more stuff I learned in 2012 ... the list goes on and on ....

poster from totally old school 2012 kicked my butt. My mood right now is "BRING IT ON 2013!" - but this changes hourly - 60 minutes...

Bye Bye 2012 - the countdown continues ...

print by tammy olsen # 7 Lesson Learned in 2012 - Releasing Attachment to An Outcome (or time to toss the vision boards) Now...

The 2012 Bye-Bye Countdown Continues ...

fancy that design house print I am glad to shut the door on 2012. (don't let it hit ya' on the way out 2012!) I admit I secretly...

Merry Christmas Y'all!

alpine graphics ...

“when you live on a round planet, there’s no choosing sides” - wayne dyer

dear earth by katie daisy When I was three years old I decided to take a walk on the metal bar on the top of our backyard swingset. (one...

My Etsy Interview is Up Today!

My Quit Your Day Job Interview for Etsy is HERE - will post more about this later!...

10 Lessons I Learned from 2012 ...

2013 calendar by f2images I am starting my countdown to 2013 a little bit early because 1. I always get backed up (by orders)...

Christmas Countdown - Upcycled Puzzle Key Rack / Keychain

I turned this adorable vintage Peanuts puzzle into a handy hanging key rack in just a few minutes! The total plus is that...

Etsy Gift Card Giveaway on EcoKaren! are ya' feelin' lucky ...

A few of us on Team EcoEtsy donated some moula to EcoKaren's Hurrican Sandy Relief - she was able to purchase and donate 20 heaters...