weekly astrology forecast | August 29 to September 4, 2022 - a chance to mine for old gold, big ideas, getting our ducks in a row while knowing they are going to wander off a bit

 Let's jump right in! THURSDAY - Mars sextiles Jupiter (!)FRIDAY - Mercury opposes JupiterSATURDAY - First Quarter Moon...

the meaning of the astrology of The New Moon in Virgo | August 27, 2022 - practical magic, mars in gemini's long journey kicks off, pacing ourselves, beginning with the end in mind

Can everyone feel this Mars in Gemini? Whew! It is hard to miss. It is already intense and mostly, except for the times when it is...

weekly astrology forecast | August 22 - 28, 2022 - Venus, Venus, Venus, a change of direction, doing everything twice, big New Moon fresh start in Virgo plus conclusions, results

  Expect CHANGE this week as two personal planets change signs, Uranus stations retrograde ('change' backs up) and we have...

the astrology of mars into gemini | August 2022 - March 2023 - part I - the long and winding road

  On August 20th at 3:56AM EDT, Mars leaves the fertile (but muddy) ground of Taurus for the changeable air of Gemini. Due to...