Since we are in between two powerful Eclipses this week which are determined to spit us out quite a bit different than we were when we went in, I am dividing up the Moon and everything else this week to give a clearer picture!
We begin the week with the Moon in Scorpio where she/we wants to go deep, will feel things more intensely, wants to spill the tea, maybe create some drama. Squaring Pluto and with the Sun on the Moon's North Node - we are IN IT from the opening bell. Power struggles are possible. The stuff that is buried is not going to stay buried. The stuff that needs to die is going to be IN OUR FACE. The BETTER WAY FORWARD will be, too. By Tuesday we have ironed out some of this intensity and maybe we are taking action with something home, real estate, mother/mothering, home business or family related. Wednesday, the Moon is very active and making a Grand Water Trine with Neptune and the Sun before going void in the late afternoon. We are swimming in possibilities. No limits. No judgements. Healing. Spirituality. Prayer is powerful. THINGS WILL FLOW ALONG THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Then on Thursday, the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius - we will want space, something more/bigger - making nice with Pluto, Venus and Mercury. Optimism, Hope. Old words, old relationships, old resources (or new things that feel old) - more smooth flow. The only challenge to our Sag Moon is on Thursday when she must oppose Sag ruler Jupiter in Gemini. This can feel unbalanced/something is TOO MUCH. We need to grow and let go of the past. By Friday, the Moon in Sag squares Saturn and goes void off a square to Neptune - tension/frustration. Limits. Maybe a disappointment. On Saturday, the Moon is in sober Cappy and squaring the Sun and Venus and Mercury and then on Sunday she is opposing Mars before things start to lighten up late Sunday night. So, heads up that next weekend looks challenging. There are limits. Tough conversations. Monday, the 24th looks better for the Moon (our emotions as we detach in Aquarius) and then we start to build toward the BIG Aries Eclipse.
So, that is basically the emotional temperature of the week. Lunar aspects are fleeting but can be potent. The other planets aspects are longer term - many in play for multiple days (although I list them for when they are most exact) and roll out as follows:
MONDAY - Sun conjuncts the North Node
WEDNESDAY - Sun conjuncts Neptune
FRIDAY - Venus sextiles Pluto, Vesta stations retrograde
SATURDAY - Sun conjuncts Venus, Third Quarter Moon
SUNDAY - Sun sextiles Pluto
MONDAY - the Sun catches up with the North Node of Fate
Here is the path forward. A sign we won't be able to miss. I would say 'pay attention', but if there is something we need to see we are going to see it. This message/messenger is designed to point us in a more forgiving, compassionate, universally loving direction. Happening in Pisces this can be about what is dissolving/fading. We might be asked to let go. We might have to make a sacrifice. Pray. Meditate. Keep in mind at the same time the Sun is OPPOSING the South Node in Virgo - what has been over-used. Too much criticism. Too much attention to detail. Too much need for more information or for perfection. With the Sun opposing the South Node in Virgo, this is not the time to be 'fixing' anything, but the time to be letting go of the idea we need to "fix" something/someone. If you think you are right and the other person is wrong, you are probably not right :) - this doesn't mean they are right either. But maybe there is something more important here than figuring out who is 'right'.
WEDNESDAY - the Sun meets up with Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces
This is probably part of Monday. The same thing. The same release. Maybe it is a disappointment that happens and pushes us to let go and move on. Maybe it is a dream come true. When I tell you Neptune is hard to read, I am not kidding. Happening at the 29th degree, if this is hitting our chart, there could be a 'now or never' feeling to whatever is going on. The Sun is not going to meet Neptune in Pisces again in our lifetimes - and we have had this meeting every year since 2012 - so, in some ways, yes, THIS IS IT. Is it too late? For some things, maybe yes. But remember this is why life is giving us multiple RETROGRADES, to go back and get what we missed or get that better ending!
THURSDAY - SPRING EQUINOX - the Sun crosses the Aries point and moves into Aries. With a light on an Aries point (0 degrees of a cardinal sign and the Equinox's when day/night is balanced are especially powerful) it is likely something is happening in the world that has our collective attention. With Vesta strong and still and about to station retrograde in Pisces - maybe this is about an old secret. Something that was hidden.
The Sun LOVES to be in Aries, our first fire sign. The days get LONGER. Aries is about starting and action and passion and moving forward. We will keep in mind that two of our three personal planets are retrograde and the other one is still covering old territory for the third time, BUT something is starting. Our eyes turn toward what is NEW. This is not the time to be second guessing yourself. Use your instincts - which are different and more primal than our intuition (which will be high, too). With the Sun in Aries we will want to be more assertive/aggressive and things will work out better when we are - up to a point, of course. Let's not be assholes. In Aries season life is meant to move FAST, so we will need to balance this out with all this Neptune and the retrograde energies. The solar year begins!
FRIDAY - Venus retrograde reaches 3 degrees Aries and sextiles Pluto in Aquarius as Vesta in Scorpio stations retrograde (18 degrees)
Aries and Aquarius are buds/understand each other. Here is an OPPORTUNITY - and this is a repeating aspect and the second of three - for empowerment or transformation through an attraction to something NEW. Venus rules our money, resources, relationships, values and self-esteem. Sextiles are soft aspects that require action. So we might have an instinct that if we do something we will attract something intense/challenging and it is up to us to step up and interact with this energy or just let it move on. Happening as Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio and answering to Pluto - whatever has been keeping us up at night is pulled into the mix. NOTE - Venus first sextiled Pluto back in early February as Neptune met the North Node (the dream). They will sextile one final time on May 6th. This is a process we are meant to be moving through.
SATURDAY - the Sun at 3 degrees Aries conjuncts Venus
This adds OOMPH to Friday's Venus/Pluto sextile - a light on the intense opportunity for transformation. This is repeating yesterday's Pluto/Venus and Vesta stations - BRINGING SOMETHING HIDDEN INTO THE LIGHT. This might be about someone or something from the past. Sun/Venus in Aries can be re-lighting an old fire. With Vesta retrograde in Scorpio and Venus retrograde in Aries and headed back into Pisces - what do we want? What do we value? Who are we now? Again, this is a PROCESS. And with Venus retrograde can be more of an 'inside' job - something shifts in us and changes what we are attracting.
The fly in the ointment here is this month's Third Quarter Square Moon at 2 degrees Cappy squaring the Sun, but this could be just what we need to PUSH us to take advantage of the sextiles. The Moon is serious and reminding us of our responsibilities. There can be frustration/tension at work or with our public life or reputation. At the monthly Third Quarter Square we are encouraged/via our emotional response to events and situations to PULL AWAY before the New Moon Solar Eclipse that is coming. What traditions, old father/paternal stories, old obligations, things we used to depend on are no longer needed/ready to go? Note the Moon is answering to Saturn in Pisces and conjunct both Neptune and the North Node. Forgiveness and compassion and maybe the need for a sacrifice can be a part of this. With the Sun in Aries, we don't want to allow ourselves to be made a scapegoat and may need to be true to ourselves with something here.
SUNDAY - now the Sun reaches 3 degrees Aries and sextiles Pluto
This is likely all part of the same thing, too. Here is a light on an opportunity for empowerment, transformation. This will feel intense. We will need to be brave. Again, sextiles are soft aspects that bring opportunity when/if we take action. No one is forcing us here. Aries and Aquarius are both signs that value independence and individuality - we need to be ourselves/know ourselves. Pluto brings up what is buried/old fears. Can we do it? We will have to commit.
With a Pluto sextile something is READY TO DIE, so let it.
xo all
Back with the politics which I will drag myself - yes, kicking and screaming - back to this week!
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