A Cyber Halloween Party or by the time you read this I will probably be fired

... well, wait a minute I don't actually have a job so I can't actually get fired, but if I worked for me I might be in trouble and...

Tuesday Trends - Brutalism or raw, rough and exposed

Nick Olsen, over at Design Sponge recently named Brutalism an emerging trend and this is one I really love.Raw edges, rough textures,...

Polarity Lockets featured on Daily Grommet today!

Yes, there are a few scary clips of my fidgety, fast talking self in there -ugh!...

Creating a Sustainable Business - Part III - Aesthetics

"form ever follows function" - architect Louis SullivanNow, aesthetics is a tough thing to describe- it does have a real definition,...

NEW Lockets in Polarity Shop! YAY- I am working with some amazing new artists!

In the past few days I have added some amazing new artist locket sets to my Polarity shop on Etsy (and will have a few more over...

GIVEAWAY - Stemellina - Hand Felted Wool Flower BROOCH!

Stemellina is one of 3 amazing felted wool shops created by Meli!Meli is the Greek (her name means honey in Greece) mother of two,...

No Whining on Wednesdays or some things you "surely" do not want to miss

Um - let's just say if your mother was named after ---->

and you were named after your mother,

you might just want to use your middle name, too ...

Congrats to Cathy, Kate and Katie - all three figured out my little riddle and instead of drawing for a prize winner I'm just going to give a locket to each of them - the Partridge family mom trivia was so obscure that everyone deserves a prize for that one!

This is Not a Real Whine, Really

Anyhoo, hubby and I took a little unplanned road trip this past weekend and I realized just how bad a certain someone's memory has become.

me (reading mapquest printout - yes, we have a GPS, but it is even less trustworthy than mapquest) - okay so we are on this road for 120 miles and then we take exit 27

hubby - ok

hubby - (10 minutes later) you said exit 14?

me - no, exit 27

hubby - (7 minutes later) how long are we on this road?

me - until exit 27

hubby - (20 minutes later) that was exit 29?

me - *crickets*

It is not an exaggeration to say this scenario was repeated at almost every road change - I am not sure what this means - but this is getting scary since I am counting on his memory to make up for the ever increasing gaps in my own ...

, even though it was just the two of us in the car, once a mom always a mom, so in addition to sunscreen (yes, the zinc kind), I brought hand sanitizer, wet ones, tylenol, band aids, paper towels, tissues, a box of teddy grahams and grapes - because "we need to eat some fruit".

So, I learned from this trip some important things:

1. When the road signs in South Carolina say 65 mph they actually mean 65 mph

2. How to talk with a mouth full of teddy grahams

3. Where to get three cases of diet pepsi for $10

4. GPS will always let you down - BRING A MAP

5. The same man who always instinctively knows when he is facing north, west, etc (yes, even when blindfolded and spun in a circle - I've done it) - cannot remember one road or exit from the next and can no longer be counted on to NOT GET US LOST

6. I have set up my life so that Every Single Thing needs to be done by me and I need to change this SOON or my head will explode

(we actually saw some evidence of the exploding head syndrome on our road trip and I am certain these animals had set up their lives to do everything themselves and were unable to delegate and had no one to delegate to and so were forced to make that final trek across the highway themselves - it did not end well for them)

road trip print by Dolan Geiman

Tuesday Trends - Military Inspiration - Function, Utility, Simplicity

Tomorrow, I will announce last week's giveaway winner and the answer to my little name puzzle, in the meantime let's talk Tuesday...

GIVEAWAY - Plucking Pendants - Recycled Guitar String Necklace!

AND THE WINNER IS:True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max:248 Result: 41 Powered by RANDOM.ORG MEGAN!Plucking Pendants creates...

Friday Finds - Inspiration is Everywhere!

I love Grain and Gram's 5 Questions for a Craftsman series - check out their great interviews and stunning pics for some weekend...

Creating a Sustainable Business Part II - The Environment

A sustainable business needs to take into consideration 3 things - people, profits and the planet.1. People - the people your business...

Tuesday Trends - Urban Homesteading

Basically urban homesteading is about finding a level of self-sufficiency no matter where we live.This is alot more than a trend,...

Play the Name Game and Win YOUR CHOICE of any Polarity Interchangeable Magnetic Locket!

Now that summer is winding down and autumn is almost here I will be starting the giveaways back up. But, since this is a slow holiday...

Happy Labor Day Weekend All

We are expecting a hurricane today (this could have been downgraded to a tropical storm by now) followed by cooling temperatures...

Creating a Sustainable Business - Part I - The Emotional Connection

I want to kick off this series of posts on creating a sustainable handmade business by focusing on things other than ways of production,...