Full Moon in Capricorn | June 22nd, 2024 - public results and culminations, part one of two, are our values at odds with our goals, home vs work, setting up long term trajectories, not quite walking away from the end of the world .. just yet

I feel like the Rabbit in Alice, "I'm Late! I'm Late". 

Where are we? I've lost my way. Maybe I am actually Alice and not the Rabbit - it is hard to tell these days. 

Let's backtrack. 

We have been through this actually unprecedented amount of "busy" and "twinning" in Gemini which has meant - lots of communication and information and things to do and talk about. Multiple situations have had our attention AND multiple planets - as they have left Gemini - have recently squared confusing/dissolving Neptune including the Sun at the Summer Solstice (the time every year the Sun moves into cardinal Cancer announcing a new season and giving us a chart that sets up that season).

Neptunian squares to the Sun are DRAINING. They can show up as an ego disappointment or as burn out/exhaustion, even illness. This is a powerful portal and the conflicts/tension these squares bring - and much of this will depend on your natal relationship with the planet Neptune - are designed to allow us to LET GO of ego attachments that are no longer authentic to us.

The best way to work with Neptune squares is by GIVING NEPTUNE SOMETHING TO DO. A very literal example would be - instead of fighting the water ie the wet weather/drought, we physically get our bodies into water. We DO something Neptunian - creative, musical, relaxing, spiritual. Logically pushing through a Neptune square just pushes us more off-course. So, we either know we are going to move off-course (which is not always a bad thing, Neptune is here for a REASON we cannot see, but often makes sense in hindsight) or we don't push. 

Let go and let God is often good advice for Neptunian challenges. 

The Sun is also inconjunct Pluto - so feeling the things that are outside our control/the things that feel like they have taken away our power is happening at the same time. Remember inconjuncts are gray areas that require give and take and won't be SOLVED/wrapped up with a big red bow. And at the same time Neptune is SEXTILING Pluto - so there is a creative opportunity here somewhere - I hope you found it.

So, all these energies (as us) exit this "busyness/twinning" in Gemini via this draining/confusing square to Neptune - which often means alot of running around that doesn't amount to much or a disappointing result - and move one by one - and this is Venus and then Mercury and then the Sun that we are talking about - into Cancer. For some, this could be about going home to lick their wounds or turning inward to REST.

WE ARE HOME NOW. Things will feel better if we allow ourselves to feel better. If we take care of ourselves. 

Cancer season focuses us on home and family and maternal matters and can make us more emotional/nostalgic. Cancer tends to repress things and then just kind of explode, so there might be some of that, too. Being "too sensitive" is par for the course now. The past is pulled into the present. WE ARE ALL GOING TO NEED SOME DOWNTIME. We could easily - as we come off these Neptune squares - drift into the past and find ourselves somewhere we have been before that didn't serve us the first time either. Keep in mind, we are moving past the drifting. The Neptune squares are behind us. In our rear-view mirror. 

(but also pulled into the summer season via the Solstice chart, so keep this in mind!)

So, where's your paddle? Take a breath. Stretch. Find it.  

Within the last two days we have had the Solstice/longest day of the year (in the Northern hemisphere) and then the Moon, the ruler of Cancer, enters Capricorn and immediately opposes the Sun in Cancer who is answering to her, and not very happily I would imagine - 

giving us the first of TWO Full Moons in Capricorn. This was exact on SATURDAY. 

A double Full Moon in Capricorn in the same year is unusual and offset by the lack of a Full Moon in Cancer this year. Emotional completion = not gonna happen. The ending of some kind of responsibility/work in the world/old goal/relationship with authority figure = we are DOUBLING DOWN on this. All that Gemini split our attention for a reason. 

These TWO Cappy Full Moons are immensely INTENTIONAL. 

The first, at 1 degree of Cappy where something is just getting started, and the second, in about a month, at 29 degrees (the last degree), where something is over-over. 29 degrees is where Pluto will be again by the fall. Yes, even over-over isn't really over-over. Look at the U.S. election - ugh. Something at the end of July has implications for the fall. And something NOW has implications for the second Full Moon at the end of July. 

Am I making sense? Or am I still Alice down that rabbit hole. It IS a possibility. 

(I have actually been busy making the children's activities for the town's annual fairy trail which has been a good use of Neptune for me, and, yes, this weekend, after all thew work and preparation, we were rained out)

Let's unpack the chart for the Full Moon in Capricorn now and peek ahead at the next Full Moon in Capricorn to see what this REPEATING Full Moon dynamic might be about.

The Moon, at 1 degree Capricorn opposes the Sun at 1 degree Cancer. The Moon opposes Venus. Mercury sextiles Mars EXACT. Saturn, the ruler of this lunation as the ruler of Capricorn, is at 19 degrees Pisces applying to a sextile to Uranus -it's a bit wide and not going to happen anytime soon because Saturn is about to go retrograde and start moving backward and away from that sextile, but, it's still there in the DNA of this Full Moon chart - the opportunity for change out there somewhere. 

Cappy Full Moons are about sober endings/ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Results that show what we have worked for and results that show what we haven't. Cappy Full Moons are serious/final. 

This is as far as we are going to get with this thing right now. Know this. 

The caveat here is that there is a 2nd Cappy Full Moon in about a month. So, is this one final? Maybe yes. Maybe no. 

Take stock of where you are now - what is completing, what you are showing up for in the world, what you are doing publicly, your reputation, your goals. The things you are responsible for. Your relationship to authority. Your relationship to aging/older people. This is general/collective Cappy stuff. 

Something here is looking to culminate/close-out, but maybe it is too big to happen with just one Full Moon, so it drags on a bit longer into the next one. Or maybe, since we are coming off that mega-Gemini season, there are multiple things culminating/closing out. Whatever this is, the way we handle what we are handling now has implications for that BIGGER Full Moon a month from now.

ANOTHER CAVEAT with the usual Cappy Full Moon wrap-up is that by the next Full Moon in Cappy in EXACTLY a month, Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn will be retrograde. This could pull us back into something we thought we were done with for another round, too. Without seeing your exact chart it is hard to say how this is going to show up for you, but Saturn being direct for this Full Moon and retrograde for the next one certainly is repeating the 'not so much one and done' theme of this Full Moon cycle.

The Full Moon opposing Venus pulls in relationship challenges. Financial challenges. Reality checks. This is about owning/understanding and being real about what we HAVE and then being willing to WORK FOR WHAT WE WANT. Remember this is the Full Moon (as well as the next one) that culminates our January New Moon when New Year's resolutions were set. How did that go? Did we follow-through? Did we do our best? Did we know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em?

Mercury is sextiling Mars - and both Venus and the Sun will follow in his/her footsteps here. With Mercury in Cancer we are feeling what people are saying and they are feeling the words we are using. Language can be EMOTIONAL. 

Mars, the sign of passion and action, is not entirely comfortable in the fixed earth of Taurus, so can benefit and work with this. 

Our words hit their target. Can make things happen. The emotion and vulnerability of Mercury in Cancer and the practicality and steadfastness of Mars in Taurus are mutually beneficial. We can tell other people what we really NEED while coming from a more stable and finite space and we can hear them with more nurturing/maternal ears when they are telling us what they need.  

The bottom line with this first Full Moon is the "tough love" every Full Moon in Cappy brings us via results and finish lines. That dissolving/somewhat disappointing square to Neptune probably says our Cappy goal has not quite been reached. The Venus opposition puts our serious lunar culmination somehow at odds with our relationship/financial/value situation and can accentuate the home vs work or self vs world expectation stuff always at play with a Cappy Full Moon. Mercury's sextile to Mars happening at the same time - and, keep in mind, both Venus and the Sun are going to sextile Mars before the next Cappy Full Moon - shows us there is an opportunity now through combining Mercury/Mars, Cancer/Taurus to make some real and ongoing headway. There is also Saturn's wide and longer-term sextile to Uranus - the opportunistic change that is coming. This won't perfect until next April, but let's keep that on our radar. What we are doing now and what we are not doing now is setting that up.

Let's peek ahead to the next Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st. That one will happen right after Mars enters Gemini and right before the Sun comes home to Leo. BIG CHANGES. And Mars will start activating all the Gemini stuff from April and May. That Full Moon is very powerful. The Moon will be tightly conjunct, although out of sign, Pluto in Aquarius and Pluto will be in an exact sextile to Mars, his ancient ruler. The Full Moon will be trining Mars and EXACTLY sextiling Neptune, so here is where we get the opportunity with Neptune instead of the draining disappointment. AND Saturn will be retrograde, so there is a second chance with that second Full Moon at the end of July. 

So, what do we need to release now to take advantage of the opportunity then? Old goals? Old responsibilities? Old relationships to authority? Impossible ideals around productivity or sabotaging behaviors like laziness/procrastination/addiction? 

As Venus sits with the Sun now, almost certainly we are asked to embody our values and look at how this embodiment is at odds with our goals/careers/public life and reputation. 

Life will toss us situations and people that will act as a mirror for us to see AND FEEL what we need to see and feel here. Our growth over the next month - will act as a catalyst for that next Full Moon which looks decidedly more potent and OPPORTUNISTIC. 

I hope something here is helpful over the next couple weeks as this Full Moon cycle plays itself out. I think the bottom line with the "twin" Cappy Full Moons is a sense that this is a prequel to Pluto returning to Capricorn - the old world that we thought was dead and maybe wanted to be done with, well, it still has a little life left in it .... things behind us that must be dealt with. 

Back with the weekly. 

There are collective health aspects now, so take care of and prioritize yours and the ones you love.

xo - Cat :)

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