I am still sick, making it hard to brain today, but this Moon will not wait for me, so here goes :)
On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 8:53AM EST the Leo Moon opposes the Aquarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in fiery Leo.
This is the MOST UNCOMFORTABLE Full Moon I have seen in a long time.
Full Moon are always oppositions. The Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the earth or more precisely the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon are 180 degrees apart.
Full Moons bring things to a culmination, a conclusion or into the light. This particular Full Moon is conjunct asteroid Atrophos. In Greek mythology Atrophos was the oldest and smallest of the Three Fate of Moirai - the Goddesses of Fate and Destiny. So, appropriate for this Full Moon in fixed fire - Atrophos was the inflexible one/the CORD CUTTER.
Leo is best represented by the lion (or the king). A lion is a cat. If you live with a cat you have some idea of what this 'king of the beasts' thing is all about. It becomes the cat's house. You become the cat's human. Cats rule. The male lion doesn't just get to mate with his choice of lioness. He gets all the lionesses (and now I am picturing a whole lineup of that little guy from Peanuts dragging his blanket). Leo represents royalty and generosity and fun and romance and children and creativity.
The shadow of the Leo archetype is a kind of arrogance or greed or self-importance, but what you will find with most Leos is that they have a presence - they impress us. Sometimes it's hard for other people to relate to Leo as "one of us". There is a reason the king of the jungle is the king of the jungle. There is dignity here.
So, the Moon sits alone in Leo with Atrophos, the cord cutter - what is that expression about when all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail (Trump's natal Atrophos is very tightly conjunct his Sun/Uranus/NN). This Moon is very much about what is ending - the cords that are cut, and, of course it is happening as the king/Trump/Leo rising via Elon Musk with his South Node conjunct the Full Moon is making all kinds of CUTS.
The Sun sits at 24 degrees Aquarius. Tightly conjunct both Ceres and Mercury. And the Moon/Sun are squaring Juno in Scorpio and URANUS IN TAURUS. So, we have a Fixed Grand Cross at this Full Moon. Two oppositions. Four squares. All in fixed signs. This is most likely the most challenging aspect in astrology. Talk about uncomfortable!
Let's unpack it!
Every Leo Full Moon is a Leo/Aquarius opposition. The king vs the people. Our need to be/do our SUN, to show up and shine, be seen and appreciated and LOVED vs our need to ADVANCE, to individuate, to be part of the crowd/group/audience. It's a complicated polarity.
The Sun has just met up with Mercury - a surprising message has been delivered. A change of plans or information about a situation that will change things/the status quo.
Ceres is here, so there is a light on what we are nurturing/mother issues, changes of life situations. Ceres in Aquarius MUST be thinking about the future/taking a wider view of things/stepping back and not being overly emotional with the changes. She needs to be smart. There could be something here that we have been ignoring and now we can't. Ceres in Aquarius is a winter mother - she is charged with keeping her offspring alive. They must be strong. They must be tough. So, she must be, too.
The square to Uranus in Taurus speaks of DISRUPTIVE CHANGE. Shocking events. The square to Ceres might indicate earth events and weather situations. Whatever is going on during this Full Moon and during this Full Moon cycle - the next two weeks - is DISRUPTIVE.
The Fixed Grand Cross says, yes, this is a BIG deal and uncomfortable, and, yes,
we will need to adapt to the changes, stay open-minded and future-focused.
The square to Juno in Scorpio speaks of the underpinnings (that we won't want to look at) of a partnership agreement. Intimacy issues. Maybe merged or big money is involved.
This is not a comfortable Moon. The February Full Moon never is. The Moon doesn't want to be in Leo, the Sun's sign. The Moon is answering to the Sun in Aquarius. The Sun doesn't want to be in Aquarius where he is as far from his beloved home of Leo as he can get. The Sun in Aquarius is answering to modern ruler Uranus - who he is SQUARING , and ancient ruler Saturn, who is at 18 degrees Pisces and exactly conjunct asteroid Nessus (trusting untrustworthy people with important things).
I have to keep this one short because I am still sick, but the bottom line here is the need to stay open with change.
The end of 2024 and through 2025 is a time of unprecedented change - with every planet changing signs within just a short period of time.
MARCH looks like life will never be the same again. WTH is happening in March and April?!
The only way through it, is through it.
Stay flexible. We can adapt to changing conditions by taking advantage of opportunities that come up.
The North Node is in Pisces, KNOW that bigger hands than ours are guiding this ship. Trust. Have faith.
The Fixed Grand Cross is storing energy like a battery.
With the Sun and Moon involved this is extreme WILL POWER. This often shows up when we are charged with facing difficult situations. Atrophos with the Moon speaks of endings and the cutting of cords. This isn't about fighting the changes. This is about finding a way through them. The Moon is trining Chiron, so these changes and our ability to 'roll with them' are healing very old wounds around our identity, self-esteem, ability to take care of ourselves.
Maybe the Full Moon in Leo is saying that in order to grow THAT SPARK we carry in our own lion heart/our Sun - we need to face these uncomfortable changes now. We need to deal with this discomfort. There are multiple squares here. If you feel hemmed in, this is why. Use Atrophos to cut yourself some slack. Juno in Scorpio will be pulling up alot of buried emotional partnership energy. OUR ROLE IS CHANGING.
We can see this Moon playing out in the world through Trump.
The power of chaos. This Moon is conjunct Elon Musk's South Node and Trump's natal Mars. Change. Cord cutting via financial cuts. This is the way the patriarchy/our dependence on hierarchy and authority ends. This has always been the way it was going to end.
Mars is still retrograde, but not for much longer. Mars will move direct just in time for Venus to backtrack and Eclipse season to kick off. Mercury is weak in Pisces. Venus is weak in Aries. Mars is weak in Cancer. Jupiter is weak in Gemini. Saturn is weak in Pisces. This is why we are feeling we can't have what we want. Or we have no power over what is happening. Many, many people are dealing with weak ruling planets.
Mars is at 17 degrees Cancer today. Mars will station direct at 17 degrees Cancer next week and will STILL BE at 17 degrees Cancer in 3 weeks.
We don't want to be in a rush for anything right now because Mars isn't moving!
Both Donald Trump and Elon Musk have the same asteroid at 17 degrees Cancer (!) - asteroid REQUIEM. Yes, named for the funeral mass. And Vance has asteroid MEMORIA. I mean I can't make this stuff up! I have written before about the physical dangers to Trump now and throughout the spring, but there are other 'endings' this could be speaking of, like those involving "cuts" to programs, etc, and hopefully that's all this is, but the danger for Trump over the next few weeks is very real.
Full Moons are always excellent times to exhale. To let go of something. To cut cords that are keeping us stuck. To appreciate what we already have ....
xo all
I want to do a couple synastry charts/relationship charts for Valentine's Day, so am hoping to get to those tomorrow and Friday. And then we will look at March :)
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