the astrology of march 2025 | part II - projections and gas-lighting rampant as we go back to get a better ending, surrendering is what happens when fighting fails, the line between the ending and the beginning begins to dissolve

Here is a BRIEF outline of some of the big stuff in March:

March  1
Venus Retrograde10 Aries
March  3
Mercury enters Aries
March  6First Quarter Moon16 Gemini
March 14Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse in Virgo23 Virgo
March 15
Mercury Retrograde9 Aries
March 19
Juno Retrograde, Sun conjuncts Neptune

1 Sag, 29 Pisces
March 20Sun enters Aries
March 21
Vesta Retrograde18 Scorpio
March 22
Last Quarter Moon2 Capricorn
March 27
Venus Retrograde enters Pisces
March 29
New Moon Partial SOLAR Eclipse in Aries9 Aries
March 29
Mercury Retrograde enters Pisces

March 30
Neptune enters Aries

With two retrograde personal planets - taking us from Pisces to Aries and back to Pisces then back to Aries - and two powerful Eclipses - one in Aries and one in Pisces polarity sign of Virgo - the astrology is pretty clear that March and April are going to be PIVOTAL 

(although really the entire year of 2025 is PIVOTAL - unstable, challenging, and, oh yes, OPPORTUNISTIC). 

Part I of this series is HERE.

This entire month is building toward the end of March's Virgo Solar Eclipse as Neptune leaves Pisces and enters Aries for the first time in over 150 years. 

(the last time Neptune went into Aries was the day the United States Civil War started - we will get to politics in part III - note on the day that war started in April 1861, Mars and Uranus were conjunct and surrounding the U.S. natal Uranus, and we do not have that this time, instead we have the U.S. chart ruling Jupiter here. The last time Neptune was at the very, very end of Pisces, where he is now, Abraham Lincoln was sworn into office. Chiron was on the United States natal Moon and the North Node of Fate was at 21 Cappy - where time would run out in January 2020.)

The last time we had Pluto in very early Aquarius as Neptune moved into Aries was in 1534. This was the year King Henry VIII split the country from Rome (parting ways with the powerful Catholic Church that would not give him his divorce) and started the Church of England and CHANGED THE WORLD. Moving power from the Church to the King. Then 250 years later (when Pluto returned to Aquarius) the American and French Revolutions CHANGED THE WORLD, again, and, this time, the power moved from the King/royal birth to the people/democracy. We have known since at least 2012 that we were headed into major changes that would CHANGE THE WORLD, again.

Well, here we are ....

Throughout 2025 SLATE CLEARING EVENTS will be occurring as what is beginning rubs uncomfortably against what is ending. 

At the very end of February, we had the Pisces New Moon. We talked about that HERE. New Moons are always fresh starts, but with Pisces ruling the end-of-the-zodiac, the ending is highlighted. The start is not clearly defined because we are still looking backward. This is often a time when something must be 'put behind us'. 

Remember the Pisces New Moon cycle is in play until mid-March's Eclipse, BUT the Eclipse itself is an 'event out of time', not just a regular Full Moon, so is IN PLAY ALREADY. 

Then, VENUS STATIONED RETROGRADE (in a space she was retrograde 8 years ago, so there could be some connections, for 40 days and 40 nights) - this was on March 1st. We are charged with re-evaluating not only our relationships - current and old, but also our values and finances. There is a reason Venus gets into Aries - the first sign - turns around and heads back into Pisces - the last sign. It's not a time of smooth flow. There are hold ups and changes. 

A financial or relational situation could TURN AROUND. 

Venus retrograde brings our attention to what we value and don't value, what we want and don't want, what we have and don't have. 

Because Venus is going to go from Aries (the first sign) back to Pisces (the last sign) we can see that something isn't finished. So, we are either going back to get it or we are going back to give it a better ending which puts us in a better position to START later. 

A return to Pisces from Aries can also show us a SURRENDER, which is what happens when fighting fails. Surrender is NOT about giving up. It is active energy although it can mean a time of rest. Surrender is us 'getting' that we are better off having an alliance with something bigger than ourselves/those bigger hands than ours that have the wheel and our back. We have to understand the limits of our control and notice what IS working, so we are not blowing what isn't way out of proportion now. The 'answer' with the North Node in Pisces is unlikely to be an ironclad idea or a detailed plan. It is more likely to be intuitive and instinctual. It may not look like an answer at all at this point. Or even anytime soon. Surrender is sometimes best viewed in hindsight. We can see later that surrendering happened because everything we tried wasn't working. And, THEN, the thing that does work - shows up, although not often in the way we expected. Or we realize we no longer want it/need it.  

All this Pisces is a HUGE portal for gas-lighting and projection and even self-sabotage. 

People are saying what they need to hear (thinking other people need to hear it) and people are hearing what they want to. 

And, by, 'people', I mean ALL OF US. Maybe we can step away from projected conflict when someone wants to drag us in to play out one side of their fragmentation, but do we notice when we are doing the same thing to them? We all have repressed emotional streams that this Pisces/Aries storyline is WAKING UP. The Age of Pisces is ending. We are in the dying days of a culture that is all we remember. The complex communal grief probably can't be overstated. 

I think the old expression, "go out with a bang" has hung around for a reason.

The Virgo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse MARCH 14TH - is happening in concert with Virgo ruler Mercury stationing retrograde, so for a tidy sign like Virgo, this looks very messy, and some of this is ALREADY HAPPENING and will continue to happen, because Eclipses are not tied so tightly to a certain date. Virgo is the sign of service and the servant, so any ways we are feeling 'used' can bring certain situations to a head. So can criticism. Full Moons bring things to light, to a result or to an ending - although here, with an Eclipse, something is hidden, too.

One way this could play out is maybe there is some kind of mistake or disappointment or the EXPOSURE OF A FLAW in a project, relationship, situation, etc. 

This exposure somehow brings things to a HEAD that have been brewing under the surface.

There will be a backstory that will not be quite so visible (with the Sun in Pisces the backstory could even be connected to events that have been lost to time/forgotten - ancestral/past life stuff and also energies that connect to earlier events in this life that need a way to resolve themselves). The Eclipse portal brings powerful energies into play. If things are feeling bigger than they should be, just assume they actually are - you just don't really know exactly what you are dealing with here.

The tight and applying sextile to Uranus speaks of freedom/opportunities through change. There is another tight conjunction with Klotho the 'cord-cutter' and a conjunction to Saturn pulling lines in the sand, authority, career and father energy into the mix. 

Mercury, the Eclipse ruler will be still and stationing at 9 Aries and conjunct asteroid Salacia ensuring salacious news/gossip. Whatever is happening will be TALKED ABOUT.  

Since this is a Full Moon Eclipse/raw energy and situations can be dramatic, we might not deal with this as well as we might like. The Sun is in Pisces - slow down, let things unfold. Keep a cool head. Don't huff and puff and blow the house down. Breaks for freedom (that might look like self-sabotage and even be self-sabotage) are possible here. Some of this is just going to have to play itself out. 

Then Mercury, the ruler of the Virgo Full Moon, IMMEDIATELY goes retrograde, so we know this whole thing is a process - we aren't finished with this conversation, idea, situation. With all this Pisces and Aries - many things will start and then end and then start up again. 

Have faith that things are working out as they should be. Then we are into the spin cycle of life between the Eclipses - life determined to spit us out quite a bit or ALOT different than we were when we went in. 

The second March Eclipse is a Solar Eclipse New Moon - this one at 9 degrees Aries (taking us back to the last nodal cycle for one FINAL Eclipse) so exactly where Mercury was when he/she went retrograde two weeks earlier during the first Eclipse. This second Eclipse is on MARCH 29TH. This will be just as Mercury retrograde re-enters, backward, foggy Pisces and just hours before Neptune makes his big move into Aries - the first since the United States Civil War started - DISSOLVING the line between the ending and the beginning. 

Happening with two of the three personal planers retrograde, conjunct and doing the same 'Pisces, Aries, Pisces, Aries' thing Neptune and Saturn are going to do and with a huge pile-up of planets between Pisces and Aries is pretty UNBELIEVABLE. 

The March 29th Solar Eclipse will also be conjunct Salacia (salacious news). Mars, the ruler of this Eclipse will be at 22 degrees Cancer - a powerful degree (opposing 2020's time runs out/power is cemented degree and opposing Mars degree when Russia invaded Ukraine - we will talk about all this in the next post). We have Saturn, the North Node, Venus and Neptune all TOGETHER near the end of Pisces with Mercury on the 0 degree Aries point, so whatever is happening we will all be seeing it/talking about it.  

We will unpack the Eclipses in their own posts in bigger/more detailed ways.

By the time we get to the third week of APRIL and Mars, back in Leo AGAIN after bringing the war home, makes his final EXPLOSIVE (third of three) opposition to Pluto in Aquarius things are going to look quite different. 

There is ALOT of good news here in March. There are an inordinate number of conjunctions - new stories starting. Mars is direct and moving forward. We have a beautiful and productive trine between Mars and Saturn in play for much of the month. It is even a Grand Water Trine for a time and we talked about it HERE. Mars is interacting with Jupiter and Neptune for the first half of March bringing expansion and luck to many people. Before each planet leaves Pisces, and remember this is happening multiple times with Venus and Mercury, we get an OPPORTUNISTIC sextile with Uranus. Then as each planet moves into Aries - again, multiple times for Venus and Mercury - they form an OPPORTUNISTIC sextile with powerful Pluto in Aquarius. 

We are letting go, taking in. Taking in, letting go. 

OK, in the next post let's look at the changing world and the politics of all this. The astrology of the major players' charts is quite astonishing.

xo all

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