today's astrology forecast | Saturday, April 20th, 2024 - unexpected opportunities and luck, open your hands and your heart

The Moon is in Virgo. We are nourished/nurtured by very practical and orderly things. Routine. Being of service. 

She trines Jupiter and Uranus - this is the Grand Earth trine with Ceres we talked about HERE - and then goes on to oppose Mars (who wants magic and no-limits and the Virgo Moon just wants things tidy and practical) and finally goes void at 8:19PM EDT off an opposition to Neptune. She will be void until 11:08PM EDT.

So, the Jupiter/Uranus happens with a void Moon - which makes me think we are really going to have to be paying attention when other planetary bodies hit this degree over the next few weeks when the Moon probably will not be void. I will add the times to each weekly since it might be more powerful later!

Jupiter meets Uranus at 10:26PM EDT while Mars in Pisces opposes Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. 

Let's try some word salads for the Jupiter/Uranus:

Tech (Uranus) gets bigger (Jupiter). Change (Uranus) is good (Jupiter). New or changed (Uranus) religions/faith (Jupiter). Taking new (Uranus) risks (Jupiter). Sudden (Uranus) luck (Jupiter). Your luck (Jupiter) changes (Uranus). Beneficial (Jupiter) changes (Uranus). Lucky (Jupiter) changes of direction. 

The future (Uranus) is better (Jupiter). Have faith (Jupiter) in the future (Uranus). 

The main ideas to keep in mind might be - FAST/CHANGE and BIGGER/BETTER. 

As always with Jupiter, who is kind of our celestial Santa Claus - things can sometimes look better than they turn out to be, so don't go nuts with crazy risks and there is the whole 'void moon' thing (times when not much comes to be shown for our efforts and things get wonky, time stretchy) that might push some of the benefits into the times this HOT degree gets pinged later.  

Of course, Jupiter, unlike Saturn whose rewards must be earned, is just as likely to drop some unearned goodies into our open hands. 

Note to self - open your hands. 

Also keep in mind Jupiter has been steadily making his way through Taurus since last May, so meeting up with Uranus can change our trajectory in maybe sudden and disorderly ways that are not always comfortable, but for most people this conjunction and the next month will bring BENEFITS, luck and protection. 

We can already see the collective 'protection' we have experienced in the last few days since things could have gone worse than they did. 

This Jupiter/Uranus cycle will run until early 2038, so 21-22 degrees Taurus will stay HOT for a very long time. And note this degree trines (brakes off and arguably the best aspect in astrology) the still HOT 21-22 degrees Cappy where 'power was cemented/reality destroyed/time ran out' in 2020. 

This is more 'fresh start' energy given to us for this new level of the game. 

Whatever starts now - because the conjunction is a STARTING POINT - we will have the opening sextile - opportunity - on July 21, 2026 with Jupiter at 4 degrees Leo and Uranus at 4 degrees Gemini. Pluto will be at 4 degrees Aquarius and Neptune will be at 4 degrees Aries - so all the outer planets will be at 4 degrees! What the heck? What mischief is this? My brain cannot compute this far ahead. It might actually explode which sounds way worse than this week's spinning. And much messier. 

For now, just think CHANGE IS GOOD or the good changes (which sounds like something not good, but really just means what it says - a 'change' to what is already 'beneficial') ... 

Be prepared to be quick on your feet. But not so quick that you do something totally cray-cray risky, especially since that Black Moon Lilith opposition from Virgo (shamed for being practical) might really amp up the FOMO. 

We will keep our eye on the dates this energetic starting point gets activated, too.

xo all

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