no more phonebooths = no more heroes - is anyone investigating the possible connection - call Soledad

anyone can be a superhero Being a hero was a tricky job. Besides being able to change into your superhero cape in a tiny little...

all decisions are really two decisions ... (on why there are no wrong choices)

Let's not take action to make up for a lack of focus ... but once we decide we must take action.   "A real decision is...

you can't miss the boat and if you do, it wasn't YOUR boat

rock the boat locket by me We either live in a world of lack or a world of abundance and we get to live in the world we believe...

our kids are not science experiments - what we can do about GMOs in our food supply

The Non-GMO Project is a great resource for all of us concerned with what is happening with the food we are eating and feeding...

Saturn Saturday - and a full moon tonight in LEO

moon and stars prints by eve sand There is a Full Moon tonight in Leo! Because brave Leo rules our heart this is a wonderful...

the cups part 5 - the secret of right timing called LUCK

Did you know 1 in 3 pieces of jewelry are worn for luck? Another secret of that perfect cup of tea or coffee or hot cocoa (yum)...

Part IV - the hot/cold cup or the secret of right timing

print by jan skacelik Now, sometimes a cup of tea is too hot and sometimes a cup of tea is too cold and sometimes a cup of tea...

the secret of the cups part III - the leaky cup or how we make sure we never win

print by laura evans See Part I and II. It doesn't take long to figure out we are holding a leaky cup. Our chin gets wet. Our...

GIVEAWAY - Winged World Recycled Library Card ART - Emily Dickinson CLOSED

   I fell in love at first site with Vickie Moore's magical shop where she gives new life to obsolete library cards...

Saturn Saturday - a step back

print by the geekerie Instead of popping up another victim volunteer tonight (because a store's deadline got pushed up and I...

the secrets of the cups - part II (the empty cup)

wall decals by wall to wall decals The empty cup's secret is, and you may have guessed this already - it's not really empty There...

the secrets of the cups - part 1 (these are not Victoria's Secret Cups but I feel the need to work those words into my title to attract more readers)

print by hair brained schemes I've been thinking about cups. Uh, yes, I said cups. Empty cups and full cups and chipped cups...

GIVEAWAY - Tattly Temporary Tattoo Assortment - Like a Real Tattoo But FAKE!! CLOSED

I have been obsessed with Tattlys since discovering them last year. I bought the I'm Late watches and keep a supply in my house...

saturn saturday - our first volunteer - we will call her Faith (since she has some crazy faith I know what I am talking about here - I will give her a chart of her planets so she can check out what real astrologers have to say about it, too - since I can only guarantee my accuracy in corks and dog biscuits)

available at gritty city goods Life is a series of checks and balances (to use my old banker jargon). We create, we review, we...

new moon day - set those intentions!

print by sonya kanelstrand Today's full moon in Capricorn makes this a great day to set some intentions for the New Year. This...

Proof Positive that Positive Thinking ALONE Won't Get Us $5000 A Week For Life

A friend emailed me recently and while we were catching up she asked, "why all the positive thinking stuff on your blog lately?" I...

new moon, new year - 2013 here SHE comes!

calendar by anna newell jones On Friday we have the first New Moon of 2013 and it's a goodie! Now this new moon is in the sign...