OK, we have arrived at the first Eclipse of 2025.
This is the first of four Virgo Eclipses over the next couple years.
Eclipses are FATED and bring a FOCUS to certain areas of our lives and the very nature of Eclipses also says that SOMETHING IS HIDDEN. There are things it isn't time to see. Things it isn't time to know. It is not usually the best time to rush into new or risky situations because so much will be in-flux and uncertain, although this is also the time when life finds a way to force our hands with the stuff that needs to be dealt with.
With South Node Eclipses like this one, past patterns that maybe once worked for us, but no longer do, often come up to be noticed and released or reinvented. Old storylines with endings that were left dangling come back around for resolution.
In mutable Earth Virgo, this ENDING involves our natal chart's Pisces/Virgo axis themes plus the collective themes of - our job, our daily routine, our health, a release of criticism, nitpicking the details, dwelling on problems, feeling we need to prove our worth, striving for perfection, serving to the point of servitude, trying to fix the unfixable, over-thinking, JUDGING, being judgmental, perfectionism.
With Venus retrograde and Mercury (ruler of the Eclipse) stationing - together in Aries. With Mars still weak in Cancer and making his third pass through the same territory. With Saturn, the Sun, the North Node and Neptune all lined up in magical/mystical/confusing/feet-everywhere-but-on-the-ground PISCES. With everything answering to illusive Neptune and the Moon's final aspect being a conjunction to Neptune - there is no certainty of outcome with this one.
Just keep in mind that at this time when so much is uncertain - everything and anything is POSSIBLE. Pisces is magical and mystical and LOOK AT THAT PISCES LINE-UP!
On Friday, March 14th, 2025 at 2:54AM EDT, the Virgo Moon opposes the Pisces Sun at 23 degrees, conjunct the North Node of the Moon giving us a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Virgo.
Full Moons bring things to light (to our attention or into the open), to peak energy, to a RESULT, sometimes to a conclusion. Eclipses will eclipse something out of our life or out of our way. With all the outer planets at the end of their signs, which as I have said before is UNPRECEDENTED - there is a huge unraveling/dissolving happening in our world as so many things are FINISHING UP at the same time.
A typical Virgo Full Moon provides the facts. The fog clears. The results are visible. Sanity prevails. This is the view of the situation from the cold light of day. And we do have Saturn with the Sun echoing and supporting this reality check moment. It is certainly part of this.
THE CAVEAT with this particular Virgo Full Moon being a Lunar Eclipse - the Moon falling into the Earth's shadow/the umbra - is that something is STILL HIDDEN. Happening in secret/behind our back. We have to proceed without all the information/without all the facts. The past is pulled into the present. Situations are fated and karmic. There is more happening than what looks like is happening. There is more dissolving and being resolved than we can remember.
The Moon WANTS to show us how well we have taken care of the details, to do the Full Moon in Virgo's Job, - but our dear Luna is HUGELY outmanned - just look at that opposing Pisces pile-up - and the Moon is answering to Mercury who is standing strong and still and stationing retrograde in 24 hours.
Let's unpack the chart!
The Moon in Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces at 23 degrees. The Full Moon trines Uranus (applying) and sextiles Mars (separating) and Vesta (separating). The Sun is conjunct Saturn, the North Node and Neptune. The Sun is tightly conjunct asteroid Osiris and Mercury (ruler of this lunation as the ruler of Virgo) is conjunct asteroid Isis. Mercury is conjunct Venus (retrograde) and stationing tomorrow, so we could say applying to her/his station. About to turn around. The Moon is conjunct asteroid Klotho (again).
The Virgo vs Pisces axis has alot to do with the polarity of our work/rest balance. It is about letting go vs 'battening down the hatches'. Service vs sacrifice. The big picture we can FEEL (inside) vs the nitty gritty details we can TOUCH (outside). Faith and magic vs practicality. Compassion and acceptance vs. criticism. Letting go vs cleaning up our acts. Addiction and self-sabotage vs having a healthy routine. Of course, these 'opposites' are really two sides of the same coin. The Virgo/Pisces polarity teaches us that we don't get the Pisces "magic" without the daily routines and precision that serve and support it.
The Full Moon's sextile to Mars is separating. This speaks of recent actions we have taken to become more safe and secure. Maybe the actions are related to home/family/mother/country. Maybe to a home business or real estate situation. Mars has been back and forth in Cancer - bringing the war home/whatever this means to us - since last fall and now is making his last pass through the same territory, so our action should be grounded in some age/wisdom/knowledge. We could be getting or have received a second chance with something.
The sextile to Vesta in Scorpio is separating, too. Vesta in Scorpio has been bringing our focus and attention to the things we haven't wanted to look at. The stuff that is buried. Under the covers. Under the hood. Secrets. Death. Merged money. Merged anything.
The Full Moon is trining Uranus in Taurus. Something about this ending/closure/disclosure is SHOCKING, disruptive, but also LIBERATING. The trine is a smooth aspect, so this doesn't look like a bad thing. If it feels like it is, step back and look at the situation from another angle. Take a breath. Mars is in Cancer and everyone is taking everything personally (this is a big part of what brings the war home in the first place!) - LET'S NOT. Detach a bit from any outcome or result that feels over-whelming.
It is pretty clear with all this Pisces that we only get to fix the thing that needs fixing when we stop trying to fix it!
At the end of the day this is an Earth trine from Virgo to Taurus - the new thing needs to be MANAGEABLE, so if nothing else, focus on small and steady changes to your routine.
We can see that Mercury, sitting with a retrograde Venus (re-viewing what we are attracting in terms of money and love and our values and self-esteem) who is the ruler of this lunation, is in fiery Mars and standing still preparing to retrograde in just 24 hours.
He/she is at 9 degrees Aries which is EXACTLY where our Solar Eclipse new beginning will be in TWO WEEKS. So, we can know with certainty his/our retrograde/re-view over the next two weeks is UBER IMPORTANT and cannot be skipped. What we do between the ending and the beginning has consequences.
Mercury retrograde looks to be tossing a curveball or cosmic monkey wrench into Eclipse season. This whole thing can turn around.
With Mercury in fiery Aries we are asked to be bold and brave. We might have to have an argument or fight for something with our words. We will have to use our instincts and maybe risk looking the fool. Our old ideas about what is best and the need for things to be a certain way for us to be OK have to GO.
The new world that is crashing to life at breakneck speed in 2025 and 2026 will not wait for us to get our sh*t together because it doesn't need for us to have our sh*t together. It needs something like the opposite of this. We have collectively both consciously and unconsciously ASKED THE UNIVERSE FOR A CHANGE and life has answered us. Look around. This is what is happening. Life has answered us.
What is on the other side when we let this Virgo stuff go?
Look to Pisces. The dream. Our intuition. MAGIC. The Moon is opposing not only the Sun, but also Saturn and the North Node and Neptune. The Pisces pile-up cannot be discounted/has AGENCY. We are lucky/blessed to have Saturn here. Without Saturn this will just be something like the pile of spaghetti my 3D printer has been frustrating me with today. Saturn is swimming in Pisces, too, so can't give any rock-solid guarantees about "what is on the other side". Still, seeing him lined up with the North Node is GOOD NEWS. Even with all this water, everyone has something solid to hold onto.
The Full Moon's final aspect being that dissolving (sometimes disappointing) meeting with illusive Neptune tells us this whole thing is what it is.
We can't know. We can't look ahead.
We can only do what we can and the rest is out of our hands. Give yourself a break. Get enough rest. Retreat as needed. It can be hard to sleep now and we will need sleep more than ever. Expect vivid dreams and downloads and sometimes to wake up feeling totally different than you went to bed.
Collectively and sometimes personally a sacrifice might be required. We might have to give up one thing to get something else. That Uranus trine intimates maybe something about trading security and safety for FREEDOM. The past for the future. Venus's retrograde is designed to show us what we really value. The bottom line though is - we have to have faith.
Bigger hands than ours have the wheel right now even when it feels like no one does. We can't, collectively, start from where we are and end up anywhere that we need to go, so the 'where we are' needs to change before we can move forward. We need a better ending.
The Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon in two weeks (the cosmic bookend to this one) has the closing aspect of a testy and testing square to Mars - still in Cancer (!) and at 23 degrees (exactly conjunct Chiron - the wounded healer) and EXACTLY sextile the Full Moon now. 23 degrees Cancer is also EXACTLY conjunct Donald Trump's natal Saturn and tightly conjunct the United States natal Mercury, which we will talk about in the political post I have been procrastinating. You can see why ...
Another clue to the energy of this Lunar Eclipse in Virgo may be the Pisces' pile-up inclusion of Isis and Osiris (and their offspring Horus), ancient Egyptian Gods and the first 'royal' couple.
Osiris and Isis ruled over a period of peace and prosperity in Egypt until Osiris was murdered and dismembered by his jealous brother Set. Osiris's wife, Isis, re-assembles and re-animates him just long enough to magically conceive their child Horus who goes on to become an important God, too.
So, we have some kind of cutting down and 'dismembering' that comes at the hands of someone who is jealous/wanting us to fail/fall apart. Then the re-assembly and re-animation - through love and magic aka PISCES energy - that leads not to the reincarnation of Osiris who is still dead, but to the conception and birth of someone or something new.
There is no asteroid Set/the brother who does the chopping. The closest named asteroid would be asteroid Seth who is EXACTLY conjunct Elon Musk's ascendent (him with that chainsaw!) which is one degree from his natal Mercury which is exactly on the United States Sun. Musk also has Isis at 8 degrees Aries - tightly conjunct the next Eclipse and where Mercury is stationing retrograde now and his natal Osiris/the one who gets chopped EXACT on the United States Moon/the people. WTH.
The United States natal Horus - the God who is conceived from all of this - is at 12 degrees Libra, so tightly conjunct the United States 10th house Saturn, squaring the U.S. Sun and Musk's natal Seth. You might or might not remember, because who can keep up, not me!, BUT the last Eclipse before this one was at 10 degrees Libra and activated Trump's natal Ixion - the golden king given the second chance by Jupiter - and now we know it also activated the United States natal Horus - the new God birthed from the chopping, re-animating.
AND J.D. VANCE - you are not going to believe J.D. Vance!
That will be the next post when we talk politics. Part I of that will be up tomorrow or Saturday.
xo all
I apologize for any typos or nonsense- cannot reread this morning :)
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