weekly astrology forecast | July 15th - 21st, 2024 - explosive change, the shot heard round the world, power moves, huge week ahead including the second capricorn full moon which is a second chance to make a graceful exit

Look at these aspects! 

MONDAY - Mars conjuncts Uranus, Sun squares Chiron, Mercury inconjuncts Saturn

THURSDAY - Mercury trines Chiron

FRIDAY - Venus trines North Node

SATURDAY - Mars sextiles Neptune, Mars enters Gemini

SUNDAY - Venus sextiles Jupiter, Sun trines Neptune, Mars trines Pluto, Mercury squares Uranus, FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN

MONDAY - Sun comes home to Leo

MONDAY is a BIG day. Here in the United States, the Republican National Convention kicks off and Trump is expected to announce his running mate, although Saturday's events may change some of this. 

We talked last week about the DANGER at the end of the week via the Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction and the danger of leaders, including Trump (!), "losing their head" - which, thankfully he didn't.

Trump has the Mars/Uranus/Algol CONJUNCTION in his 10th house of career and public life and widely conjunct his midheaven. Trump IS Uranus with his Sun/Uranus/North Node and he IS Mars with his Mars/Ascendent. No doubt Mars/Uranus aspects are always powerful for him. He has transiting Jupiter (luck) on his natal Uranus and his natal Uranus is in an EXACT trine to his natal Jupiter. Double luck. He also has his Venus return within orb and the Sun (spotlight) on his natal Saturn (authority, leadership). The shooter, Thomas Mathew Crooks, was born 9/20/03 with a TIGHT Mars/Uranus conjunction. His North Node of Fate is conjunct Algol and his Black Moon Lilith is EXACT on Algol. He has an EXACT Saturn/Chiron opposition. And an EXACT Mercury/Saturn sextile. ALL of today's planets/aspects are strongly activated in his chart. They were all applying at the time of the shooting. Something tells me all eyes will be on Trump and the RNC convention. With Trump's natal Chiron/Jupiter conjunction - what doesn't kill him ALWAYS makes him stronger. 

(I have said before I believe Trump had a past life as Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was also shot while campaigning and on his way to Milwaukee - the city of the RNC's convention that starts Monday - during a Mars/Uranus square with a Sun/Chiron conjunction). 

This is the third of three - last in our lifetime - meeting of Mars and Uranus in Taurus. The first was on Biden's inauguration, the second conjunct the North Node of Fate and the third right now. 

FOR ALL OF US - Mars/Uranus, exact today and in play for a few days before and after - is about sudden changes, shocking events and accidents. Think before you act. Keep a cool head. 

With Mercury applying to a square to Uranus, too, this is a good week to WATCH OUR LANGUAGE. Impulsive words may be regretted later. 

Uranus has been at 26 degrees Taurus since July 8th. This is the home of fixed star Algol. Right on what would be the 'third eye' of Medusa, historically considered the most malevolent/dangerous fixed star in our galaxy. Algol's name connects to alcohol, algorithms, etc and Medusa's mythology denotes themes like - losing your head, danger through mirroring situations, feeling cut off, turning to stone, being scapegoated, coming back more powerful, revenge.  

Now, Mars meets Uranus here.

Everything starts life as a conjunction. Two planets MEET/merge and a new story begins. Mars often acts as a TRIGGER - launching previously activated energies into action/ALIVENESS. When an inner planet (faster moving) catches up with an outer planet (slower moving) - the collective is pulled into the personal and the slower changes are INITIATED. 

And although this energy is hitting some people more intently than others - people with planets/points nearest 26 degrees of the fixed signs, people with matching natal aspects. etc -

we are all in some way likely to be - LOSING OUR HEAD as this new/explosive chapter begins.

Collectively, happening in Taurus - this is about sudden or impulsive changes with finances or resources. Liberating. RISKY. But your natal Taurus house theme will have a greater impact as well as your natal Mars and Uranus placements.

This area of life will not be a stranger to you. Taurus is a space where you really like things to stay the same. And, it's a space, where, in the last few years - THEY HAVEN'T. 

Note the planets will reach their first quarter square on June 15, 2025 when Mars will be conjunct Trump's Mars/Ascendant, so he will have to be careful AGAIN and then their opposition - ending of this chapter - will be on November 4, 2025. 

(the United States is a Sun in Cancer country whose "Sun/light" at this time is President Biden. As he loses his head - and Trump almost loses his, we are losing ours - literally, the head of the country, and figuratively - our sh*t.. It is not a coincidence Saturn - leadership, authority, aging - has chosen precisely this time to 'pop a squat' at 19 degrees Pisces - the sign of endings, dissolvings, unravelings, mental issues, isolation, what has come before - a CRUCIAL degree for Biden and his exact IC/root, to enable this chapter to play out as it will)

The Sun in Cancer is also squaring Chiron today. 

This is a blow to the ego as the 'family/home/security situation' is at odds with us. Squares are tension/frustration and require ACTION. At the same time the Sun is sextiling - creative opportunity - the Uranus/Mars conjunction. Changing what we value/taking new action - is the way through. If this is a health situation - and remember we have had both Mercury and Venus squaring Chiron from this same space, so this isn't necessarily a brand new thing - here is where NEW ACTION or the Mars/Uranus shock can be opportunistic. The light is on the problem situation for a reason. 

Something here is part of the Mars/Uranus NEW storyline. 

On THURSDAY, Mercury, in Leo now, is trining Chiron. This is good energy to talk about problems and vulnerabilities. Not in a whiny "poor me" way. This is Leo. Be proud. Maybe a little loud. Health situations can improve by speaking bravely, confidently. News can be helpful/healthful. I believe this is the day Trump is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention - this should be HEALING (for him/for others/for the wounded masculine). 

On FRIDAY - Venus, in Leo, trines the North Node. Love, romance, children, having fun, FOLLOWING OUR HEART - is pulling us forward and into a more self-sufficient and independent future. 


On SATURDAY - Mars enters Gemini and starts trining Pluto - life gets busier, we are doing more than one thing at a time or something over again. That trine to Pluto is empowering, focused, intense. Something is falling into place. WALK YOUR TALK. 

SUNDAY will be its own post as we get this year's unusual SECOND FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN. And look at all the exact aspects - this one is HUGE.

I am seeing this one at 29 degrees Capricorn (my South Node) as a second chance to make a graceful exit

I think both the U.S Presidents - current and last - will be getting the benefit of this one (in very different ways). 

August looks quite hairy and Mercury will be retrograde soon, so we want to be finishing off this second half of July STRONG. 

The Moon is waxing/growing - something is growing in your life, too. Stay focused. There are multiple empowering aspects this week and enough challenges to push us to find them!

Back with that Full Moon post! 

xo all

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