and it just finally took a toll on her. Hubby was pretty upset at first (naturally) but I think it also gave him reason to think about some things...
Without even connecting the two, we somehow got into the idea of possibly moving to Pensacola when hubby is ready to retire. I never imagined I'd ever leave the northwest, though I used to joke/dream about moving to the Keys and becoming a beach bartender... I was always half kidding when I said it, but also half serious if it could actually happen somehow.
Hubby has a step brother there, that he was closer to growing up than his real brother... they just have so much in common.
"It is equally possible a committed relationship could move to a deeper level as certain expectations/requirements are released and both partners feel freer to just be themselves."
I think we are in this place/space now and it's liberating. Things that made me feel confined before, I feel have shed their layers lately, and the idea of moving to Pensacola is also liberating too. Partly because of the weather/easy lifestyle, but also because hubby could really use a good friend in his life and I am proud of him for even considering such a big change for us.
With his retirement in the air (he'll be 62 in August - but just playing it by ear) we've been searching for a place we could get more house for less money - not that we want much, but a little more than 826 sqft would be helpful... it feels like we have options. We both have only ever wanted to live by the water, where he can fish and I can swim, and we can have the boat in the water - live a simple life, enjoy the outdoors. Much as we love the Oregon coast, and the PNW... we haven't been able to find that perfect place - and you KNOW we've been looking. :)
Nothing is set in stone yet. We probably won't be able to visit down there anytime soon because of our old dog, that we can't leave (separation anxiety so we can't travel without her) - so either hubby will retire first, or our old pup will pass and that will give us freedom to roam a bit easier... not that we are looking forward to her passing, but, it will give us more freedom when she is gone.
Sorry lots of words here. Been meaning to catch up for a couple months now but so many things have been making life move fast lately.
Definitely feeling focused, and driven, and motivated for the possibilities that lie ahead. Also Amazon has been coming together slowly but surely and that makes me feel more secure in us having options.
Hope you are well and much love to you Cat. Thanks always for your posts and commitment to this here blog. :)
I am so sorry Janell! I can see how his sister's passing would make him stop and take a deeper look at things and you guys are coming up to a crossroads anyway.
I know how long you have been looking in Oregon - maybe a move like this is why nothing ever quite clicked into place. A beach bartender - that sounds like a good intention for the next New Moon! I can totally see you doing that - but knowing you, you would have a little stand of jewelry and soaps next to the margaritas! xox
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