weekly astrology forecast | July 29th to August 4th, 2024 - getting our ducks in a row, another week ending plot twist, fiery fresh start incoming and - heads up - mercury retrograde incoming, too!

Collectively this might just be the easiest week of the month - the week with Mercury still direct. The Moon is waning and then balsamic as we head toward Sunday's fiery New Moon. 

Energy can be lacking with the waning/balsamic Moon, but there is wind is at our back with all these trines and we want to make the most of them. 

August looks tricky, so what do you need to finish up/get off your plate NOW?

Expect some kind of dramatic plot twist - maybe financial or relational - near Friday that makes us more practical. 

TUESDAY - Venus trines Chiron (retrograde), Juno trines Uranus

WEDNESDAY - Sun trines North Node

THURSDAY - Mars trines South Node 

FRIDAY - Venus squares Uranus

SUNDAY - Venus enters Virgo, NEW MOON IN LEO

The whole week is setting us up for that New Moon in Leo on SUNDAY. 

TUESDAY - Venus in Leo trines Chiron, retrograde in Aries

We are integrating an old vulnerability/wound/inadequacy with who we are now/how we shine and show up in the world. This is not a time to hide your flaws/fears. Maybe this is about going public with something somewhat risky, feeling loved and loving someone else despite our/their imperfections. Our weaknesses are attractive and don't have to be hidden. We are attracted to the weaknesses/insecurities of others. Healing comes through women, our heart, through following what our heart wants, by showing up. At the same time, Juno in Virgo is trining Uranus in Taurus. This is about smooth/easy relationship 'fixes' that create greater freedom/liberation and change. 

WEDNESDAY - the Sun is trining the North Node while Mars is sextiling

Here is a LIGHT on our best path forward. Confidence/courage/ego clears the path. Put yourself first. Mars is sextiling from Gemini, so there could be more than one thing to do/more than one way forward. Keep in mind the goal here is to be more authentic. To be more self-sustaining. To be more self-motivated and brave.

THURSDAY - Mars trine to the South Node and sextile to the North becomes exact - this is a continuation of the energy of earlier in the week. 

Old conversation/ideas/familiar people and situations flow unimpeded. The brakes are off. Our efforts are opportunistic. The past is helping us as we move toward the future. 

FRIDAY - Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus

Here's the monkey wrench tossed into the week. This might show up as an unexpected expense or unexpected attraction. Watch your wallet. Expect the unexpected. Plans change. There can be sudden breakups, breakdowns, breakthroughs. 

Know this is Venus's final aspect in dramatic/playful Leo - all the planets will wind up Leo in a tangle with change-maker Uranus - before she heads into practical Virgo (Mercury is already here and going to retro here next week), so expect a continued and growing focus on essentials, function over form, stability over drama, what's more effective, what's healthiest, how we can help.

SUNDAY - here is where Venus leaves Leo for steady-Eddie Virgo and the Moon catches up with the Sun at 12 degrees Leo. 

Venus enters Virgo. Our Virgo house get a visit from the lovely Venus. Virgo Suns and Ascendants get more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want. Our natal Virgo houses get more attractive, too!

Venus rules our love, money, self-esteem, values, relationships, women, beauty, our resources, attracting what we want - all areas are subjected to Virgo's keen focus and attention to detail now. We will be analyzing what we want and what we have. We will be analyzing our relationships. With Venus in service-oriented Virgo - LOVE IS A VERB.

Problems will stand out. We won't be able to miss them. And since what we focus on grows, sometimes things get worse before they get better during this transit. But this is excellent energy to fix what needs fixing and accept (or eliminate) what just isn't fixable. Venus in Virgo is about loving the details of something, enjoying the work, appreciating the craftsmanship and complexity of something or someone or some situation as well as the problems, Venus in Virgo can't miss those, and choosing not to dwell on them. Venus will be in Virgo until August 29th.

The week is all about preparing us for the New Moon on Sunday with its BOLD NEW CHAPTER.

That post next!

xo all

Heads up Mercury retrograde starts next Monday, so prepare for some do-overs and re-hashing of whatever you have going on NOW. 

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