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my taurus locket |
My jury duty - 8 weeks - is finally over!
(I will post about that next week)
Is anyone else having a pollen-pocalypse? Where is all this pollen coming from? Not enough bees to eat it all?!
(speaking of bees, I had a smart and kind beekeeper on my jury and have some delicious honey for my tea that I am enjoying right now!)
After years of nodding my head and sniffling in pretend sympathy with all you seasonal allergy sufferers -
while secretly thinking my own immune system far superior, no doubt due to my mother's consumption of a "healthy" guinness beer - her doctor (wink, wink) "made" her drink every day of her pregnancy with me - also the reason I can swim like a fish, have brilliant ideas late at night that I totally forget the next morning, carry home random things I find in the street and dance offbeat with no respect for other people's personal space
I am now a freakin' mess - sinuses, chest, throat. I think if you squeezed me, and please don't, I'd squirt pollen from my nose like a package of Johnson's Baby Powder.
My neti pot is the only thing keeping me sane. I had a teacher recommend wearing red and listening to Richard Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries - to empower yourself when depleted - I wonder if it will work during a pollen-pocalypse .....
OK, enough whining - we have a New Moon on Sunday!
This is the Taurus New Moon. Yes, Taurus. Ruled by Venus and ruler of the 2nd house. People don't always understand Taurus. It is like she is so simple, and these times we live in so complicated, we have made her complicated, too. She isn't.
Taurus is the first of the Earth signs and is fixed earth - she is everything grounded.
Taurus is all about sensuality - the touch that feels like love. She is spring. Our natal planets in Taurus offer a promise of fruitfulness and growth; the promise of something better. Where is 26 degrees Taurus in your natal chart? If you have planets 24 through 28 degrees in the fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you will feel this New Moon more strongly.
Ruled by Venus, Taurus coaxes us out of our heads and back into our bodies at the end of a long day with a nice hot bath, she draws our hands to those tomato plants at the garden center and urges us to get them into the ground, she is the voice that whispers I love you when we stroke the baby's ear with our lips.
Taurus rules our 2nd house of values - everything money can buy and everything money can't buy.
We have the sun and the moon in Taurus during this New Moon and this is the time to ask ourselves "what do we really value?".
This new moon in Taurus is an excellent time to begin a grounding practice, make affirmations and set intentions about: money, contentment, patience, self-worth, releasing stubbornness, health issues regarding your neck, throat and voice in the world.
(astrologer Jan Spiller calls them wishes and says to work with 10 at every new moon)
AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a happy frame of mind - always make affirmations from a positive place - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - I write my affirmations on strips of paper and burn them, releasing the ashes into moving water - then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known. Know these things are already yours.
Here is another link to a New Moon Ritual you might like to try. I've never used a dinner roll! Actually it's making me hungry and craving those Red Lobster cheddar biscuits!
Also remember affirmations are action - they set the energy in motion and we are literally creating the affirmation within the energy that is needed to manifest it.
Words are not just words. If done properly, in the right frame of mind, they line us up energetically with the thing we are seeking.
If you have a creative business this is the time to work with ideas and makings you want to grow. Be sure you are coming from a space of connectedness with this. If we are pushing and forcing and taking action from a place of separation that new growth may not survive.
The stuff we love will be the stuff we can grow now.
Taurus is subtle so growth may not be dramatic, but with the right care, deep roots can be created and new beginnings can turn into something lasting.
There is some need for caution Friday and Saturday. We've got a Mars/Saturn opposition involving Neptune - some movement or energy being expended (Mars) could be heartless or hard (Saturn) and/or deceptive or escapist (Neptune). Think things through. Maintain your personal boundaries.
Venus is trine Neptune which is good for romance. The heady kind maybe, but we've got Taurus to ground that.
Jupiter (opportunity) is trining (good aspect) Uranus (the unexpected). Luck can change overnight and opportunities can happen out of the blue.
Now Mercury turns retrograde (back up your computer, phone, etc) at almost the same time, so we need to slow down and pay attention. We need to move ahead with one eye in the rear-view mirror now. We've got Venus in Cancer so whatever direction we are heading should make us feel safe, secure and nurtured, if not, this is not the time for it.
This time period is all about slowing down, focusing and going back over what we think we already know, even as we plant new seeds. This will be what encourages what will grow from the Taurus New Moon. xo all
I think we've finished up our pollen phase around here but last month I wanted to take a bottle brush to my throat. I was a pollen puffball, too. I swear, the older I get . . .
Two Dog Pond and I were talking about you last week. Seems that she and I and every other artist we know is changing directions. I am slowly leaving my metalwork behind, painting quite a bit, and posting a few on my blog. She is moving away form her usual work and into bookbinding. Such departures for both of us, you know, and you were the first person we thought of, of course! I don't know what's out there (besides pollen) but both of us are paying attention.
Hope you get all of that pollen out of your head soon, my friend : xo
Wow that was a really long time to be on jury duty. You are a good citizen and hopefully with such a long stint you will be off the list for some time to come.
ooh yes, Lynn - multiple reasons for this and I am seeing it, too all over my Facebook page - it makes perfect sense - I will post about this this week!
Kathy - I know it was nuts. I met some great people and really felt I made an impact - but yes, next time, I will be asking for a pass! xo
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