pallas into aquarius for the rest of the year | unusual strategies, tech solutions, breakthroughs, detached emotions, smart ideas and fresh perspectives are the way forward

I missed this in the weekly when I wrote the day-by-day, (which is probably a good thing since it gives me a chance to write a bit more than I would have), but on Sunday, February 16th, Pallas is going to move into Aquarius, and, due to her retrograde here this summer, will be in Aquarius until late January 2026.

My instinct with Pallas - and she is tightly conjunct my 8th house Moon, so take this for what it's worth - is that she LOVES being in Aquarius. Pallas is Pallas Athena the Greek Warrior Goddess and sister of Mars (Ares) who was birthed fully formed - armor and all - from Zeus's throbbing headache. I see Pallas as a "father's daughter" archetype - she is WISE/street smart with a need to be useful, to be good at what she does, to succeed in a "man's world". I think, Aquarius, being the sign that comes after Capricorn and being the sign of ADVANCEMENT suits her well. 

(in your natal chart you might think of Pallas as indicating a space where you carry some innate wisdom, you are starting on third base/the shoulders of giants/the top of the ladder - in other words, you came in fully dressed and ready to GO)

Sometimes Pallas speaks to a space where we carry the strategies and behaviors we have learned/developed to please our fathers. But, in Aquarius she tosses the traditional stuff out the window. We've been to the top of that mountain and it was nice, maybe, but we are looking at things a little further out now. The goal is more abstract. Think about the difference between accomplishment - having a goal and reaching it (Capricorn) - and advancement (Aquarius) - taking something FARTHER, seeing how far something can go. Which is why Aqua surely rules science (and there might have been a time when science was a Cappy-thing, but those days are far behind us now, for better or worse) and tech and 'stepping back/detachment' because we can't get emotionally attached when things are so UNCERTAIN.

Pallas crosses 0 Aquarius on Sunday, the degree fired up by Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice at the end of 2020 when the 'world started up again'. So, as the planets exit Aquarius for Pisces and March's BIG Pisces stellium, it is nice to know, and fitting to find, we will still have Pallas here ... and, of course Pluto. 

Pallas in Aquarius is about LOOKING AHEAD. 

It's about the next step in a direction that is likely new and untested. It's about a strategy that might be genius, but could also be crazy. It's about FLASHES OF INSIGHT. Breakthroughs. Tech. Groups, especially when they are made up of actual individuals and not tribal or familial wounds and resentments. 

It's not about getting emotionally attached to finish lines and outcomes. It's about our ability to zig and zag. I had a conversation about Trump with a distraught friend the other day and she said he was running us off a cliff. I said, maybe we were already running off the cliff and he is giving us an opportunity to zig and zag. Maybe we still run off the cliff. I don't know. But, maybe we don't. 

Pallas in Aquarius will present us with opportunities to try new ideas and new solutions. The best strategy will be the most INNOVATIVE. 

She will allow us, because remember we have stepped back a bit/detached - to see things we didn't see before when we were right on top of things. And with the right transit - something from, let's see maybe Aries or Sagittarius, and maybe we already have an early degree Aries or Sag planet or point in our chart whose fire is dying out and needs some AIR. Or maybe our early degree Gemini or Libra placement has an idea, but now as Pallas moves in with a trine, we get a BREAKTHROUGH. Or maybe our early degree fixed placement in Taurus, Leo or Scorpio gets the pushy square and Pallas forces us, because nothing is working, to THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE.

She doesn't back and forth over Pluto, and that's probably a good thing (she will meet Pluto, of course, that will be on the 25th, so in between Mars station direct and the New Moon in Pisces, that will be a transformative combination of intensity/power and intellect), but, she will station retrograde on June 9th at 25 degrees Aquarius and then backtrack to 6 degrees Aquarius where she will station direct on October 4th and be in Aquarius for the rest of 2025. So, 6 degrees Aqua to 25 degrees Aqua gets the re-dos and do-overs. 

Also, note once Pallas leaves Capricorn we have no major planetary body in Cappy (the sign of sobriety, authority, government, structure, reality) for the first time in something like 17 years. 

We aren't in Kansas anymore Toto. But we can all see that. 

xo all


libramoon said...

Catherine Ivins said...

So beautiful Laurie - thank you for sharing with us. xo