weekly astrology forecast | May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - our pedal to the metal month opens up this week folks as the seeds go into the most fertile - and surprising - soil of 2024

We start the week with the FINAL Mercury/Chiron conjunction in Aries. 

A process of re-evaluating that started around the Spring Solstice (March 20th) and concludes now. Blunt or awkward words, stinging information may have been NECESSARY. 

By Tuesday the practical fixed-earth Sun is in a smooth and productive sextile with the dreamy mutable-water Neptune - which screams MAKING THE DREAM REAL - as our exalted Luna catches up with that same practical Sun. ON THE SAME PATCH OF LAND that has just been gifted with a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. BENEFICIAL CHANGE. 

AND, in a smooth and applying trine to Ceres - who should be at least co-ruler of Taurus to my mind - with Ceres on the still smoldering Cappy degree of January 2020 when "time ran out".  AND with Venus, the ruler of Taurus, home in Taurus herself and UBER STRONG. 

Have I said arguable BEST New Moon of the Year? Yes, I have. 

Do I toss around words like this all the time? You know I DON'T. 

Let's unpack the week and then tomorrow night I will get up the New Moon post. 

MONDAY - Mercury conjunct Chiron

TUESDAY - Sun sextile Saturn, NEW MOON IN TAURUS

MONDAY - Mercury meets Chiron at 21 degrees Aries

Mercury - words, information, conversations, siblings, a local community situation, commerce, tech - meets Chiron - carrier of a deep vulnerability/wounding and our immortal to mortal storyline - in fiery Aries.

This is their THIRD of three meetings. The first was on March 20th at the Spring Equinox. The second when Mercury was retrograde on April 15th. 

Whatever the painful conversations, information, ideas have been - they are reaching a conclusion now. The pain has been named. 

We have said what needs to be said. Heard what needs to be heard. Read what needs to be read. 

We have learned what needs to be learned. Or we haven't. 

This final meeting of Mercury and Chiron - because remember the big Total Solar Eclipse was exactly conjunct Chiron - pulls this wound/vulnerability LESSON with us as we move through the next few weeks and months and the Eclipse cycle plays out. 

The conjunction is a seeding, like a New Moon. 

This can be the start of a healing, a new way of seeing/thinking/acting that changes our life, a writing project or work as a healer/teacher. Maybe this is about healing/health NEWS. Maybe this is when we come to terms with a wound/vulnerability and figure out how we live with it. 

Maybe Mercury/Chiron in the sign of "I am" Aries has been an opportunity to re-think, re-word, re-visit and re-vise SELF SABOTAGING thinking/speaking (S-P-E-L-L-S) patterns. In Aries, this can be about how we initiate or don't. How we take necessary action or how we avoid it. How we verbalize anger or passion or how we don't and might need to

A little one here, about to perform in a school play, had to write a "who am I" paragraph for the school play's playbill. This might be a good idea for all of us right now.

TUESDAY - the Sun, at 17 degrees Taurus sextiles Saturn (semi-squares Pluto), at 17 degrees Pisces, then the Moon meets the Sun at 18 degrees Taurus for the Taurus New Moon

The Sun/Saturn sextile is the waxing sextile of the Sun/Saturn/Mercury conjunction in Pisces from February 28th. The Sun/Mercury at that time was a 'superior conjunction' like a Full Moon - bringing something to light/illumination, likely to a conclusion. A commitment was made whether conscious or not. There would have been clarity. This triple conjunction was also a beginning - multiple powerful beginnings. Happening in dreamy and spiritual Pisces maybe what started was undefined, but POTENT.

Do you think it is a coincidence the Sun has worked his way to Taurus and moves into a creative opportunity with that same Neptune in Pisces at precisely the time of the most potent and fertile New Moon of 2024? 

I don't. 

With Neptune at the 29th degree of Pisces which has never happened in our lifetimes, this sextile - creative opportunity - somehow comes late in the game. Coupled with the staying power of the New Moon in earthy Taurus conjunct 'expect the unexpected' Uranus and pinging the recent Uranus/Jupiter conjunction - BENEFICIAL CHANGE - and a sextile to Saturn that adds SOLID SUPPORT AND STICKINESS with whatever we are starting now or whatever started at the Jupiter/Uranus. 

I will write a BIG New Moon in Taurus post next. 

This is arguably the BEST NEW MOON OF THE YEAR for a fresh start that will be solid and lasting and also bring some beneficial surprises (there is also a trine to Ceres in Capricorn that pulls in the still potent energy of January 2020), so we are going to want to set our intentions and take some practical/tangible actions with this one!

Back with that post next!

xo all

The Moon starts the week, exalted in Taurus, all good there. Final aspect a nice trine to Neptune. Mid-week she will be up and down a bit in Gemini, our emotions will, too and we could get BUSY. By the weekend the Moon comes home to Cancer - our comfort coming from home and family - her aspects almost all smooth. The following week the Moon moves into Leo which will mean choppy energy and challenges to start the week since she/we will be faced with all the Taurus and Aquarius squares and oppositions, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. 

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