My Bubble Popping Addiction Intervention

Since kiddiedom I have always loved to get a package wrapped in bubble wrap and being able to pop and stomp away. But now that I...

Fractal Artist Diaspora Comes Uncorked

I am so excited about my newest artist collaboration. Fractal art is a new way of looking at space and form. Through the medium of...


I happen to know that REAL men wear cork and REAL women love to wear little recycled auto parts. How do I know this you ask? Well,...

Paper or Plastic = A Gift from zJayne

I was having a bad week, a very bad week (I realize that bad is a relative thing and you are going to have to trust me on this, but...

Social Responsibility for Java Lovers this V-Day

More than 150 million people in the U.S. drink at least 1 cup of coffee a day. This represents a huge opportunity to have an environmental...

If you love Johnny like I love Johnny....

These amazing My Little Ponies are from designer Mari Kasurinen from Finland! I love her Captain Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands!...

The Amazing Walrus Tusk on Etsy

This week I am introducing you to Jennifer’s incredible Etsy shop Walrus Tusk. If you spend any amount of time on Etsy you have come...

6 Things You Don't Want to Know ABOUT ME

I have been tagged by the amazing Ngan of nNVe Designs (who I will never forgive). These are the rules:link to the person who tagged...

Sweetness Jewelry Is Named Just Right

One of my favorite Etsy sellers is Kelly of Sweetness Jewelry. I met Kelly through our mutual love of making treasuries on Etsy and knew Kelly for a while before I discovered her secret- Kelly is 12 years old! She makes her jewelry, takes her own pictures and runs her own online jewelry business and she does it all with an amazing 'sweetness' that makes her one of Etsy's favorites! I bought one of her amazing pieces and it always gets me lots of compliments.

When asked our OliveBites question of the week about her earliest crafty memory- Kelly answered, "My earliest crafty memory must be drawing animals on the dining room walls with black and purple crayons. I was like 3 years old." I am sure she is the only Etsy seller who can remember being 3 years old! Go Kelly!

Grace Hartigan Memorial

I recently received an email from Kat of Kat Gallery to let me know that a Grace polarity locket that she had given to the director...

Christmas Presence!

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday! These are a few of the handmade items I gave or received this holiday season that brought...