weekly astrology forecast | march 3rd to 9th, 2025 - words get fiery and empowering, mega-healing emotional grand water trine, get things done this week and take care of yourself because it only gets more slippery from here

MONDAY - Mercury enters Aries

WEDNESDAY - Mercury sextiles Pluto

FRIDAY - First Quarter Moon in Gemini, Sun trines Vesta

SATURDAY - Sun trines Mars (Grand Water Trine)

HEADS UP - let's get our focused, detailed stuff done NOW before the month gets any hairier.

We start the week with Mercury having just caught up with the North Node in Pisces - our intuition, compassionate language, a dream, prayer, meditation, conversation, idea - is pulling us forward/guiding us in the right direction. Venus has just stationed retrograde in Aries. We are charged with re-looking at what we want. Re-looking at what we value. Aries is sharp/instinctual. Does this make us happy? What does our gut tell us? Think fast! What is your first answer? Venus retrograde can also see us circling back to an old relationship or valuable something or other (something we once valued). It might be opening a can of worms, but worms can be necessary/be our friend.  

OK, let's unpack the week!

Mercury moves into Aries, briefly breaking Pisces stranglehold on us a bit. Crossing the collective Aries point, our attention, collectively is focused on SOMETHING. The conversationour thinking changes and sharpens. New plans. New ideas. Mercury in Aries is so fast, she/he can solve problems before we even know we have a problem! 

This is NOT going to be a fast transit though because Mercury is going to station retrograde at 9 degrees Aries on March 15th - yes, the degree of the BIG Eclipse at the end of March (!). Mercury is going to go back into Pisces and then station direct at 26 degrees Pisces on April 7th, get back into Aries on APRIL 16TH (the day we will be BACK where we are now - older and wiser). Mercury will not leave Aries entirely until May 10th.


For now, our language and thinking becomes more focused, clear-headed and passionate. Mercury in Aries puts our instinct into words. Our mind gets quicker. Our tongue gets sharper. Words get pushy. It is easier to speak up for ourselves and ask for what we want/need. We can also more easily pick an argument as language becomes more competitive

The silence that was so golden in Pisces - can get broken in Aries.

I must have missed the silence with Mercury in Pisces this year :)

The best use of this transit would be saying what we really think - and yes, this can get us into trouble, so we won't be an ass about it. Keep in mind Aries' impulses can be either self-aggrandizing and immature or sparking a needed fire and solving a problem (fire brings fresh insights). The choice is ours.

Think - fresh start with Mercury themes - words, thinking, writing, learning, teaching, ideas, sibling issues, transportation, your local community. Also bringing fresh words and fresh thinking into your Aries house theme. Mercury in Aries will be answering to Mars in Cancer, so we lose the mutual reception with Jupiter in Gemini - we will have to see how much this matters. 

Once in Aries, Mercury makes an OPPORTUNISTIC and empowering aspect with Pluto in Aquarius. We could feel a strong drive to get to the truth/bottom of things. With Pluto/Mercury information will be intense, but, the soft nature of the sextile will help. Remember it is through Aries that we get this opportunity. This could be about BLUNT or impulsive communication. There is no time for Plutonian manipulation here. Speed matters. 

Fresh ideas can jump right out at us. 

On Friday, the Moon in Gemini will be squaring the Pisces Sun giving us this lunar cycle's First Quarter Square - first challenge to last week's New Moon. With Gemini/Pisces we often find multiple choices, but no clear decision or direction. Maybe we would like to postpone and escape, but the square demands action and we are called to DO SOMETHING. We might have to start a conversation without knowing where it is going to go. Make an uncertain choice. Notice your words and the words moving around you.

We end the week with a powerful Sun trine Mars (and the Moon) in Cancer and Vesta in Scorpio. So, we have the Sun, Moon, Vesta and Mars forming a Grand Water Trine. If you have a planet or point near 17 degrees of a water sign, you should be feeling the FLOW of this one. We are guided by what feels soothing and familiar. Action/attention FEELS good. A sacred focus/obsession feels good. Secrets, intimacy and merged financial matters can be emotionally integrated. Act with confidence. Have pride in yourself. This is about intimacy and connection. Forgive. Forget. Offer care and compassion. Water trines are healing and this one involves FOUR planets!  

We should be able to FEEL something falling into place. This is the part of our lunar cycle that ALLOWS for a smooth flow from last week's New Moon in Pisces to next week's Full Moon in Virgo. MOVE TOWARD WHAT FEELS COMFORTABLE. The Sun has just squared the Moon in Gemini, so maybe it was that call/conversation/choice that we didn't want to take action on, BUT DID, that gets us here. 

xo all

Back with March Madness Part II! Part I was HERE

Keep in mind the big picture of GOING BACK TO GET A BETTER ENDING - things are going to look very different by the middle of April. Our intuition and imagination and all the good we, our ancestors and old selves have ever done are our greatest strengths right now. 

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