Today's astrology forecast | Friday, February 16th, 2024 - mercury squares uranus and Venus heads into aquarius to meet pluto, first quarter square moon then long void

The Moon finishes up in Taurus, going void at 10:00AM EST off a square to the Sun. She will be void until 2:39PM EST. Void Moons are best for routine tasks and not for starting brand new things. 

Luna's square to the Sun is this month's First Quarter Square - tension/frustration after last week's New Moon in Aquarius. The Sun in Aquarius has a certain kind of brilliance and wants a certain kind of freedom. The Moon in comfort-seeking Taurus comes in at a tense angle to remind us of our need for physical contentment, too. Safety. Security. Things that feel good and not just new or unusual. First quarter Moons, and all squares really, compel us to TAKE ACTION. In this case, what do you need to do to feel more comfortable? What is your body saying? If you can't make yourself get up and do something, do you really have to do it? Maybe we need to be better grounded in the present before we can move forward. This doesn't mean avoiding action, but maybe it changes the actions we take. Keep in mind the void moon, too.

This is also the day Mercury squares Uranus and Venus enters Aquarius for tomorrow's meet-up with Pluto - and remember any of this week's aspects, other than the Moon's, can be felt in the build-up or the release, too, so are in play all week. There isn't really an exact date although I do write about aspects when they are most exact. 

Venus moves into Aquarius until March 11th. Aquarius Suns and Aquarius rising (Aquarius ruler of first house of your natal chart) get more attractive. Both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want (Venus). All of our natal Aquarius houses become more attractive, too.


Our Aquarius house is a space we experience and evolve through Aquarian energies. Maybe by experiencing unexpected situations and unusual experiences. Maybe by being able to detach and get enough distance from something to be able to see it clearly. Maybe through flashes of genius or rebelliousness. Maybe through chaos. Our natal Uranus placement (co-ruler of Aquarius) and its contacts will tell us a more complete story.

Now, we have Venus moving into/through this space. As she moves through Aquarius she will make contact with not only any planets/points we have in Aquarius, but also the planets/points we have in Leo (by opposition), in Scorpio and Taurus (by square) and other planets, too (by sextile, etc).

This is where knowing our natal chart can come in handy. As a collective influence, Venus moves out of Capricorn (the rules) and into Aquarius (the space we let go of the rules in order to advance).

Beautiful Venus drops her briefcase full of "shoulds". She takes her hair out of its tightly constructed bun and shakes her head. She kicks off her too-tight, office-ready pumps. She wears whatever she wants to wear now. She can do whatever she wants to do now. There is no one to impress in this new space. There is no one to answer to.

Now subconsciously we all feel this (even though we need to keep in mind Pluto is only one step ahead and Venus is on a collision course with him) a kind of relief as Venus disentangles us a bit from what is required of us to be 'acceptable'. Maybe we start to notice (attract) things we would have otherwise missed. The strange and unusual will catch our eye now. We might be attracted to things/situations/solutions/people that are different. Co-ruled by unpredictable Uranus, Aquarius is the space that is hard to forecast. Keep in mind when we step outside the rules (Uranus outside Saturn's boundaries) our outcomes become less predictable, too.

Venus will meet up with Pluto tomorrow, but we could feel this right away and may already be feeling it. Intense desire. Maybe a need to control some situation, so we can get the results we WANT. Transformation comes through our relationships, our money, our resources, our skills. Keep in mind, Plutonian transformation, like that caterpillar inside the chrysalis, can be messy/destructive. You could as easily lose something that matters to you as gain something. We talked about this in the weekly HERE. 

Keep in mind this is Venus's first meeting with Pluto in Aquarius since the 1700's and we will have more than 20 of them over the next 20 years - we have two in 2024 in fact. This process is just getting started. Notice what you are attracted to now. Where your passions/intensities are pulling you. Notice if you are wanting something too much/manipulating to get it. There is always a high price to be paid when we MUST HAVE THIS THING and put blinders on to get it. Usually we get it and then we don't want it anymore and it's too late to undo all we did to get it - so proceed with care. 

This is also the date Mercury squares Uranus from 19 degrees Aquarius - 19 degrees is hot these days! Do you have any planets at 19 degrees?

Unexpected news. Changes to plans. Tension. Frustration with new information. 

Uranus is electricity/lightning bolts and can bring us fresh ideas and insights BUT the energy, especially through the tense square, can just as easily bring abruptness and frustration to our communications. Tech devices can get fritzy as if they were struck by a power surge because in some ways they are. Our minds might feel disorganized or impatient. 

There is alot going on today, and it's Friday, and we have a LONGISH VOID Moon, so keep this all in mind. 

Once the Moon gets into Gemini around 3:00PM EST she will be trining Venus, Pluto and Mars - all good/smooth aspects. 

Stay flexible. Keep things light. Add humor. Call your sister. 

xo all

Heads up for next week - Venus and Mars will meet up and this will help smooth out relationship tension from this week and last, and Chiron will meet the North Node (in play now and one of the year's most important transits). Chiron/North Node is the next post.

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