OK, so we sprung our clocks ahead early Sunday morning for Daylight Saving Time and lost an hour on Sunday, but why do I feel like I have been losing an hour every day since? Yes, it is nice to still be seeing the sun at 6:30 pm, but SO hard to get up in the dark. At least for me. I need that morning sunlight to program my sleeping brain to perk up and get those neurons moving! I am not a good sleeper in the best of times and not a good staying asleeper and until my body adjusts to this hour (sometime around the next Daylight Saving Time clock change) not a good getter upper either!

Some Tips To Get Moving In The Morning
1. Get a dog. As long as it has to go out- you have to get up. Juliapott
2. Get a cat. Nothing says good morning like a sandpaper tongue licking your face. Loranscruggs
3. Do yoga. It's the most relaxing way to bring your energy level up. Herbandevi
4. Place a birdfeeder outside your bedroom window. redyellowandblueink
5. Set your alarm clock. Across the room. Pilotdesign
6. Call in late. Uncorked
7. Have children- VERY effective
8. Sleep with someone who gets up earlier than you do.
Well 7 and 8 are definitely out of the question..... :)
I did number 8. I haven't woken up with an alarm clock since I moved in with him. It's both good and bad, but the spring back thing has definitely messed up our schedule and still playing catch up.
I never thought I would be part of a wake up routine-(step 4)since for me wakin'up is sooo hard to do. I live with step 8 but that doesn't work. And I'm with you PeachTree on #7. Would love to have to walk a dog....maybe someday. But I will admit the sound of birds chirping definitely helps ease my groggy morning disposition. Thanks olivebites for displaying my bird feeder! you Rock!
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