weekly astrology forecast | march 24th to 30th, 2025 - empowerment through a review or change of mind, old partnership agreements, what we resist persists, the crack is how the light gets in, venus and mercury backflip into Pisces, Aries Eclipse fresh start, neptune into aries to change the world

March's close-out will be HUGE and April will be, too. 

Let's dive right in and then the Eclipse post will flesh this all out quite a bit!

MONDAY - Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde

TUESDAY - Mercury sextiles Pluto (second time)

WEDNESDAY - Mars squares Chiron (third time)

THURSDAY - Venus backs into Pisces and conjuncts Neptune

SATURDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, Mercury backs into Pisces and conjuncts Neptune

SUNDAY - NEPTUNE ENTERS ARIES - first time since the 1800's

We start the week on MONDAY and TUESDAY with Mercury retrograde going into the heart of the Sun as she/he applies to an opportunistic sextile to Pluto and then sextiles Pluto. 

Mercury is in Aries now and moving backward, so there could be some kind of WAKE UP CALL via information or a conversation that shows us here is what this Mercury retrograde is about for us. This is a light on old information, an old conversation, something from the past. 

Maybe the Sun's light ie "seeing things more clearly" stirs us to CHANGE OUR MIND, say it again differently, re-think something - and it is through this re-thinking/change of mind, etc, that we get the Plutonian EMPOWERMENT and transformation offered by the opportunistic sextile. 

Mercury in Aries wants to shoot from the hip and maybe we already did, because we first had this aspect a couple weeks ago and, now that we have had a chance to think about things we can revise our words/thinking - Pluto adds intensity asking us to go deeper, slow down and think things through. Pluto brings up complicated issues (sometimes things we thought were dead and buried) and challenges us to grow through uncomfortable situations. The final empowering Mercury sextile Pluto will be on April 20th when what's done will be done. NOW is the sextile where the opportunity comes through doing the "re" - review, re-do, re-think etc. How has our thinking changed in the last couple weeks?  

At the same time Venus retrograde at 1 degree Aries is trining a retrograde Juno at 1 degree Sagittarius, which speaks of the REVIEW or re-invention of an old partnership agreement. The trine is a smooth flow. The brakes are off. Aries/Sag is passionate, active, confidant and optimistic. This can all be part of the same thing - the Mercury/Sun with Pluto sextile. 

On WEDNESDAY we have the final Mars square Chiron (and keep in mind both the Sun and Mercury are answering to Mars now), so here is our push to action and this might be part of the Mercury/Sun situation, although it will be coming through another area of our lives. 

Mars in Cancer is moving for the third time over these same degrees and is, hopefully (if worked at its highest) combining emotional sensitivity with assertion, protectiveness and devotion. We feel what needs to be done and we do it. And now here we are, once again, hitting this tense/frustrating square to Chiron. 

Anger. Pain. Childhood wounds.

Whatever shows up to trigger us with Mars in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries it will be easy to react - use our undigested emotions - instead of RESPOND. Respond is what we do in the present moment with what is actually showing up. Reacting is when the past is driving the bus. This is our third time through these waters - we can slow down and respond to what is actually happening and not all the old stuff IF we have done the work of the last few weeks. 

Maybe in childhood we felt it wasn't safe to be seen as vulnerable or wrong, so now we are triggered because  of an embarrassment or error, etc, and we over-react to the situation. Maybe a situation shows up and we need to be ourselves (hold our shape) or stand up for ourselves. Or this could be about the way we use our masculine energies or give ourselves permission to use them - taking action, getting angry, starting, bring brave. With a square to Chiron old/hidden anger and passion can ERUPT. 

BUT, again, we have been here before. We are older and wiser now and can hold ourselves to a higher standard. Take a breath. RESPOND to what is happening in the present moment. This final square can be a chance to move on from this/put it behind us. The Moon in Aquarius will help us not takes things too personally. 

Mars/Chiron can also bring a health situation to a head, even a crisis. Weaknesses tend to get stirred up and accidents can happen. Slow down. Be responding - to what is happening - and not reacting (over-responding because of old energies/situations). 

Another thing to think about with Chiron is that he was not only a wounded healer, but also a TEACHER. As we move more and more into an Aquarian "air" world that revolves around information and a need to "advance", it will be our LIVED EXPERIENCES that are most useful to us and to other people. Real "teachers" are a reflection of our higher consciousness waiting to be integrated. They can show up as people, animals, a convergence of energies via a situation, etc. This is why we can learn from an old woman AND a tiny baby. This has always been the way it is and it will become easier to see this when people cannot teach us what they only know from books, etc. What will matter most in the "air" world with uber information will be our authenticity and we will only be able to learn from people who are speaking from their experience and their authenticity/integrity. This is the way we will reach other people, too. 

Maybe the Mars/Chiron is actually about us resisting a lesson and now we have reached this third square and life is asking us - what are you going to do now knowing what you know now?

THURSDAY - Venus backs into Pisces and meets up with Neptune AGAIN. We are going back for what we missed or lost/back for that better ending, so we have a better place to start. Venus rules love and money. She rules women and beauty and our self-esteem. She rules the chart of Libra and Taurus rising people and the Suns of Taureans and Librans. 

Venus in Pisces is asking us to look at (and 'look at' isn't quite right because Pisces is the 12th house and behind us from our perch in the first house - we can't 'see it' but we can feel it/perceive it) not only what is behind us, but WHAT WE ARE AVOIDING. 

The ways we use avoidance to manage our lives through - martyrdom, spiritual/artistic bypassing (using spiritual ideas/art to avoid challenges and hard tasks), devotion to something that is dead or something we idealized into something it never really was, being a victim/keeping an old victim story alive, being a ghost, being lazy, addictions, etc. 

This is about the closing out of karmic contracts, so we are asking - can I accept this relationship as it is, knowing it might never change? And if the answer is no, this is not about changing him/her or even changing ourselves, but about - choosing ourselves. Life will present opportunities for us to choose ourselves, HOLD OUR SHAPE (and this isn't about not changing because we are needing to change - this is about becoming more authentically ourselves and what we can begin to attract from this space especially once Venus stations direct and gets back into Aries). This is about letting go/release. 

We are also releasing old contracts we made around money and resources, with Venus conjunct Neptune at the very end of the zodiac - the end of the end. So, maybe in a previous life we took a vow of poverty or chastity or our ancestor did - this will be gone now. Let it go. 

With Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune keep in mind our BOUNDARIES HAVE DISAPPEARED. And Venus/Neptune are at the final degree of Pisces - the now or never degree - things can get wonky and feel more urgent. What we see with our two eyes will not be real. We will have to feel/intuit our way through things. Venus will catch up with Neptune again on May 2nd. This meeting will be in Aries for the first time in more than 150 years. That meeting is more about the start. This meeting now is more about the release/revising that ending - keep this in mind. It's not that things can't start now, because they can - there are things we will need and want to take with us into the new Neptune in Aries world, but this retrograde Venus is more about us going back to pick up what we missed and dissolving things that we won't need in the future, but whose cords can trip us up later. As always with water signs and retrogrades - this release can be more of an inside job

Then on SATURDAY, the Aries Moon catches up with the Aries Sun at 9 degrees giving us this month's New Moon, happening close enough to the Moon's Nodes for the Moon to partially obscure the Sun makes this New Moon a - New Moon Solar Eclipse. This is the final Eclipse of the Aries/Libra nodal cycle that started two years ago. The cycle that was/is about being more independent, self-sufficient, passionate and sometimes requiring a need to fight. This is also the day Mercury retrograde follows Venus back into Pisces. 


SUNDAY - Neptune leaves his home sign of Pisces where he has been running things (and us, into a higher spiritual consciousness and lalaland) since late 2011. Miracles have happened. Many of us are totally different people. Neptune enters Aries - a sign he left in 1875. Is this going to change everything? Yes, I think so. But not all at once. 

This will be a sneak-peek because Neptune will retrograde back into Pisces in October for us to reminisce about our good old days of being 'dazed and confused' which might seem like a good thing to us by then. With Neptune in Aries, the anesthesia will appear to wear off. We will wake up/ be called to action/all become MORNING PEOPLE :) 

Neptune in Aries will have its own series of posts with a focus on how we can best work with this and will start this week. Back with the Eclipse post next which will have some politics. 

xo all

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