if you think you want it and you don't really want it ....

sanctuary polarity bracelet - melissa nucera collection I keep forgetting about Oprah's Super Soul Sunday show, but when someone...

merc goes retrograde in cancer - plus jupiter moves in, too

anne-julie aubrey collection (magnetic ring) I should have posted this a couple days ago because I would have looked prophetic...

the groundwork - part III our emotional (energy in motion) body and what those little blue pills are really all about

oh deer - polarity locket - artist: raceytay Now, I really will tie this foundation stuff back to our businesses - if we are...

Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday ... balancing the private and public and stepping into our responsibility

new cork necklace about to bloom This isn't just another full moon post (please don't groan) - this is a SUPER FULL MOON - (biggest...

the groundwork - part II our mental body (and yes, my mental body totally looks like Pink's physical body - you will just have to take my word for this though)

New locket by Yael Frankel and Polarity Mental balance takes practice. Getting out of balance mentally affects all the other...

the groundwork - part I (we probably need more sleep)

gorgeous NEW carrie gault polarity locket Maybe this isn't part 1 but since I never got this series off the ground (ack- I can't...

3 Things That Might Happen To You When You Start a Blog plus a creativity tip for summer

it's your world - write about it 1. People might get mad at you. This does not just go for people you write about - although...

my cupcake is better than your cupcake ....

cupcake war corkboard When my daughter was younger her school would have a bake sale every month. Every month. (every grade...

Why I don't check my Etsy feedback anymore or how to sleep better at night if you sell the things you make

Ah, feedback. I am grateful (usually) that people take the time to comment on the things they buy from me in the public feedback...

New Moon in Gemini Today - another chance for a fresh start!

chasing the crayon The Sun and Moon are conjunct at the New Moon (if you were being born right now you would be a strong willed...

this 'human being as brand' thing we have going on is exhausting, relentless and impossible .... short rant

adored vintage There is a reason my studio is not called Cat Bites. (other than the fact that I used to have a biting cat and...

Part III (not really but a very mini preview) what the weakest point of our business is trying to show us and why it is always the place where we give our power away; the place of fear

cork necklace by me I had a post ready to go on this but now that I have reread it I want to say it differently, so I have to...

the foundation comes before the house (this is not a don't put your cart before your horse story) - part II

the best laid plans locket .... There is a part I to this series somewhere a week or so back ... I think. I get distracted. By...

the law of request - if we need help, we have to ask for it - another lesson from Rumi and Captain Kirk

“Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave  'til it gets to shore. You need more help than you know.”- Rumi When...

fleas, flats and flowers ... well, maybe no flowers this time

Bought the little guy since he matches my set All week I had been looking forward to my favorite local semi-annual flea market...