the astrology of the New Moon in Pisces | february 27th, 2025 - a karmic clearing, letting go, connecting to the strength of our divine gifts and the muscles we have grown through our labors, an expansive fresh start we will have to keep our eyes on

On Thursday, February 27th at 7:44PM EST, the Pisces Moon meets the Pisces Sun at 9 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Pisces. The Moon's cycle of the next two weeks closes out the lunar year and pulls us (kicking and screaming) into Eclipse season.  

New Moons are the time to set new intentions for what we want to GROW and working with Pisces themes (and the theme of your Pisces natal house) allow the natural energies to work with us

Since all beginnings are endings, too, and since Pisces collectively rules our 12th house, the last house of the zodiac, the house of endings AND since two of our three inner planets are about to retrograde back into Pisces - this will have a lot to do with WHAT IS FINISHED. Or maybe the way we finish things. 

Maybe something needs to be ended, released, forgiven or even FULLY GRIEVED. 

Sometimes in Pisces this is about an old dream that needs to go, so we can see who we are without this dream, that has, maybe, become an anchor or a BOX. Sometimes a Pisces ending meanders until it, kind of, just peters out. We can't point to exactly when something ended we just wake up later and realize that it did. Of course, with a volatile Eclipse season ahead endings can also be SUDDEN. 

Because Pisces is the 12th house that is BEHIND the first house where we are, we can't always see/know what is going on back there. Things happen during Neptune and Pisces transits that have very old roots our ancestors or past-life selves have watered. 

Sometimes, with Pisces, this is about making a sacrifice. You don't have to meet me with a lamb on a hill at midnight, but, it is often the case that the thing we are losing is something we don't want to lose ...

And since this is a NEW MOON something wants to, and needs to START. 

When we get to the Full Moon in Pisces next fall (the end point for the New Moon now), which will be an Eclipse - Jupiter will be then where Mars is now. Jupiter opens door. He allows. He accommodates. Jupiter squares the New Moon now - comes in through tension and frustration and pressure. And then in September, he will be where Mars is having his squat now in Cancer (the space where the war has come home) and trining - ease. brakes off - the Pisces FULL Moon. Also, Saturn will be then where Neptune is nowWe will get the RESULTS of what we start now. 

So, as much as Pisces is about endings and we have this HUGE Pisces stellium and both Venus and Mercury about to retrograde from Aries back into Pisces (pull us back from the beginning to the ending) - something also has to START. 

Think - results in September that are somehow BIGGER than expected. Think - home, the family, our security, our natal Cancer house theme BENEFITS from what starts now. With the Full Moon in six months being an Eclipse which is an event 'out-of-time' it likely won't be what we are expecting. 

We can't say exactly what is going to happen, BUT, we can see that with Mars (action) in Cancer (home, family, security, roots, mother) and Leo for months, we have been going BACK AND FORTH OVER SOMETHING. Something that has brought the war - and the king/the heart/the ego - home. And this will mean different things to different people. Our fresh start is Piscean/slippery - and might seem unconnected from the Cancer thing, but in six months when Mars is replaced by Jupiter (luck, abundance, growth, benefits) there will be connecting BENEFITS. 

The jaggedy square now - the tension, pressure, challenge - through Jupiter in Gemini (the words, conversations, choices, business, busy-ness) is replaced by the smooth trine of Jupiter in Cancer in September - something is falling into place. A gift in our Cancer house, and, again, this is family, home, security, roots, mother, your natal Cancer house theme - that is somehow connected to this Pisces New Moon's release/seed in the ground. 

As for the Pisces new start itself - things might look better or bigger than they turn out to be and it will be up to us to sift through the POTENTIALS and keep things manageable.

Let what is ending/falling apart FALL APART.

Let what is being pulled from your tired fingers GO. 

If something drifts in - welcome it. 

Know that so many changes are ahead that whatever is happening can be 'just for now' or for 'a good long time' - we can't know. If something morphs now, know that it will be hard for whatever this is to 'hold its new shape'. LIFE IS IN FLUX. 

Sometimes at a Pisces New Moon, and especially this year with all this Pisces, and we haven't seen this much since March 2013 - we need a rest. An escape. A day or two off.

This is the SIXTH of seven New Moons at 9 degrees. 

We do sometimes get repeating degrees with New and Full Moons, but I can't remember SEVEN! 

The 9 degree New Moons started with the Scorpio New Moon back in November that followed the 10 degree Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the string of "9's" will conclude with next month's BIG Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees. 

Nine is a number of endings. 

The sabian symbol for 9 degrees Pisces is 'an aviator in the clouds' which is again bringing up airplanes (and probably something about not being able to see where we are going and maybe the need to trust our navigational devices/intuition/faith). We have had multiple air disasters and near-misses since the 9 degree Aquarius New Moon conjunct Icarus, of 'flying too close to the Sun' fame. 

Pluto (death, transformation) in an air sign now is also having an impact. 

We are all kind of like that aviator - are we going to pass through the clouds and into blue skies or are we flying into a mountain. WE CAN'T SEE. And, whenever we get a situation in astrology where WE CAN'T KNOW, we can be assured our knowing would not be an advantage to us and that there is an actual ADVANTAGE TO NOT KNOWING.

The New Moon squares Jupiter in Gemini. This is applying - hasn't happened yet. The Sun will reach this square on Sunday as Mercury catches up with Neptune - the final dispositor for pretty much everything here. This square, which speaks of tension and frustration, tells us there is alot of TALK. Alot of communication and ideas and the doing of multiple things at once. With Jupiter things are not always what they seem and the hard-edged square might be said to tend toward exaggeration or disappointment. Something might sound better or bigger than it actually is. There are no boundaries here, so THE SKY ACTUALLY IS THE LIMIT. Meaning - there is no limit, but, we do have these damn clouds/confusion/lack of clarity. Are the clouds going to lift and reveal paradise or, again, are we flying into a mountain? With Pisces, we just can't know. 

All the planets are direct at the time of this New Moon and we haven't had all the planets direct in 2025 and this is only going to last until Venus stations retrograde at the end of the week. The Moon is waxing (growing), the planets are all direct. It's GO TIME for something. 

There is only one planet in a grounded earth sign right now and that is Uranus. YES, WE HAVE TO TRUST CRAZY URANUS! Uranus in Taurus is having that sextile from Mercury. Taurus is always asking us what we value and what makes the most sense/cents. There is very likely some REAL OPPORTUNITY here, but it isn't straight-forward. We have to go through this square with Jupiter to get to Mercury and then through Uranus (change, disruption) to get to the solid ground. 

It's a stretch and a struggle, and whether it will be worth it or not we just can't tell with all this Pisces, but, still, it's cold outside, it's probably wet and WHAT ELSE DO WE HAVE TO DO?

This is the last New Moon in Pisces with Neptune in Pisces in our lifetime. Let that sink in. The magical potential here is OFF THE CHARTS. 

Neptune - imagination, connection, spirit, peace - is conjunct the North Node. What is the chance that the final New Moon in Pisces with Neptune in our lifetime would also be conjunct, TIGHTLY conjunct, the North Node of Fate - our best way forward?! I mean, I can't make this stuff up. We are living through crazy important times - I probably can't overstate this.

Plus, OUR WORDS ARE MEGA-POWERFUL THIS WEEK. Say what you mean. Hold your shape as needed. Don't say anything is going to happen that you do not want to happen! 

And, I should emphasize this New Moon isn't about some leap into the unknown because with Saturn in Pisces, there is no actual net that is going to appear. Dad, ie the net, is drunk on the couch. Or sipping a martini on a beach somewhere. The inmates are running the asylum, and that must be what is needed, because THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. With Pisces, there is a very old chapter and karmic significance connected to any loss, a backstory we might not be able to see. We have a few weeks ahead of us that are all about GETTING A BETTER ENDING - this process won't be rushed. 

Klotho is another one of the Fates - you might remember her sister Atrophos (the cutter) conjunct the Leo Full Moon two weeks ago. Klotho is the sister who works the spindle/the thread of life and rules births and BEGINNINGS. She sits in an EXACT opposition to Neptune now, tight on the ascendent of a chart cast for Washington DC at the time of the New Moon. She is opposing the 'fog'. Klotho is in practical Virgo and has planted herself opposite Neptune at precisely this moment and starts weaving. A new thread. Is there a 'door number two'? I am not sure. But with Jupiter in Gemini, maybe there is. 

The New Moon is exactly conjunct asteroid Heracles/Hercules. Hercules, of course, is THE big Greek Hero and famous for his 12 labors, among other things. There are alot of Hercules' stories.

His first chapter is the origin story of our galaxy. It's the story of a cheating husband, an angry wife and a hungry baby. The baby (Hercules), birthed by another mother and held to angry wife's (Hera/Juno) breast by cheating husband (Zeus/Jupiter) and the lost mother's milk that flies out of her when she awakens to find another woman's baby to her breast. This spilled milk - which we've never been allowed to cry over - creates our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy.

I thought with Pisces being the sign of our collective 12th house we should look at Hercules 12th labor which is the one with Hades/Pluto's 'three-headed dog' Cerberus. And, of course, this was his hardest labor of all, because, OF COURSE IT WAS. Hercules had fought many battles and beasts and he finally reaches Hades/Pluto and he asks Hades/Pluto if he can bring Cerberus to King Eurystheus and Hades/Pluto says 'sure if you can do it with your bare hands Hercules', and Hercules, who is Hercules after all, DOES. And, of course, when he gets the dangerous beast back to the King, the King is terrified because he didn't actually want him, but had assumed Hercules would fail, and so the King immediately releases Cerberus back to the underworld where Pluto/Hades was surely expecting him. There are also versions of this story where Persephone (Ceres daughter and Pluto's wife) gives Cerberus to Hercules and other tales where Hercules fights Hade/Pluto. Anyway you cut it - the SUBDUING OF A MULTI-HEADED BEAST is the point of this 12th labor. 

If you have something like this going on, and you just might, know Hercules is here for you at this New Moon. :) 

(I also thought we should look at Hercules 9th labor, since he sits at 9 degrees and we have this series of 9 degree New Moons. His 9th labor is the one where he is charged with getting the war belt of Mars/Ares' daughter Hippolyta, an Amazon Queen. How he goes about getting the belt is so widely disputed though, I am unsure how to work with this one, so set it aside.)

Hercules - the reason we have the Milky Way Galaxy in the first place - this symbol of STRENGTH that comes through both DIVINE GIFTS and CHALLENGES, sitting with this final New Moon in Pisces with Neptune (in our lifetimes) - and the only one with the North Node of DESTINY there at the same time, matters. 

We get the New Moon with all the Pisces fog and magic AND Hercules (the strength we carry through our divine gifts and challenges) coming at a time when we are working through a BETTER ENDING. 

Whatever is starting, and something is ALWAYS starting, is not a sure thing by any stretch of the imagination, but since that square from Pisces to Jupiter in Gemini with Mercury sextiling Uranus is literally saying STRETCH YOUR IMAGINATION, well, yes, I like this New Moon. I do. Even though I am feeling the unsettledness of everything right now in my bones.  

In the next post we will get back to looking at March.

THE FIRST ECLIPSE of 2025 IS IN TWO WEEKS and is already in play.  

Keep in mind and I have said this before - all the planets are changing signs from late 2024 through late 2025 - this is UNPRECEDENTED. We have had two major changes so far - Pluto and the Nodes of Fate. We still have Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus, plus all the inner planetary stuff including powerful retrogrades - Mars is finishing his up, Venus starts hers this week and Mercury starts in the middle of March. 

We can sit back and do nothing and our life is going to change anyway.

For now, we have this New Moon that is 50% inspiration and 50% illusion tied into an EXPANSIVE BEGINNING that might not be as good or big as it seems and that is OK. With Jupiter in Gemini, there are multiple things going on. Multiple tensions. Multiple challenges. Also, MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES. I suspect the less standing in the way of us accessing our INTUITION, which should be high now, the better we are going to work this Moon. 

We have to avoid distraction, cut through the bullsh*t and find the magic amongst the madness. 

Sound doable? The astro would say YES. 

Set your intentions. Hold on loosely. Venus is about to go retrograde, so watch your wallet. Do we want the things we have attracted in the last eight years? Well, we are going to find out. 


xo all

New Moon Affirmations

This is an excellent time for energetic support to make changes with things ruled by Pisces (and your Pisces natal house theme!) including our imagination, boundaries, compassion, releasing victimhood, releasing self-sabotage, spiritual healing, sensitivity, trust, addictions, our lymphatic system, colds, our feet, toxicity and knowing when a sacrifice is needed.

Some more general affirmations that I have used in previous years for a Pisces New Moon:

1. I easily relax my mind and body deeply at night for seven hours of restful sleep.
2. All debilitating sensitivity is easily lifted from me.
3. I have faith that everything in my life is working for my higher good.

4. I easily release all visions of myself as a victim that are not in line with my highest good

(notice I like to toss in the word "easily"!)

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - meaning both happy and certain - a quiet, clean space where you can be alone - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then let's release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known. Life has heard you. 

Know these things are already yours.

(please excuse any typos in here, too long and meandering to re-read - sorry I blame all this Pisces!!)

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