full moon in capricorn | part II - July 21st, 2024 - a second chance to make a graceful exit

This is a BIG one. 

Where to start?! Should we start when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008? Should we start when Pluto met Saturn (and the Sun and Mercury and Ceres with Jupiter) in Capricorn in 2020? 

Or when Pluto briefly left Capricorn last spring? Or when Pluto briefly left Capricorn this spring? Should we start with the Full Moon at 0 degrees Capricorn EXACTLY ONE MONTH AGO? 

Do I have the bandwidth to do this Full Moon justice? I'm not sure!!

On Sunday, July 21st, 2024 at 6:17AM EDT, the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun AGAIN. This time at 29 degrees Capricorn. Part I of this two-part Full Moon is HERE

Since Full Moons brings things to light, to a conclusion or point of fullness it is likely this second Full Moon cements or brings a FINAL DECISION or sense of URGENCY to last month's whisper of closure/new beginning. The Moon's connections to Pluto, Neptune and Mars plus our two most benevolent planets, Venus and Jupiter, in smooth flow with each other suggest an ambitious and fortuitous Full Moon cycle. Mercury and Uranus suggest more changes ahead. This Full Moon is also the beginning of the end - yes, ANOTHER ONE, for the powerful Pluto in Cappy cycle that started back in 2008 - what started in your life then? Pluto will be back in Cappy again in September until he moves into Aquarius for the final time on January 20th, 2025, not to return to Capricorn for hundreds of years (the United States new president will be inaugurated that day). The Cappy mountain goats, although really this is about the Cappy mountains themselves, MOVED FOREVER. 

Let's unpack the chart and see where it takes us.

The Moon, at 29 degrees Capricorn opposes the Sun at 29 degrees Cancer. The Moon sextiles Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces - the Sun trines. The Moon is conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (out of sign). Mars trines Pluto. Mercury squares Uranus. Venus sextiles Jupiter. The Full Moon is exactly conjunct asteroid Kassandra. Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is retrograde, still at 19 degrees Pisces and exactly conjunct asteroid Nessus. 

Collectively Capricorn rules our goals and ambition. Our careers, public life and reputation. Government and big business. Stability and underpinnings. The 10th house/highest point of our chart - the MOUNTAIN. 

29 degrees Capricorn is the last degree/the end of the line. There is a COMPELLING PUSH TOWARD CLOSURE. Maybe our mountain goat has reached the top of the mountain and is trying to hold onto his precarious perch, likely because he feels there is more to be done because with Capricorn there is ALWAYS MORE TO BE DONE, while, at the same time, external forces are equally determined to cut him loose/his job here actually, yes, done. OR maybe our mountain goat has not reached the top of the mountain at all, and now, facing that same slippery slope/cutting loose as the goat next door who has, is DESPERATE. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Action from 29 degree placements (and I have multiple) are tricky because on the one hand there is this final sprint at the finish line/a 'giving it all we've got' hail-mary type play. And on the other hand because almost certainly we are PAST OUR PRIME with something here, and things cannot end with excess, the 'hail mary' play will often fail because at 29 degrees we are OVERBURDENED or have simply OUTGROWN some kind of supporting framework and need to fall. 

We are seeking that slippery slope as strongly as that slippery slope is seeking us. Although we might not know it. 

With Cappy ruler Saturn in watery Pisces and with Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces and sextiling the Moon and trining the Sun - prayer/stillness/meditation look more powerful than half-assed power plays. Forgiveness. Connection. UNITY. Sometimes with Pisces there is a need for us to make a sacrifice.

Think about how it is the nature of water to find its level and become still. It doesn't climb up out of pools and flow onward for the sake of making progress. SATURN IS STILL (!) at 19 degrees Pisces. 

There is no way for us to control whatever is ending or whatever RESULTS ARE COMING IN. 

If Pluto, who is retrograde, had already backed into Capricorn and was conjunct this Moon from a space in Cappy, this would be a whole other story. The old world/old order would be more sticky. But Pluto conjuncts this Moon from 0 degrees Aquarius - the New World. An ending always brings a new beginning and that is very clear with this chart. 

Earth gives way to air. Stability to change/chaos. 

What are you trying to hold onto? What is your slippery slope? What supporting framework have you outgrown? What do you REALLY have faith in?

(The Sabian symbol for 29 Cappy is 'directors of a large firm meeting in secret conference', so, is this really about masterly control or is the 'secret' meeting needed to hold onto something that is slipping away. No doubt many dangerous shots 'have been called/fired' from this space in history to HOLD ONTO POWER/that top of the mountain. To hold the underpinnings together. To create stability. I have a natal South Node at 29 Capricorn and a North Node at 29 Cancer. The sabian symbol for 29 Cancer - where the Sun is shining a light now - is 'a daughter of the American Revolution - and suggests what opposes this 'secret meeting/this top of the mountain slippery slope', is a need for newness, desire to govern ourselves, liberation and spontaneity.)

Let's keep going.

Mercury is squaring Uranus. News and communication is surprising/jarring. Creates change and chaos. We could feel a sudden urge to SAY SOMETHING DISRUPTIVE. Mars has just moved into Gemini - which is echoing the Mercury/Uranus and speaks of us taking action on new information/new choices. Mars is in an exact trine to Pluto. Mars in Gemini is a bit all over the place, but that trine to Pluto creates focus. Points us, simply by being the 'way things are headed', toward one path/one purpose. 

Where is life focusing your attention? Action here is EMPOWERING. 

I feel I would be remiss to not mention that Mars in Gemini's final aspect will be a square to Neptune in Pisces and inconjunct to Pluto on September 3rd and 4th, so there is a chance the thing that our attention is focused on now/that is empowering us now, will be somehow disappointing or dissolving then. 

Keep this in mind. 

Also keep in mind, Mercury is walking degrees he/she will REPEAT due to her upcoming retrograde (and Mars in Gemini is answering to Mercury), so MINDS WILL CHANGE, conversations will shift. Ideas are in flux. Today's Mercury/Uranus square stays in play until early September, so, there could be multiple SUPRISES. Multiple connections with hive-mind/genius that will be uncomfortable (uncomfortable doesn't necessarily mean bad, but simply different) and push us to take action and change. 

September is also when Pluto gets back into Capricorn and will hit today's Full Moon degree, so whatever is happening now will be very much in play in early September.  

(If Biden is going to step down and Harris become President, early September may be when it is likely to happen since her chart is very activated - Jupiter/Mars surround her Ascendant/North Node of Fate, Mars on her natal Pandora, Saturn on her natal Chiron. Mercury on her Mars, the Sun on her Uranus/Pluto/Venus and there will be a New Moon here. I have no real opinion on Harris one way or the other politically, I don't find her terribly likeable, but I do think the rising feminine/chaos energy plus her connection to the Native American "kill all the buffalo to kill all the Indians" storyline and, what I see as her past-life connection to Trump, could benefit from her Presidency, even if it is very short-lived)

Venus is sextiling Jupiter. This is good. Having our two most benevolent planets in positive flow/a creative opportunity at the time of this Full Moon is FORTUITIOUS. Lightens the load. Pulls in MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES. 

The Full Moon is exactly conjunct asteroid Kassandra the oracle, whose gift of prophecy (given by Zeus/Jupiter, the king of the Gods) was twisted into a curse (by Apollo, the Sun God) after she rebuffed Zeus's advances. She knew what was going to happen, but no one believed her. This is kind of echoing that 29 degree anaretic Neptune (Neptune, of course, adds the potential for magic, healing, faith) confusion. Maybe something here about how we have gaslit ourselves or not been listened to or maybe quelled our inner voice/knowing. She also pulls in an accurate VIEW OF THE FUTURE. Sitting with this powerful Full Moon and sextiling Neptune - Kassandra/Full Moon in Cappy is asking us to stop fearing what we may say. Maybe something here about the 'so-called' irrationality of feminine inspiration. Maybe also something healing here about the pain of being able to see the future, but not change it. Kassandra was the oracle who warned about the fall of Troy. 

Full Moons are excellent portals for releasing trauma and this one is especially potent. 

It is also not a coincidence the Full Moon aligns most closely with the constellation Indus/the Indian, repeating the Kassandra conjunction energy, by being said to represent intuition/third eye and spiritual knowledge (we know how Medusa's third eye played a role in recent 'off with our head' happenings, also something here through the politically incorrect and derogatory term Indian-giver about both Kassandra and Biden's plight). Indus is the root of the word Indigo the color of our third eye. The third eye appears on U.S. currency. And Indian is the name Columbus gave to the Native Americans thinking he has reached the Indian ocean. This Full Moon is conjunct the U.S. natal Pluto and with the U.S. Pluto return still in play, both political parties in the United States have candidates with Indian connections (the country, but the word is pulled into the U.S. history with Native Americans through language/S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G) through ancestral heritage or marriage/children. Actor Kevin Costner, connected to multiple Native American films has his Sun/Chiron conjunction (Sun at 28 Cappy and Chiron exact on this Full Moon - as he has a disappointing movie out that probably won't get the trilogy he was hoping for/maybe promised who knows) in Indus/the Indian constellation and actor John Wayne - with kind of anti-Costner movie portrayals in a way, has his South Node at 28 Cappy and conjunct his wider natal South Node/Mars/Uranus conjunction.

Also, Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is exactly conjunct asteroid Nessus - who, to me, is all about trusting something precious to untrustworthy people. Also old family patterns (and remember the Sun is in Cancer) that are no longer useful that may pertain to crossing boundaries without consent. 

There is alot going on. 

That's all I have for this morning. I will let you, my very smart reader, connect the dots to your own life and world events as you see fit.

This is a very powerful Full Moon. Get outside and walk in it. Expect further activations with whatever you have going on now in September when Pluto returns to this powerful/exhausted degree.

xo all

I wouldn't be very surprised if Biden announces his departure from the campaign during this Full Moon cycle - over the next two weeks - and, it's possible he steps down entirely in September. But with Mercury/Uranus in play for WEEKS more surprises are possible and, really, anything can happen. This 'anything can happen' pertains to us, too, and I have already said August looks challenging, so let's stay flexible!

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