today's astrology forecast | wednesday, february 14th, 2024 - mars meets pluto, use power and influence wisely, no dark alleys, new chapter with a new landscape, start something you've been afraid to do, intense valentine's day

The Moon moves from Aries to Taurus today. In a way, echoing today's Mars and Venus aspects. 

The Moon in Aries will sextile the Sun and then go void at 5:20AM EST off a square to Venus. The sextile is Aquarius/Aries. This is our month's waxing sextile - some opportunity to move forward that comes through last week's New Moon in Aquarius story. The Moon in Aries pulls in courage and initiative and impulse. Aquarius adds smarts and speed and just the right amount of distance/detachment. If we are 'going for it' this energy is helpful.

The square to Venus is testy though and has the final say here. When the feminine energies are at odds, there isn't resolution until the energies shift, which they do as the Moon moves into Taurus, the sign of her exaltation and Luna starts answering to Venus. 

My mid-morning the Moon in Taurus will square Pluto and Mars who have caught up with each other while we slept.

This is likely to be UNCOMFORTABLE. 

Just know this going in. 

The Moon in Taurus seeks comfort and stability and refinement and Mars/Pluto in Aquarius is ANYTHING BUT. That's ok. This is all divine timing. Playing out as it should. By late night the Moon in Taurus will reach her smooth sextile to Saturn in Pisces. This is echoing what Venus is doing today and is one of the ways through the lunar square if we need it. 

Mars meets Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in hundreds of years. THIS IS INTENSE, especially for people with early degree fixed placements. 

We talked about this in the weekly HERE.

The Mars/Pluto today is best played - if this is hitting our chart and our life and if it is we won't be able to miss it - by acting smartly and quickly on impulse. By playing to win ("by any means necessary" will come back to bite us, sometimes the bite is worth the win, but sometimes it isn't - just keep this in mind). 

And for all of us - this is a good time to be initiating something or taking action with something we have been afraid to tackle/deal with. This doesn't have to be some big thing. Even small things will have energy and sticking power. 

Our control tendencies, fears, obsessions can come up to be dealt with. Note 'dealt with' is not the same thing as acting on them. But, this is something we are going to be dealing with for the next couple years, so it can't be just pushed down. Pluto smothers. He doesn't GET smothered. How can we work this thing in a healthier way. Keep in mind the North Node - our collective way forward - is in Aries and answering to Mars. Our courage, our initiative, our showing up is NEEDED. But we don't want to hurt someone else or get hurt unnecessarily. Remember the New Moon's advice to SEE the new landscape. This isn't the same old Mars meeting the same old Pluto like back in March 2022 when they met in Capricorn. This is DIFFERENT. And not knowing exactly what that difference is, is OK, because this is brand new territory. 

Venus's sextile to Neptune is another way to go if this is all too much. A higher road. Universal love. We aren't letting everything slip and slide, but yes, some things are left slipping and sliding. This is Cappy/Pisces - the dream and the work we need to do to manifest it. With this connection to Neptune in watery Pisces, Venus in Cappy softens. This adds compassion and something more unconditional. IT IS VALENTINE'S DAY AFTER ALL. 

The sextile won't be as strong as that square, but it's THERE if we need it. And we might. 

Mars and Pluto will meet again in early 2026. 

By 2026, Pluto will be at 3 degrees Aquarius. So, you can see how slow and intense this process is. January 2026 is when the stuff we are starting now will be coming full cycle (just like the March 2022 Capricorn stuff is coming full circle now). Jupiter will be in Cancer. Saturn will be breathing down Neptune's neck. The North Node will be well into PISCES. 

For now, be brave. Be smart. 

Any intensity we are dealing with/attracting is happening for a needed reason and whether that reason is for Pluto to burn this stuff off NOW, to wake us up, show us our shadow impulses or control issues or rebellion or the way we use/abuse or run from power - whatever this is, the Aquarius energy, which is friendly to Mars, is the space we can do this in a NEW, smart and more constructive and future-focused and group friendly way. 

If the collective news is too much/too dark, channel the Venus/Neptune and let it slide off your back like water from a duck. This isn't about avoiding (if we do our part to give Mars/Pluto something constructive to do less will be available for the collective to have to deal with), but we are almost certainly being manipulated here. 

Of course, some manipulation ie seduction can be a good thing on Valentine's Day, no? :)

xo all

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