new moon in gemini | June 6th, 2024 - the seeds begin to sprout, new ideas and conversations, growing what we love or loving what we grow, reality checks and obstacles that create focus, a big new moon that prequels august's big energies

On June 6th, 2024 at 8:39AM EDT the Gemini Moon catches up with the Gemini Sun at 16 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in curious/busy/restless GEMINI. 

Last month's Taurian seeds, and, January and February's Aquarius seeds - which will impact us for decades, if not generations - BEGIN TO SPROUT. 

This New Moon (and we talked about some of this in the beginning of the year posts) and the next month as this moon plays out - sets up the challenging and opportunistic August energy when Mars and Jupiter meet at this same degree and also square Saturn in Pisces.

Let's dive right in and unpack the chart!

The Moon meets the Sun at 16 degrees Gemini. The New Moon is conjunct Venus (EXACT by degree) and squares Saturn (applying). The ruler of this lunation is Mercury, home in Gemini.

The Moon/Sun in Gemini puts the focus on our communication, thinking, ideas, on what we are learning and what we are teaching, on our siblings, our tech/transportation and our local community. The sign of the twins and duality - we might be seeing double or doing two things at once now.

The Moon's conjunction to Venus shows the potential for BENEFICIAL relationship and financial sproutings. We are growing what we love and loving what we grow. There are a couple caveats with this/flys in the ointment, and we'll look at them later. Venus in Gemini is flirty. Trying a little of this and a little of that. She shows her love by keeping things light and breezy. Adding humor, grace and charm. 

When do we get a New Moon exactly conjunct beneficial Venus? Not very often folks! 

And the Moon's square to Saturn, which will, yes, limit our options a bit/bring in some probably needed reality about what we can and cannot do here - is going to end up helping us. This is another FORTUNATE NEW MOON. 

It can be a good time to set aside any existing constructs about what we like and what we don't like and stay open to new experiences, new people and new situations.

The New Moon squares Saturn - here is the reality check/rain on our Gemini parade that won't be avoided, BUT, the truth is, nothing real gets built without the big fellow (even in his mellowed-out state in mystical Pisces, Saturn is still Saturn). Squares give us something to push against. Create pressure/friction (diamonds? pearls?). 

Saturn tells us the gifts of this New Moon MUST BE EARNED. The ideas, that might look like manna from heaven, will require time and work and patience. With Saturn in aspect to Venus, money and love move from impatient hands to patient ones. Squares to Saturn might speak of problems with authority/rules or fathers/father figures/bosses. Sometimes Saturn in a woman's chart shows up as her husband. 

Keep in mind we are setting up an EVEN BIGGER square/problem/opportunity with Saturn in August and almost surely there will be hints and prequels now to THAT. 

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is FLYING, so, we will be, too. Expect to be busy over the next month. Expect new ideas and information and conversations and perspectives. Stay open and CURIOUS. Focus on sowing and not so much on the reaping. Having the ruler of this New Moon in his/her home sign is good news for us just keep in mind that Gemini is a sign of duality/choices and we are going to have to sift through them. That Saturn square tells us these choices are important, maybe more important than they seem right now and we need to take the time to think about them and examine them.  

Gemini is the first air sign of the astrological year - a sign of the mind, the archetype of the "teacher" - the storyteller. If you are a Gemini Sun sign this is basically the way you process life. As soon as you learn something, and you are naturally curious and learn alot of "somethings" - you simply must pass it on. Gemini has more to do with questions than answers. She has been mentally exploring and noticing stuff her entire life.

Gemini is perspective. What we notice becomes what we think about, what we talk about, what we act on. 

What we notice becomes who we are. 

It's a good time to notice what we are noticing. Of course, we would probably have to stop for a moment to do this and we won't be able to - because we will be so busy!

Geminis are actually supposed to know a hell of a lot of stuff that will never make them any money (unless they make it into the final rounds of Jeopardy) - this is the sign of curiosity.

It is Gemini season and we have as much Gemini as we are probably ever going to have in our lifetime - the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini and all DIRECT - don't be afraid to ask a question, make a new choice, look at fresh perspectives and new ideas, try new things, sign up for a class, teach a class, do something within your local neighborhood, call your sister (or brother or cousin), start that book, start that blog, open your mouth!

Everyone has Gemini somewhere in their natal chart. Here is a little Gemini New Moon forecasting by sign based on Sun and Ascendants. Have fun with it, see what fits your current situation and toss what doesn't. I am not here to transplant my thoughts into your head. It's a time to do your own thinking with things.

ARIES | ARIES RISING (Gemini 3rd house) - This New Moon is in your 3rd house. Maybe a conversation or new idea gets you thinking in a brand new direction.  Good news can come in. This could be about a fresh start with a sibling, local community or commercial situation. This could be about new tech or transportation. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 12th house of what is happening that you cannot see, what you are avoiding looking at, what is behind you, spirituality, hospitals and places and things that are put away, past lives and ancestral inheritances. Any tendency to self-sabotage. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

TAURUS | TAURUS RISING (Gemini 2nd house) - This New Moon is in your 2nd house of your money, resources and values. Maybe there is a new conversation about your salary or information regarding your pricing structure that catches your eye (or ear). Maybe you get a new idea for earning more money. Remember our mantra for Gemini season: be flexible, think on your feet. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 11th house of groups, friendships, the internet, your social life, the goals that bring you into connection with other people. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

GEMINI | GEMINI RISING (Gemini 1st house) - This is YOUR New Moon! What new questions, ideas and choices are presenting themselves to you? You have more than one way forward and more than one fresh start to choose from. It's your fresh start energy - use it! With Jupiter here this is your year Gemini! The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 10th house of career, public life and reputation. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. Value your skills Gemini!

CANCER | CANCER RISING (Gemini 12th house) - This New Moon is in your 12th house of stuff happening behind the scenes. Maybe a new idea, some new information or conversation outside of your attention could develop into something later or it happens now and you hear about it later. Or maybe something or someone 'behind the scenes' needs your attention. This also pulls in past life and ancestral inheritances - the stuff that is "behind" you. This is a 'fate train' New Moon for Cancer. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 9th house of travel, publishing, legal situations, your big-picture beliefs, religion, foreign situations, higher education, higher commitments. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

LEO | LEO RISING (Gemini 11th house)- This New Moon is in your 11th house of groups, friendships and opportunities. Maybe something new and exciting is starting in a public way. There are lots of conversations and communications with others. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 8th house of other people's money and resources, mortgages, taxes, loans, inheritances, debts, sex, intimacy, surgery, reproduction, background or repressed fears. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

VIRGO | VIRGO RISING (Gemini 10th house) - This New Moon is in your 10th house of career. You could have good career news or maybe a conversation, discussion or idea leads to a new job or business opportunity. This is a good time for a new beginning with something related to the public. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 7th house of partners. This can be romantic or professional partnerships. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

LIBRA | LIBRA RISING (Gemini 9th house) - This New Moon is in your 9th house of travel, foreign interests, media, publishing, legal issues, higher education, higher commitments, religion. Maybe a conversation, discussion or new idea opens up something in one of these areas. Maybe it's time to plan a trip or take/teach a new class. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 6th house of your day-to-day, your health, pets, employees. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

SCORPIO | SCORPIO RISING (Gemini 8th house)- This New Moon is in your 8th house of other people's money/resources. Maybe a conversation, some information or a new idea offers a new way forward with a debt, tax, inheritance or partner's income issue. This could also speak of a fresh start with intimacy/sex or reproduction. Maybe something is hidden now and comes to light later. Stay flexible. There could be multiple fixes afoot. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 5th house of children, creative projects, romance, gambling, recreation, your heart. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

SAGITTARIUS | SAGITTARIUS RISING (Gemini 7th house) - This New Moon is in your 7th house of partnership. Maybe a new person comes into your life now or even more than one new person! Be out and about communicating and traveling locally. This New Moon can also bring news or changes for a partner or reinvigorate a partnership. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 4th house of home and family, mother and your inner life. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

CAPRICORN | CAPRICORN RISING (Gemini 6th house) - This New Moon is in your 6th house of work, health, pets and your daily routine. Focus on new information, ideas and communications within these themes. New beginnings at work or with a health or daily routine situation will require you to think on your feet, stay flexible and likely multi-task for awhile. Your sign rules the 10th house top of the heap - you've got this thing. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 3rd house of communication, siblings, local community, commerce, transportation, writing, teaching, learning. Choices might narrow. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously. 

AQUARIUS | AQUARIUS RISING (Gemini 5th house) - This New Moon is in your 5th house of creativity, children, romance and fun. Communication, information or new ideas within these themes could be just what the doctor ordered (notice how when writing by sign, I start to sound just like the old Sunday newspaper horoscope section ... or is there still a Sunday newspaper?). The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your 2nd house of money, your income and resources, your values and self-esteem. Something here is challenging your New Moon story, applying limits, asking to be taken seriously.  

PISCES | PISCES RISING (Gemini 4th house) - This New Moon is in your 4th house of home and family. Conversations and information about home improvements, moves, family issues and home businesses can move something in a new direction now and be loving and supportive. The square, ie challenge/opportunity - and keep in mind, this is in some way an August preview - is coming from your first house of yourself. Are you getting in your own way, disappearing from your family or needing to be heard Pisces? Something here is needing to be taken seriously. Maybe it is you. 


This is a great time for affirmations for Gemini themes - movement, flexibility, wit, communication, logic, social graces and ease, siblings, local issues, teaching/learning, mental anxiety, areas of life where you are seeing double or doing two things at once, our nervous system, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and our lungs.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a good frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.  

Know what you seek is seeking you (Rumi). Know these things are already yours.

xo all

The caveat with this New Moon, besides that reality-check/rain on our parade Saturn, is the Moon's closing aspect being a square to Neptune. Sometimes a closing Pisces square for Gemini speaks of us doing/saying/thinking a whole lot of stuff that doesn't amount to much in the end - which actually is very Gemini and not always a bad thing, but can sometimes speak of disappointment. Or maybe we are wearing ourselves out by the end of this lunar cycle and need a rest/vacation. Keep in mind this is a hell of alot of Gemini - pace yourself. 

Know there are going to be things we are going to have to say NO, too - which that Saturn square is going to help us with!

Saturn limiting our options will also help us focus :)

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