weekly astrology forecast | June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - grounded thinking, relationship and financial decision points, painful words, innovation and liberation, plus daddy Saturn is out of here

MONDAY - Mercury sextile Juno

WEDNESDAY - Mercury trine Saturn, Venus square the Nodes

FRIDAY - Mercury square Chiron

SATURDAY - Saturn stations retrograde, Venus sextile Mars, Mercury sextile Uranus

Normally a week with these aspects would be a big week, but after the break-up of that Gemini stellium I think this one will feel calmer and more grounded. 

Let's take a closer look!

On MONDAY - Mercury, at 16 degrees Cancer, sextiles Juno in Virgo. 

This is excellent energy for relationship and family-focused conversations, plans and ideas. Contracts can be agreed upon. Juno - marriage, contracts - is in practical and flexible Virgo working out the kinks/fixing what can be fixed and this smooth flow to nurturing words/emotional language means partners feel seen and heard. 

The caveat to this is that the Moon in Aquarius is clashing with Mars and Uranus on Monday night EDT, so I would pencil in some alone time for THAT. Group dynamics could be especially challenging and maybe in particular anything involving resources/money.  This would not be the time to expect things to go smoothly and this energy could bring us a little precursor of next month's BIG and dicey Mars/Uranus mash up. I will have a road crew outside my house tearing up the street overnight, so I expect they will take care of this energy for me :)

On WEDNESDAY - Mercury, at 19 degrees Cancer trines Saturn who has slowed to station retrograde in Pisces in a couple days at this same degree. Choices/decisions are made (Saturn's upcoming retrograde tells us they might not be written in stone). Rules/authority/limits are supportive. Responsibilities to home and family and mother are emotionally fulfilling. This is a water trine, so emotions dominate. Big girl/boy pants on. Talk like an adult. 

Although Saturn is stationing retrograde in a couple days at 19 degrees Pisces, he has actually been at 19 degrees Pisces for several weeks and will be here for several more - enhancing this trine's (arguably the best aspect in astrology) power and stability. So, yes, with Mercury in Cancer WE ARE TAKING THINGS PERSONALLY, but, at least we have this smooth trine to Saturn to stabilize emotional situations if we can act like a grown-up.

At the same time, Venus, following in Mercury's footsteps from last week, reaches 11 degrees Cancer and squares the Nodes of Fate. Old relationships/domestic situations/financial situations bring us to a crossroads. Or maybe a family member's values/relationship/financial situation is changing? Are we leaning back into the same old patterns that aren't working, but are comfortable because they are familiar or leaning forward into something more independent and brave?

Venus is applying to her sextile to Mars - exact on SUNDAY, so the way through the tension/frustration of the square is Taurean. Practical action. Thinking long term. Staying focused on what you already have/your resources, your stability and security. What makes the most sense/cents?

On FRIDAY - Mercury, at 23 degrees Cancer squares Chiron in Aries

This speaks of painful conversations, memories or news. Words are taken personally/are felt. Maybe about the past. Maybe about a health situation. Maybe about a home or family or mother or real estate situation. With the planets moving through Cancer now, we are going to have these repeating squares to Chiron as we move through the end of June and beginning of July.

Cancer is a closed/self-protective sign - think of the crab's hard shell - because it carries very important things - think of the womb holding a baby. Secrets/hidden vulnerabilities can come out now and be expressed in awkward ways. Whatever this is, it is unlikely to be a 'one and done'. Remember the theme of the Full Moon cycle we are in speaks of a repeating pattern as well as Venus and the Sun's upcoming moves through the tension/frustration here, too. Best bet - say what needs to be said/be direct, but keep in mind the other person is hearing AND FEELING what you are saying. Know this is true when you are on the receiving end of painful words, too. Honesty is the important thing here. Chiron also rules health situations, so news can come in now that will have to be worked through. There will be a process with this. With these repeating squares to Chiron - prioritize your health and the health of those you love.

On SATURDAY - Saturn stations retrograde at 19 degrees Pisces. Although Saturn is stationing retrograde today, he has been at 19 degrees Pisces for several weeks and will be here for several more. Saturn will station direct at 12 degrees Pisces on November 15th, so people with planets/points at 12-19 degrees Pisces (or one of the other mutable signs) will feel this retrograde energy strongest as they work through a repeating aspect

Generally, the best use of Saturn retrogrades is going back over structural issues. Re-considering our commitments. Re-thinking our responsibilities. Re-assessing our goals and ambitions. Re-defining our boundaries. Re-valuing our time. Re-structuring our projects. Sometimes we get to see what is holding us up because it isn't holding us up anymore. Dad is on vacation folks.

The external activities of our Pisces house will tend to slow down a bit so we have the time to establish a stronger foundation. Wherever Saturn goes, so does our time and commitment. When planets are retrograde, more of the work becomes internal. This is often the time to deal with commitments and responsibilities from the past rather than taking on new ones.

This is also the day Venus sextiles Mars and Mercury sextiles Uranus - there should be a smooth path forward here. Uranus can offer us fresh insights/a new spin on Mercury in Cancer's nostalgia/patterns of engagement. Unexpected news and information creates opportunities. Innovation. Liberation. Say something else. Do something new. With the Venus/Mars sextile perfecting - what we want and what we have to do to get what we want is on the same page. Our feminine and masculine energies are playing nicely together. The boys and girls are not fighting in the sandbox. 

Know that with Saturn's retrograde station right on the heels of that first Full Moon in Capricorn, there could be an emphasis on DELAYED ENDINGS. 

I hope something here is helpful.

xo all

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