weekly astrology forecast | february 10th to 16th - shocking news, disruptions, the changes continue, by the end of the week we let go of the conversation - to feel, to rest, to retreat, to recharge

Let's dive right in!

MONDAY - Mercury squares Uranus

TUESDAY - Sun squares Uranus


FRIDAY - Mercury enters Pisces

SUNDAY - Pallas enters Aquarius

This week the changes continue as first Mercury and then the Sun square Uranus in Taurus on their way out of Aquarius. Unexpected news. Change of plans. FINANCIAL, resource and survival issues are talked about, come into the light.

Mercury/Uranus can bring a mental shock. Disruptive information. Of course, the Eagles won the Super Bowl! They were the underdog! Taurus is fixed earth/the stuff that doesn't change and Uranus has been in there for YEARS changing the things we thought never would. Changes of fortune are possible.

Sun/Uranus can bring an ego hit. We might have to let go of (and by 'let go of' I mean it will be yanked away) something that feels integral to who we are. With Sun/Uranus we can see people doing unexpected and out-of-character things to get attention/appreciation. Trump has a natal Sun/Uranus, so this is a way of life for him (note he also has the North Node of Fate here, so this is his destiny/usually works out for him). 

With the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius - we want to STEP BACK FROM OUR EGO. Give the situation some space. If we are the one creating the mayhem look for a more positive channel to use this energy. Uranus rules breakthroughs as well as breakdowns. If this is coming at us, know that Mercury is making a smooth trine to Black Moon Lilith and Ceres, who are conjunct each other in Libra. Black Moon Lilith in Libra speaks of the 'relationship respect' we are perfectly entitled to wanting. Ceres here is about balanced exchanges. LOOK FOR WHAT YOU ARE GETTING because there is always something. With Uranus, we should ask ourselves - what is being freed up? 

The Full Moon COMES AFTER the Mercury/Sun/Uranus energies, but it is all part of the same thing. That will be the next post. 

Then Mercury moves into Pisces. Just in time for Valentine's Day - the words SOFTEN. After the jarring info/conversation/news - we let go. We release the need to control what we can't. Maybe we breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe we just breathe. We take a break. We rest. Sometimes we get sick, because this is something our body can do FOR US that dissolves stuck energy.

Mercury rules our thinking, our communication, our ideas. He/she is considered in her fall/detriment in Pisces (because she rules Pisces polarity sign of Virgo). Virgo's Mercury likes things clear and concise - she wants B to follow A and is sure things would move more efficiently if everyone would just dot their i's and cross their t's.

Pisces (ruled by Neptune and ruler of our collective 12th house) is the space where rules/boundaries are more fluid. B might follow A. But just as easily A could drift right on past B. It is the space of imagination, universal love, our dreams, spirituality, our connection to each other through the ethereal realms and our emotions, the ways we escape, the things we do last, the things we put away, addictions, delusions, hospitals, prisons, addicts, victims, saviors, martyrs.

You can see how fast-moving Mercury could be a bit out-of-whack here.

So maybe our thinking slows down a bit. Our words drift off course. We started to say this and now we are saying that. The words that were so clear and crisp in airy Aquarius, don't come as easily because maybe we start feeling their impact on the other person now. Or maybe we start feeling like one of those old anti-drug commercials but instead of eggs - it is our brain frying on the sidewalk. 

Details can be fuzzy. Our thinking might be, too. 

With Pisces ruler of the last house of the zodiac maybe a conversation comes to an end now.

This is wonderful energy for artists, poets, musicians, meditation, spirituality, healing. With Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in this universal space our words can cast even more powerful S-P-E-L-L-S - keep this in mind. This is not such wonderful energy for to-do lists and more practical concerns, so double check communications. Re-read important papers. Give other people a break when their language isn't as concise as you would like it to be. When we just can't decide. Mercury in Pisces takes in so much universal information from the world that it becomes hard to take a singular stance. Our thinking becomes more intuitive. Cold facts are not so cold and hard decisions go limp. Lies might be spoken and take on a life of their own. 

It is the time to let our mental defenses down and just feel it. Or to guard against this very thing - depending on the situation!

We don't have to understand everything or figure everything out. Pisces dissolves. Pisces feels. Pisces is a water sign and heals through wetness - blood, sweat and tears (I would avoid the blood though if possible). If we want/need to cry, and even if it turns into one of those big old ugly cries that has our eyes all scrunched up two days later and people asking us what the hell is the matter - it's time to cry. You will probably not need me to tell you this though .....

If you really need to knuckle down mentally now it could be best to give Neptune some creative time - meditate, color, paint, etc, FIRST.

xo all

OK, back with the Full Moon in Leo post and then I am going to do a couple synastry charts for Valentine's Day. 

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