Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 29th, 2019 - responsibilties ease or intensify, lines in the sand deepen or blow away, past issues need to be attended to, pushed to make a decision, arguments, choices, the gazillion things that need our attention, owning what we own, a solid and somewhat uncomplicated new beginning

MONDAY - Saturn stations retrograde TUESDAY - Saturn conjunct South Node, opposing North Node, Jupiter trines Eris WEDNESDAY -...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 22, 2019 - plot twist, shock and awe, a flash of genius, fast change, karmic situations, reaping what we've sown, outgrown suits go back on the rack, we end the week with a caution flag, undermining actions, slow down

MONDAY - Sun conjuncts Uranus, Saturn conjuncts the South Node TUESDAY - Venus conjuncts Chiron WEDNESDAY - Pluto stations retrograde...

Second Full Moon in Libra | April 19, 2019 - another chance to bring our relationships into balance, words or information that hurts, what are we overdoing, what needs to be finished, what beliefs are holding us back, who and what are we partnered with? who and what has our back? dogs aren't really eating other dogs

On Friday morning at 7:11AM EDT we have the second Full Moon in Libra at 29 degrees - Moon at 29 degrees Libra, Sun at 29 degrees...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 15th - it's full steam ahead, big love, the cost of our big dreams, not knowing when to stop, returning to dry land, now we know, we are stardust, are we doing this together or not, painful words, coming back into balance, endings, culminations and fresh starts

Lots of Venusian energy and it's FULL STEAM AHEAD when Mercury finally exits Pisces. Expect change and clarity this week as THREE...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 8th - stress, limits, dealing with authority, power plays, big shifts, lost opportunities coming back around, inspiration, love and money gets sticky, pointed in the right direction, a rollercoaster ride, do you feel lucky

Look at all these aspects! Mercury is on a journey. The Sun is on a journey. Venus is on a journey. There are enough twists...

New Moon in Aries | April 5th, 2019 - starting something new, fast breaks from the past, roadblocks and limits, don't shoot your eye out, cleaning up an old mess, how many monkeys can you carry, not being allowed to skip a step, too much her-story or just enough, a karmic emptying that creates a vacuum so be careful what you suck up

On Friday, April 5th, at 4:50AM EDT the Aries Moon will meet the Aries Sun giving us this month's New Moon at 15 degrees Aries. This...