weekly astrology forecast | July 22nd to July 28th, 2024 - big endings and dramatic results, a light on any fear or obsession that is draining our batteries and keeping us from shining, new choices and opportunities, old wounds and health situations are up for re-evaluations

Let's jump right into the week!

With two planets changing signs, one opposing death and another turning around, I think we will all have enough going on to keep us occupied.

MONDAY - Sun enters Leo

TUESDAY - Sun opposes Pluto retrograde

THURSDAY - Mercury enters Virgo, Sun sextiles Mars

FRIDAY - Chiron stations retrograde, Venus inconjunct Saturn retrograde

On MONDAY - TUESDAY, the Sun comes home to Leo. The world BRIGHTENS. In Leo, we focus on what our heart wants, children (and our inner child), romance, fun, creative projects - we (and everyone else) want attention. Your Leo house (and the house of your natal Sun) is the space you are meant to SHINE. Prepare to get very shiny. Summer is OFFICIAL. 

The Sun moves right into an opposition to a retrograde Pluto in Aquarius - the first time a Leo Sun has opposed Pluto in Aquarius in hundreds of years! This is part of our Full Moon in Cappy storyline that is playing out over the next couple weeks.

Sun/Pluto is the death or transformation of the king/father. Transformation through grief. Old titles/ways of being seen can be taken away. Pluto is retrograde, so we should have been able to see this coming. Sun/Pluto can represent our struggle to shine despite the shadowy elements of life. With the Sun in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius this could be something about our pride/ego vs a group situation. 

(Biden had transiting Uranus applying to his natal Uranus and Mercury applying to his natal Chiron/North Node as the Sun opposed Pluto and the energy of that 29 degree Cappy '2nd chance to make a graceful exit' Full Moon played out when he made his announcement on Sunday not to run. I would bet he decided quickly and surprised those close to him)

Secrets come to light. There are dramatic endings and RESULTS. Blows to our ego. Situations that create a kind of 'ego-death' are possible. Power can be enhanced (for whoever is stepping into it, ie owning it), BUT power struggles are possible.

Losses of power and losses in general are equally possible. Big debts can come due. 

With the Sun opposing Pluto, OBSESSIONS WILL BE DRAINING (intense people will be draining, too - keep this in mind Scorpios!) - how is what we love/want/the way we need to shine and show up being diluted/defeated by what we are obsessing over? or by what we are AFRAID OF?

This isn't a great way for the Sun to start his home sign transit, but at least we will be getting this over with!

Also on TUESDAY - Venus catches up with Vesta at 15 degrees Leo. We are attracted to something that matters/a flame that must be kept lit. This is devotion to our Leo house theme or a collective Leo theme such as - children, romance, our natural spotlight, our heart, what our heart wants, fun, romance. Maybe here is where our attention should go once we wrestle ourselves away from that draining Plutonian OBSESSION. 

On THURSDAY - another planet moves into his/her home sign as Mercury comes home to practical/earthy Virgo. 

After swimming in the emotional waters of Cancer and then getting burnt out fast in fiery Leo, Mercury comes home to Virgo. This is especially good news for Virgos and Geminis (Sun and Risings), but EVERYONE'S natal Virgo house will benefit.

With Mercury in Virgo, our thinking, writing and communication will be more practical and commonsense. We will be all about the details. Nothing gets by Mercury in Virgo.  But lots of things get dismissed. If it's not real/not factually stated/if it doesn't work - we are outta here.

Mercury will only get to 4 degrees Virgo though because on August 5th he will station retrograde. She will get all the way back to 21 degrees Leo on August 28th, where he will then station direct.

We will talk about this as we move through it. 

For now, know that information, communication, ideas and (with Mars answering to Mercury) actions - are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 

This is a good time for organization, cleaning, paperwork, taking care of our health, the ins and outs of our work and daily routine, our pets. We will see all the little problems, but still need to avoid nitpicking. The biting criticism (that will look to us like practical advice) that is right on the tip of our tongue might need to be swallowed sometimes. Gulp.

Also on THURSDAY - the Sun in Leo sextiles Mars in Gemini. So, after that intense opposition with Pluto, our shiny Sun/our heart/our ego moves into a smoother and opportunistic aspect with 'action Jackson' Mars in "a little of this and a little of that" busy-bee Gemini. Multi-tasking is supported. Stay curious and brave. Be out and about. Make/take the call. We shine by keeping things light and social. 

Here are the opportunities that come after the 'ego death' through the Leo/Gemini sextile IF we take some kind of action, or even better, MULTIPLE actions.

On FRIDAY - Chiron stations retrograde at 23 degrees Aries. Some wounds ease. Some are intensified. If something physical needs to heal, we are going back over it now - re-evaluating the situation/remedies. Chiron will be retrograde until December 29th, so pretty much the rest of the year, turning direct at 19 degrees. People with planets/points from about 19-23 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - will feel this energy strongest. 

This is also the day Venus in Leo, moves into an awkward inconjunct with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces. This could be about old responsibilities/limits at odds with what we want. Financial or relationship disconnects and reality checks. Inconjuncts are rocks and hard places - you need to work both sides and just realize that in the end no one will be totally happy with the results. All the Leo planets are going to work through this - wet weather/something raining on our parade, ie fun, also comes to mind. 

I hope something here is helpful.

xo all

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