full moon in sagittarius | May 23, 2024 - a celebration, success, the moon when patience pays off, what have we learned in the last year? maybe what we really value and believe in, changes are coming, so exhale, appreciate what you have, stay open to new possibilities

On Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 9:54AM EDT the Sagittarius Moon will oppose the Gemini Sun at 2 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Sagittarius. 

Closing out the BIG and abundant Taurus energy we have had - this Full Moon, playing out now and over the next two weeks - will see many people celebrating successes, positive and lucrative developments. Patience will pay off in many situations. 

Other people will be watching the boats they have missed sailing out to sea. And those with eyes on ships that didn't come in, will need to turn around and see the bounty that already sits on the dock WITH THEM (trust there is a reason you missed that boat).

No one gets left behind with Jupiter, but like the celestial Santa Claus he is, we don't get everything on our list. 

Let's unpack the chart.

The Moon, at 2 degrees Sagittarius, opposes the Sun in Gemini. The Moon is conjunct Pallas (out of sign). The Sun is conjunct Sedna. The Moon sextiles Pluto (the Sun trines), retrograde in Aquarius. The ruler of this lunation, Jupiter, is exactly conjunct Venus at the very end of Taurus. Jupiter and Venus sextile Neptune. Mars sits between the North Node and Chiron. 

The lights - Moon and Sun - are very early in Sagittarius. A Full Moon, which is a conclusion, being so early in a sign might be a warning to NOT JUMP TO A CONCLUSION. Do we have all the facts? Probably not. The Sun's conjunction to Sedna, the Sea Goddess, who lost her human life because there were things she just didn't want to look at too closely, is echoing this. The Moon's conjunction to pattern recognizer/wise warrior Pallas in deep Scorpio and sextile to Pluto - tells us the "more to this story" is available to us if we dig (maybe hidden resources, deeper commitments, secrets or information that has been buried). 

The ruler of this lunation - Jupiter - at the very end of a sign tells quite a different story. 

Having spent the last year in Taurus expanding our lives, slowly and steadily through fixed earth - upgrading our values, increasing our resources, improving our self-esteem (and keep in mind Jupiter's bounty often comes at the very end of his run through a sign, and that would be NOW, and he is in a conjunction with benevolent Venus, which is EXTREMELY GOOD NEWS for us. Kind of doubling up on things. Good things. If you can't see something good, use Pallas - look deeper) - Jupiter is now at 29 degrees. The last degree of earthy Taurus. A critical degree of 'hail mary' type plays, when, if we feel even the slightest bit empty, our bodies will innately sense this space/degree of FULLNESS or finality and rush to compensate. 

(with Mars in fiery Aries applying to that conjunction to wounded-healer Chiron, I would be a bit wary of this - kicking down doors could lead to disappointment with their contents - although on the other hand, and this is why we get two, it IS Gemini season now - at least that door will be gone)

Jupiter's position here is much more 'full moon-like' than the early degree Moon herself and tells us that, yes, something is indeed reaching its fullness/a conclusion even if the Moon (as us) does not have all the facts or somehow wants MORE. Remember Jupiter will be in Gemini within just a couple days of this lunation - change is coming. BIG changes for some. But the Taurus storyline has played itself out, or will over the next couple weeks. 

It's time to APPRECIATE what we have. Whatever is there, you can be assured you have damn well earned it. 

The Moon's sextile to Pluto (retrograde in Aqua air) signals harmony between conscious and unconscious energies and pulls in our Aquarius-faced future. The Sun's trine to Pluto from Gemini at the time of a Full Moon that will take us into Jupiter in Gemini season is extremely fortuitous. The future is reaching back to us and drawing us forward. Watch your words/thinking. Think about what you are absorbing. And never lose sight of the fact that the Full Moon is a LUNAR event - an emotional event. Intended to be FELT. Our bodies are keeping the score and checking in with our natal chart/blueprint/contract via these precisely timed New and Full Moons. We simply cannot get too far off track even if we think we have. Life can use wherever we are standing/sitting/lying to get us where we need to be.  

At the end of the day, this is a Full Moon in bigger-is-better/have faith and be optimistic and 'take some risks so the energies have something to work with for you' SAGITTARIUS. The sign ruled by Jupiter, the king of the Gods. Even knowing Mars is about to meet Chiron, it will not pay to play it too safe. 

To kind of sum it all up, we have a link to hive-mind/future focused Aquarius through Pluto and the power of Pluto-ruled Scorpio through Pallas - we can be aware of and act on, both the greater good and our own shadows/buried treasures and spiritual imperatives.

With Neptune in a sextile to the Jupiter/Venus - we can see that creative/spiritual/healing energy aimed faithfully and optimistically - remember Sagittarius is the sign of the centaur/archer - at POSITIVE RESULTS (this part is in Taurus, so things we can hold in our hand and take to the bank, things that grow over time and have REAL value) - have a very good chance of hitting their target. This can be very LUCRATIVE.

This Moon is a great gift/portal for us. 

She gives us access to the abundant Taurus culmination AND the Gemini fresh start. Because they are both happening so close together here.  

We don't want to confuse the two things though, so appreciate what you have/where you are. 

Know that whether your feet are on that boat or that dock, they are where they are for this moment in time. Jupiter is a great teacher - LEARN THE LESSON. 

Once Jupiter gets into Gemini, there are going to be a lot of boats and we are going to have to be able to discern the valuable from the distraction. The new boats might not take us as far as THIS BOAT, but maybe far isn't where we need to go. Maybe weekend jaunts are better for us than a cruise around the world. Stay open. Have faith. We are all in this together.

xo all

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