Let's dive right in and then talk bigger picture in the Eclipse post next!
TUESDAY - Mercury conjuncts Venus (retrograde)
WEDNESDAY - - Sun conjuncts Saturn
SATURDAY - Mercury stations retrograde
We start the week on MONDAY with the Moon in Leo opposing Pluto - this is an uncomfortable exchange of energy. Maybe a power struggle. We could feel an intense need for attention/appreciation or be getting this vibe from someone or something else. It could feel, and even be, manipulative. Our ego might feel drained or empowered.
(know if you are feeling this, that on some level we are really opposing ourselves here - Pluto in an opposition to Leo is always showing us our ego's shadow (this time through our emotions/the Moon), so whatever is coming to light in Leo (Moon answering to the Sun) is expressing what WE are feeling or needing. The other person/the situation is just mirroring stuff we have repressed - maybe something about the way we use or avoid power)
The Moon's follow-up trines to Mercury and Venus (retrograde), both in Aries, show smooth flow shortly after the opposition. There could be some connection to a person or thing/situation we used to value/love. Maybe that is who we are talking to about whatever is going on. The Moon's final aspect is that opportunistic sextile to Jupiter in Gemini giving multiple options. The situation looks like it ends in a beneficial way and the tension/frustration has been MOTIVATING. You have the benefit of astrology and can know this going in if you are feeling that Pluto opposition..
Then on TUESDAY, the Moon in Leo goes void late in the afternoon after a DISRUPTIVE square to Uranus. Expect the unexpected! After the disruption, the Moon goes void until Wednesday. Give yourself a break Tuesday night - not much will come of what comes up. This is also the day Mercury and Venus (retrograde) catch up with each other in fiery Aries. Expressing how we feel in new and even blunt ways (passionate, but not flowery) is connecting and can bring improved harmony and balance. Women are talking and out and about. Venus is retrograde so we could be speaking to someone from the past or about things we once valued. We could be doing something we have done before, talking about and seeing things that are familiar. Our words and ideas and plans are on the same page with what we want. There can be an important message now. Conjunctions are fresh starts - just keep in mind nothing will be a straight line as this new Mercury/Venus storyline develops. Venus is retrograde and Mercury is about to be - there is alot we are going to be re-thinking and re-valuing over the next few weeks.
On WEDNESDAY the Moon moves into Virgo and wants to be efficient and practical and do good. The Moon isn't making any aspects though and she is about to be ECLIPSED, so we could be feeling the energy of that. This might feel like a lull, calm before the storm or make us very restless and antsy.
The Sun catches up with Saturn. Here is a reality check - the results of the work we have done or not done. Our authority, or someone else's, can be made more solid. In Pisces, there may be a need to FACE THE MUSIC. This is a time to be responsible and do the work. There is a need to step into our responsibility and be dependable. In Pisces themes of guilt, sacrifice and self-sabotage can be activated.
The Sun/Uranus sextile on FRIDAY says that the change that is disruptive is also OPPORTUNISTIC. If the Sun/Saturn did not feel so good, if we are not liking what Saturn is showing us, there is a door number two here somewhere. Lean into something different and more liberating. Know that sextiles are soft aspects and the opportunity comes through taking action. Unlike a trine when things slide into place whether we want them to or not or squares and oppositions that push and trigger us into action - you can't just sit out a sextile and expect anything to happen.
Then the Moon in Virgo squares Jupiter, sextiles Mars and finally opposes the Sun near her own South Node giving us a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon. We talked about this Eclipse in the post HERE (the flaw part) and we will unpack it in greater detail.
Mercury, the ruler of Virgo and Gemini, stations retrograde at 9 degrees Aries. This is on SATURDAY. This is PROBABLY A BIG DEAL coming on the heels of an Eclipse that Mercury rules and because we are going to have a BIG DEAL Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse EXACTLY right here at the end of the month, so what turns around now or what gets held up will be connected to that.
Something needs to be re-viewed. Re-vised. Re-thought out. Re-talked about. We aren't getting anywhere until we do. We know that like Venus and Saturn and Neptune - Mercury's retrograde that starts in Aries is going to take him/her/us back into Pisces.
The collective soup. The stuff we thought was over. THE OLD MAGIC. We need a better ending to get a better start. We need our MAGIC WANDS. We need more time and more to happen for more of the old world/old ways/old us to LET GO.
Returns to Pisces can be times of healing, release, relapse, rest and surrender. And maybe, this time, with FIVE PLANETS making up to three passes each from 29 degrees Pisces (the end of the end) and over 0 degrees Aries (the beginning of the beginning) within the next few weeks - the new is just SO DAMN NEW that we need multiple retreats into Pisces to not lose our minds with the transition which is kind of funny really since Pisces is the space where we really can lose our minds ... :)
On SUNDAY, the Moon in Libra is going to go void early AM EDT off a square to Mars in Cancer. The Moon in Libra wants peace and civility and beauty and Mars looks moody/itching for trouble/restless. Feelings can get hurt. Then the Moon goes void, so use the day for routine stuff and the square as motivation to get things done.
The next couple weeks are HUGE. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Back with the Eclipse post and then we will do the March Part III. Lots of Pisces means prioritize your rest and sleep! Water, art and music are restorative now and give this drifting and confusing energy something to do - keep that in mind. This is NOT a time you want to make a big decision unless you absolutely have to.
xo all
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