Full Moon in Scorpio - Sunday, May 3rd | what are we willing to do

We have a Full Moon every month when the Sun and the Moon oppose each other. It offers us two different (and opposite) energies...

blog break for truth, justice and the american way

Heads up - taking a blog break next week. Need to catch up on things after four weeks of jury service and an unknown number of...

Earth Day Sale | 20% off for Blog Readers thru Sunday!

I don't often have sales so if you've had your eye on something in either of my Etsy shops - now's the time to make your move! 20%...

Get It Done | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 20th

no clue what that pony is about .... See my New Moon vision board post HERE Here's mine ----> I believe vision boards should...

New Moon in Aries | April 18th, 2015 | the courage to create | vision board time!

I believe our astrological birth charts are our contracts and road maps. They are the imprint of the moment we took our first...

Guess the $'s and Win a FREE POLARITY LOCKET!

If any reader would like to get in on Olive's Facebook Coin Contest - hop over to Olive Bites Facebook Page and take a guess as...

Communicating What We Want | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 13th

I am headed into my 3rd week of jury duty (three days a week) - it is interesting and exhausting and has actually brought, what...

Recycle JAR LIDS Into Compact Mirrors - Upcycled Tutorial

recycled jar lids As part of Team EcoEtsy's Trash to Treasure Challenge I made these easy, peasy compact mirrors from jar lids. Of...

We've Got This Thing | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 6th

OK, let's see what we've got happening. We are working through the releasing energy of eclipse season. We need to be focusing...

Happy Easter & Passover!

Wishing everyone a basketful of eggs this holiday - xo all...