weekly astrology forecast | July 22nd to July 28th, 2024 - big endings and dramatic results, a light on any fear or obsession that is draining our batteries and keeping us from shining, new choices and opportunities, old wounds and health situations are up for re-evaluations

weekly astrology forecast | July 15th - 21st, 2024 - explosive change, the shot heard round the world, power moves, huge week ahead including the second capricorn full moon which is a second chance to make a graceful exit

weekly astrology forecast | July 8th - 14th, 2024 - opportunistic and optimistic start to the week as we are drawn instinctively to our best path forward and then as the week progresses things begin to heat up, preparation is your friend

does the astrology of kamala harris, joe biden, the united states and the first woman (asteroid pandora) bring us the first woman president of the united states this summer?

New Moon in Cancer | July 5th. 2024 - fresh starts with home and family, taking care of ourselves by letting go of old standards of performance and allowing people to not live up to our ideals, endings we can't control, securing our home base

weekly astrology forecast | July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - reality checks as our relationship to reality shifts, the conversation changes, power struggles, taking care of ourselves and fresh starts with home and family

weekly astrology forecast | June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - grounded thinking, relationship and financial decision points, painful words, innovation and liberation, plus daddy Saturn is out of here

Full Moon in Capricorn | June 22nd, 2024 - public results and culminations, part one of two, are our values at odds with our goals, home vs work, setting up long term trajectories, not quite walking away from the end of the world .. just yet

weekly astrology forecast | June 10th to 16th, 2024 - crazy tense week ahead folks, slow down and keep a cool head because impulsive and angry words and actions are going to get expensive

new moon in gemini | June 6th, 2024 - the seeds begin to sprout, new ideas and conversations, growing what we love or loving what we grow, reality checks and obstacles that create focus, a big new moon that prequels august's big energies

weekly astrology forecast | June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - another big week, old social connections, positive financial and relational developments, new moon in gemini, then some reality checks and necessary slow downs later in the week

weekly astrology forecast | may 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - facing fears, expecting the unexpected, time to forgive and forget, this Gemini season is especially big and busy and also helping set up next summer when uranus moves into gemini for 8 years - are we ready for that?!

full moon in sagittarius | May 23, 2024 - a celebration, success, the moon when patience pays off, what have we learned in the last year? maybe what we really value and believe in, changes are coming, so exhale, appreciate what you have, stay open to new possibilities

weekly astrology forecast | May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - the taurus party goes out with a powerful and potentially lucrative bang, HUGE Full Moon in Sag, Gemini season launches BIG time

weekly astrology forecast | May 13th to 19th, 2024 - breakthroughs, sudden opportunities, faith in the midst of unexpected change, intense conversations, a call to action - here we go

today's astrology forecast | thursday, May 9th, 2024 - good day for action, communication, doing something new, getting something started and overcoming hiccups

the astrology of the new moon in taurus | May 7th, 2024 - maybe the most beneficial two weeks of 2024 start right now, change is good, don't look back - we aren't going that way, valuing what we have been given, money and abundance moves from impatient hands to patient ones

weekly astrology forecast | May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - our pedal to the metal month opens up this week folks as the seeds go into the most fertile - and surprising - soil of 2024

weekly astrology forecast | April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - a total 180 kind of week, our focus and direction changes, time to wake up and get ready to smell those May flowers

the astrology of the Full Moon in Scorpio | Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 - all or nothing, what has been stuffed comes unstuffed, uncomfortable truths, painful endings, a chance to strengthen our relationships and relationship to power through honesty, intimacy and facing our fears

jupiter catches up with uranus in taurus | april 20th, 2024 - big changes of direction, breakthroughs, a new kind of lucky, the expansion of innovation and a time to have faith in the future, focus only on the doors that are opening for you, un-buckle up buttercups

Sorry for the delay. I wanted to get this up a few days ago, but I have had vertigo and had to use my stable times to work. Ugh. I used to get it once in a while and haven't had any in a few years. This time it was accompanied by some never before experienced and really fun - projectile vomiting - the kind you only see with infants or in really scary horror movies. Head didn't actually spin around though. That I know of. Can't really be sure. 

So, let's jump right in! A nice slow jump that won't jar my head :)

On Saturday, April 20th, 2024, Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and expansion and the kind of lucky and unlucky we get when we take bigger risks than we are comfortable with, and in Taurus since last May, 

catches up with Uranus, the planet of rebellion and liberation and technology and change and chaos, in Taurus since May 2018. They meet at 21 degrees - almost 22 degrees.

I have a relative whose natal Sun AND mid-heaven are 21 degrees Taurus. She has seen her career, reputation and finances improve exponentially since Jupiter went into Taurus last May. Her life had been a rollercoaster ride since Uranus entered Taurus a few years ago and now she says she can see all the ways all the things she has done and been through had prepared her to take advantage of and work for the opportunities of the past year. 

Because this conjunction is happening in the third decan of Taurus some of what Jupiter/Uranus will bring - has already happened and been happening. Changes of luck and fortune. Now we will have to see what the peak energy/the conjunction brings up. Will Uranus turn some up-cycles down and down-cycles up? 

Jupiter and Uranus are answering to Taurus ruler Venus. Venus is at 19 degrees Aries, the degree of last week's MEGA New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries and sandwiched between wounded healer Chiron and a retrograde Mercury. This is a big deal and pulls the Eclipse energy into the Jupiter/Uranus story. Our wounds/vulnerabilities, sometimes health problems, what we are re-thinking, the conversations we are re-having. Our money and resources and VALUES. Venus pulls in relationship themes/the things and situations and people we are in relationship with. After almost a year of growth in our Taurus natal house, are our relationships aligned with our values? If something does not line up energetically, the Eclipse re-set and powerful Jupiter/Uranus conjunction can clean house as it seeks to liberate our dried up roots from the old stuck Taurean soil. 

Venus in Aries is answering to Mars. Mars is in Pisces and will be in a tight sextile (opportunity through action) with Jupiter and Uranus. Some action is needed to get the most of this conjunction. Mars has just moved out of the orb of his conjunction with Saturn (limits, reality, karma, endings and he is only days from returning to his home sign of Aries, but first must meet up with Neptune (no limits, no reality, ancestral/past life stories, endings) at the end of the month.

Ceres is in Capricorn answering to Saturn and forming a Grand Earth trine (not exact, but close enough) with the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction and the Moon in practical Virgo. Grand Earth Trines are stabilizing - an unbroken flow of energy. Whatever this MEGA LINE-UP is bringing us, the Grand Earth trine will help things unfold naturally. We won't have to demand or struggle - which is echoed by Mars in Pisces. If something doesn't unfold naturally, it is just not meant to happen right now. Remember we are playing a long game here. 

Although of course with Uranus some fast moves are being made now and some risk and COURAGE is required.  

Jupiter and Uranus do not meet up very often. Jupiter changes signs about once a year and Uranus is in the same sign for many years, so they are infrequently in the same place at the same time. 

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus takes us back to the spring/summer of 1941 (the last time these planets met in Taurus) - World War II was raging across Europe and the world. The United States had just passed legislation to provide resources to the countries involved, primarily England and Russia, but the United States was not physically involved in the war until the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. On that day, Saturn and Uranus at 23 and 27 degrees Taurus, surrounded the hot Jupiter/Uranus conjunction degree of 25 Taurus from the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of six months earlier. The date of the conjunction now, so close to April 19th, also reminds me of things like the start of the American Revolution (shot heard round the world), the Warsaw ghetto uprising, the Columbine shootings, the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Waco siege and the first studied use of LSD, 420 has some obscure connection to marijuana, the date of Mandela's famous "I am prepared to die" speech during his trial, and, of course, was Hitler's birthday...

If you were born with a Jupiter/Uranus connection (of any kind) or a planet point at or very near 21 degrees of the fixed or earth signs - or had a personal connection to the Eclipse degress -  you will likely be feeling this energy strongest, but this is impacting all of us at least through collective events at this point.

The house in our chart where the planets are meeting - our Taurus house - is the space in NEED of something BETTER, BIGGER - a BREAKTHROUGH.

The action comes through our Pisces house and because this is Pisces it won't be anything that resembles a straight line. Don't expect C to follow B to follow A. There could be the need for some kind of loss or sacrifice. We might have to give something up to get Jupiter's GIFT. It can also come through a Piscean theme, so prayer is very powerful as is music and art and meditation and water.  

Jupiter always delivers and has about one more month left in Taurus - there is a GIFT here somewhere and with Uranus it might be found in something very UNEXPECTED. 

Anything that expands now is going to expand very quickly and whatever happens very quickly is going to feel, and maybe be, very big. 

For everyone -

notice what opportunities show up. 

Also remember that every opportunity isn't something you have to take.

We will be finding out what we truly value and what our values truly are by how we handle the stuff that has been showing up and that shows up now and over the next month. 

Collectively with Taurus this will be about deciding what makes the most sense/cents. Taurus rules things we can hold in our hand and take to the bank. The nuts and bolts of life. It's about what we ALREADY HAVE. Don't overthink this stuff. 

Focus on the doors that are opening. 

There is a stellium of planets in Taurus through late May.

There is a powerful Full Moon in Taurus's polarity sign of Scorpio on April 23rd (this happens in a square to Pluto, so we are dealing with our fears and also opportunities for intense transformation and growth). Deep inner work. Intense emotions. The things we are merging and purging. Other people's money and resources and values. Power struggles vs real empowerment. This Moon is a BIG deal. It will have its own post. 

Then Mercury stations direct on April 25th (our thinking has changed, lessons learned) conjunct the North Node, and right after that, Mars comes home to Aries. Green light.

Venus gets into Taurus on April 30th and the Moon will be pinging all the Taurus stuff on May 6th to 8th and after she gets past her square to Pluto on the 6th, there is alot of smooth energy and here is is also where opportunities and even some fast results can show up. The Sun in Taurus will be sextiling Saturn on the 7th, too. Making the dream real. I have said before that May's astrology looks good. By the time the last inner planet, Mercury, leaves Taurus in early June we could be on a very different track. 

Let's take a look by sign.

Usually, I recommend using your rising sign, but with this conjunction powered up by the Aries Total Solar Eclipse (via Venus) that we had a few days ago when the sun was ECLIPSED OUT, you might want to give just as much emphasis to your Sun sign or even your Moon sign with this one. 

ARIES | Aries Rising (this is also a collective forecast) - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something here is subject to an unexpected or expansive JOLT. Big money in or out is possible. Ultimately this is about a change in the way you make/use money, the things you hold onto and what you value. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

TAURUS | Taurus Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 1st house of yourself. Something about your physical self, maybe your habits, your image, your brand, your stability is subject to an unexpected and expansive JOLT. Your journey is changing and you are the one changing it. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

GEMINI | Gemini Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Maybe something you have been avoiding looking at or just suspected comes out and brings an unexpected JOLT that is ultimately liberating. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

CANCER | Cancer Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, your tribe, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something here is subject to an unexpected and expansive JOLT. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

LEO | Leo Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your reputation, goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. Something here is subject to an unexpected and expansive JOLT - a new job, promotion, etc. An opportunity to really get how much you are worth and what you really value may be given to you. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

VIRGO | Virgo Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, religion, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT. Ultimately this is a transformation around what you think is possible for you. You could take a risk that pays off. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

LIBRA | Libra Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, death, rebirth, sex, reproduction. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT. This could show up as an unexpected financial surplus (possibly a debt) for you or your partner, expanding intimacy and freedom from whatever has been buried in the past. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

SCORPIO | Scorpio Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnerships. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT (relationship turning point, partner's action) that is ultimately liberating or financially fruitful. Keep in mind your partner is going through big changes, some of which you are a major catalyst for. A new partner can show up or an existing partnership can experience more freedom and/or bounty. A partner can offer you something or take something away. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

SAGITTARIUS | Sag Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT. The change will be either self-initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Take care of your health and stop doing what is draining you Sag - your health is your wealth now. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

CAPRICORN | Capricorn Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance, risk and recreation. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT. Is it time to take a risk Cappy? You are fertile with possibility and a creative project could have mega-potential for growth and can change your life. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

AQUARIUS | Aqua Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate, renovation or a home business. Something here is subject to an unexpected and liberating JOLT. More changes on the home front for you my dear. What is stuck will come unstuck. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

PISCES | Pisces Rising - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Unexpected news, fast decisions/answers. Something here is subject to an unexpected JOLT. This could be about good news for you or for a sibling. Mars is sextiling from Pisces, so you are moving with the flow and then intuitively "going for it". What starts now, with Jupiterian blessings and Uranian fire power - will grow in big and unexpected ways!

I am treating this conjunction like a New Moon - using it to expand on the Solar Eclipse and setting my intentions now that I didn't set then when so much was hidden. 

We are so much older and wiser in just a few days aren't we?


This conjunction, which we won't see again in our lifetime in this sign, is an excellent time to begin a grounding practice, make affirmations and set intentions about the stuff listed above for your rising sign, Sun sign and Moon sign or the collective sign of Aries.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a happy, contented frame of mind, HUG A TREE (she is ruled by Taurus and she needs you, too) - always make affirmations from a positive place, and both definitions of positive apply here - happy and certain. Write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known

Know these things are already yours.

Also remember affirmations are action - they set the energy in motion and by working with the right things at the right time we are literally creating the affirmation within the energy that is needed to bring it to life.

I would say good luck, but when the planet of "luck" meets the planet of "change" -

I think we already have it!

xo all

weekly astrology forecast | April 15th, 2024 to April 21st, 2024 - painful words and information, new attractions and attracting new things, power struggleS AND THE BIGGEST aspect of the year as jupiter meets up with uranus!

weekly astrology forecast | April 8th - 14th, 2024 - Eclipse week plays out, reality checks around what we have been avoiding or hiding, a light on what we need to do now

the astrology of the BIG solar eclipse in aries conjunct Chiron | April 8th, 2024 - very old wounds, triggers and healing blockages are eclipsed out, cosmic reset to improve our drive, motivation and ability to initiate, the United States wounding of 'the other' and need for roots comes full circle

deep iN THE ECLIPSE SPIN CYCLE now .... mercury stations retrograde - slow down, venus catches up with neptune and then moves into aries, the sun meets the north node shining a light on a new, more authentic path forward

weekly astrology forecast | March 25th - March 31st, 2024 -lunar eclipse in libra and then into the eclipse spin cycle we go, unexpected opportunities this week

the astrology of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra | March 25th, 2024 - the woman-partner-mother stands alone, a chapter ends, changing our relationship rulebook, RESOLVING VERY OLD BATTLES WITH OURSELVES THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE

weekly astrology forecast | march 18th - 24th, 2024 - spring equinox! a Mercury retrograde preview week, dissolving agreements, powered and empowered, reality checks, opportunities to attract something better and relationship pivot points

today's astrology forecast | Monday, March 18th, 2024 - words matter so pay attention, there's a green arrow here somewhere, moving forward or on from whatever we have been picking apart and losing sleep over

the astrology of princess kate (catherine) | an old health crisis, life in a golden fishbowl for the woman carrying the catherine of aragon and princess diana wounds

todays astrology forecast | friday, march 15th, 2024 - communication issues within relationships, apply a little give and take, don't expect real solutions right now

WEEKLY ASTROLOGY FORECAST | MARCH 11TH TO 17TH, 2024 - drifting through dreamland or up the creek without a paddle, creativity can soar although our energy level might not keep up

New Moon in Pisces | March 10th, 2024 - working through our disappointment with reality, creating new dreams, nurturing forgiveness and compassion, re-establishing our connection to something bigger than ourselves

WEEKLY ASTROLOGY FORECAST | March 4th to 10th, 2024 - big week with a New Moon in Pisces and volatile Mars/Uranus square, get things taken care of early folks in case the sh*t hits the fan later in the week

weekly astrology forecast | february 26th to March 3rd - reality checks bring opportunities, being bold and confident while avoiding going too far, sudden attractions and breaks for freedom


full moon in virgo | february 24th, 2024 - work or health situation coming to light, reality checks, a need to get organized and a grip on our day to day, what's working and what isn't, sober assistance and opportunities incoming

weekly astrology forecast | february 19th to 25th, 2024 - the wound is the way, needing elbow room, our thinking changes, big full moon in virgo highlights work or health news we might have been avoiding

the astrology of Chiron conjunct the North Node in aries | unlived lives biting us in the ass, entitlement issues, new name tags and upset apple carts, is chiron the key to unlocking our future

Today's astrology forecast | Friday, February 16th, 2024 - mercury squares uranus and Venus heads into aquarius to meet pluto, first quarter square moon then long void

today's astrology forecast | wednesday, february 14th, 2024 - mars meets pluto, use power and influence wisely, no dark alleys, new chapter with a new landscape, start something you've been afraid to do, intense valentine's day

weekly astrology forecast | February 12th to 18th, 2024 - energy and drive in new directions pushes situations forward fast, unexpected words or news, intense emotions-actions-and attractions, the heart of february's radical energy is now

huge change is seeded in february as authority and security drifts, the potential for real and figurative lightning strikes increase, there is a need to not rush the revolution as we head into next week's big energies

New Moon in Aquarius | February 9th - shocks, disruptions and changes of direction, breakthroughs, break-ups, the king's surprise, the road less traveled, the year of the wood dragon kicks off with a bang

weekly astrology forecast | february 5th to february 11th, 2024 - intense information and conversations, opportunities through putting ourselves out there in uncomfortable ways, disruptive surprises, new moon in aquarius pulls us into the future ready or not, big week ahead

weekly astrology forecast | January 29th to February 4th, 2024 - the future is being set up by the actions we take now, smooth communications with partners, contracts get signed and commitments made, plus opportunities to drift and dream