weekly astrology forecast | May 13th to 19th, 2024 - breakthroughs, sudden opportunities, faith in the midst of unexpected change, intense conversations, a call to action - here we go

A very BIG week as the Sun lights up our Taurus seedings/intentions beginning to actualize the promise of last week's New Moon in Taurus. The Sun does this week, what the Moon did at the Taurus New Moon last week. 

This is about beneficial changes (they might not always look beneficial at first), sudden opportunities, intense conversations and unexpected financial situations in a week that closes with an unmistakable CALL TO ACTION as Mars meets the North Node of Fate in fiery Aries. 

The path ahead is made clear. 

Keep in mind we can expect these intense energies to possibly drain us, shoot us off in unexpected directions or energize our focus depending on what is interacting most intensely with our chart and what we need to fulfill our purpose. 

There is a crazy amount of fixed earth in the skies, so we will need to make an effort to stay flexible!

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Sun conjunct Uranus, Venus sextile Saturn

WEDNESDAY - Ceres stations retrograde, First Quarter Moon in Leo, Mercury enters Taurus

FRIDAY - Mercury square Pluto, Pallas backs into Scorpio

SATURDAY - Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter

SUNDAY - Sun sextile Neptune, Mars conjunct North Node

This week - the Sun meets Uranus and then Jupiter - the Sun's meeting with Uranus speaks of CHANGE, add in Jupiter and we have a SUDDEN OPPORTUNITY that will be beneficial, even if it might come through some kind of chaos or even a loss. Jupiter brings the benefits, but also the FAITH. We talked about this in the New Moon post - the chaos/change first and then the growth/luck/benefits come OVER TIME - remember this is all happening in fixed earth Taurus. We could start seeing ourselves and being seen differently - as what had limited us is broken wide open. 

This week - Ceres stations retrograde at the STILL hot 21 degrees Capricorn where Ceres met the Sun and Mercury and Saturn and Pluto back in January 2020. Ceres entered Capricorn back on February 7th, at the time of a Grand Earth trine with Mars, Venus, Uranus and Juno - containing and surrounding 21 Cappy. So, now as Ceres gets to the space where that trine's energy was then, she STOPS AND TURNS AROUND.

"Wait a minute. What have I lost on my way here? What did I miss." Ceres pulls in themes of nurturing/mothering, change of life situations, times of necessary and sometimes complicated compromises. Capricorn pulls in our goals, ambitions, focus, career, reputation, leadership. Ceres will station direct on August 26th.

(you might remember Russia was Ceres in our Goddess war chart and 21 Cappy is where Mars passed Venus when Russia invaded Ukraine, so maybe Russia is changing something important here)

This week - Mercury squares Pluto as Pallas backs into Pluto-ruled Scorpio - On Friday - Mercury finally, after his/her long back and forth through Aries - enters Taurus and will start doing everything the Sun and Venus have been doing. First up is that square to a retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. Old power struggles. Group politics. Obsession around resources and money. Possibly frustrating conversations or information about the hidden costs, debts, taxes, inheritances. Glitchy tech that might need to be updated. Manipulations. INTENSE conversations. This is maybe NOT such a good date to sign a contract. 

Here is where we might see something we really don't want to see. Secrets can come out. Now, Mercury is going to get past this square pretty quickly. We turn a corner with this, but we can't unsee/unknow what Pluto has delivered. 

If we are trying to hold onto something or control something, Pluto is like, "nope this is OVER". Resistance with Pluto is painful/futile. This happens as our smart warrior/father's daughter energy Pallas backs into Plutonian Scorpio. We are going back over the details of something/the stuff that has been hidden. The deeper pattern becomes accessible. 

Keep in mind with whatever is happening that the over-reaching astro now is that CHANGE IS GOOD. 

This week - Venus sextiles Saturn and meets Uranus (HEADS UP - next week Venus will catch up with Jupiter at 29 degrees Taurus and with Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces - Venus will conjunct Jupiter as they both sextile Neptune! Unlimited benefits, universal love!) - Venus/Saturn is helping to stabilize the Sun/Jupiter on Monday. Rules/limits are good. Meetings with authority on Monday can go well, although there could be unexpected situations and change of plans.  

Venus's meeting with Uranus later in the week could bring an unexpected expense or fast/impulse purchase This is about changes with money/resources. Relationship shifts. Relationship/financial breakthroughs. Venus/Uranus, like any inner planet conjunction with an outer planet - can signal an ending. This one would be unexpected or quick. This energy won't always be comfortable and if this is about a sudden attraction Mercury's square to Pluto could intensify this. 

We end the week with Mars on the North Node - and this is in play all week. 


Here are the actions - which are brave, direct, initiative, passionate, assertive, self-sustaining and maybe angry - that are going to get us there. 


What has life shown us this week? What do we need to do? Now, we move forward and we do it. 

This is also the day the Sun will sextile Neptune - this will be the Sun's final aspect in Taurus before he moves into Gemini next week. This was also the New Moon's final aspect last week. A smooth aspect with a water element can help us relax. Tauruean practicality - also resources, money - are maybe less important than connection, art, music, relaxation, PEACE. The SOMETHING that is flowing into our life is bigger than we are. 

We are in God's/the Universe's hands now. 

I hope something here is helpful, please excuse any typos I am a bit out of pocket with time right now - xo all

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