TUESDAY - Mercury conjunct Saturn
THURSDAY - Mercury sextile Uranus, NEW MOON IN PISCES
SATURDAY - Mercury conjunct the North Node, Venus stations retrograde
SUNDAY - Mercury conjunct Neptune, Sun square Jupiter
We can see Mercury is very active this week, so that means alot of - communications, words, conversations, information, ideas, tech, errands, business and BUSYNESS. The week looks like it ends better than it begins - always good news, I think.
Mercury's conjunction with Saturn in Pisces brings a RESULT, REALITY CHECK, ENDING as Mercury/Saturn start a new cycle. Even in watery Pisces, Saturn makes sure we are feeling the WEIGHT of something.
Maybe our words are somehow shut down or stopped. Maybe we are hearing something we don't want to hear. Maybe we are stepping into a responsibility or making a commitment. Maybe we are making something more solid/adding structure. Maybe we are seeing the way WORDS AND IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. We could be talking to authority or stepping into our own. We could be talking about the dream and using our words to bring the ethereal realms into our reality. Or maybe we are dealing with the reverse of this. The dream is shaky and reality itself comes knocking.
Then Mercury sextiles Uranus - we say, we think or we hear something DIFFERENT. Maybe something shocking or liberating. If Mercury/Saturn choked down what we wanted to say maybe here is where we let loose. Our plans/ideas are changing. Even though Mars is direct now (YAY!), he is standing still for a couple more weeks/getting his sea legs and Mercury is going to turn around. Words/ideas/information are fluid and subject to change. Let things evolve. Try something new. Use different words. Let your ideas - especially related to your money, income, resources, values and self-esteem - FLOW. If the Mercury/Saturn brought something to a conclusion - here is the pivot. With Uranus in Taurus (fixed earth) - this isn't some crazy-ass thing. This is about something REAL. Something we can hold in our hands/take to the bank. What is practical, but is also NEW? What makes sense/cents, but is also NEW? This is great energy for brainstorming about finances.
Sextiles are soft aspects of OPPORTUNITY and action is needed. We have this little window of time this week with all the planets direct, so let's use it.
Then the Moon meets the Sun at 9 degrees Pisces, giving us this month's New Moon, our annual New Moon in Pisces - which WILL HAVE ITS OWN POST.
Pisces season is LIT up like a Christmas tree, if the tree was upside down and under water. Which, you have to admit, does sound interesting!
With Saturn and the North Node here, Eclipse season and both Mercury and Venus doing repeat backstrokes in March and into the middle of April - we had all better KNOW HOW TO SWIM. Know how to go with the flow. Know when the tide is in and when the tide is out. Imagine yourself one of those bendy Gumby dolls. Remember those? Stay flexible.
Part I of my March series is HERE. Part II is coming.
Then Mercury meets the North Node - here is some kind of blinking green light saying THIS IS THE WAY FORWARD. Our words/our thinking/the conversation is right where we should be, right where we need to be. In Pisces, this FLASHING GREEN LIGHT could come via our intuition, a dream, a memory, music, art or maybe it is part of an actual conversation or flow of information. PAY ATTENTION. Meditate. Pray. You are an active participant in your own creation. How do you want this to go? Write it down. Say it out loud. Make a vision board.
Venus stations retrograde. Our relationships, our finances, our relationship with women and our own feminine energy is getting a RE-EVALUATION. What isn't working? She is going to take what has started in Aries back into Pisces. Is this really what we wanted? Does this bring beauty, inspiration, connection, love?
Finally, Mercury meets Neptune as the Sun squares Jupiter. This is MEGA over-the-top optimistic/feel-good energy, but maybe just what the doctor ordered. Forgive. Apologize. Empathize. The Sun's square to Jupiter pulls in options. There is confidence and optimism, but also tension. It will be hard to know what is real now, because real is somehow hardly the point.
We are diving/jumping/falling into the deep end, folks.
If we can't swim, we should at least know how to FLOAT.
xo all
Everyone is saying better have your sea legs and start swimming. Float is where I'm at. Rest and reevaluation!
Rest and reevaluation YES! I'm with you :)
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