Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 27, 2019 - inaccurate information, fuzzy thinking, rose-colored glasses, avoid over-promising, our minds expand, not a good time for important decisions, better energies by the end of the week when we are commiting to what we want

A late posting this week due to the holiday here! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. WEDNESDAY - Mercury squares Neptune THURSDAY...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 20th - fresh information, answers come in, choices and changing points of view, avoiding babble/babel, thinking without over-thinking, exciting changes, buttons are pushed, an old wound is triggered, changing what we can and accepting what we can't

We move past that red-hot mess, emotional Scorpio Full Moon and the energy starts lightening up- especially after the middle...

The Full Moon in Scorpio | May 18th, 2019 - part 2 : memories of loss/betrayal, disruptions around love or money, losing what we are clinging to, the cat is out of the bag, dead dragons, truth, life-changing directions, an emptying, creating fertile ground

Part I is HERE. OK, down to business - let's unpack the chart! We have the Moon at 27 degrees Scorpio and the Sun at 27 degrees...

The Full Moon in Scorpio | May 18th, 2019 - part 1 : the players take the field

Let's take a step back and look at where the planets are right now as we approach this weekend's Full Moon in Scorpio. The...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 13th - control over our own lives, changing beliefs, opportunity knocks, romance, changes with love/money, a second chance, protecting our home/roots, stay flexible, endings, answers, we better know what we are talking about, Full Moon leaves nowhere to hide

A HUGE week ahead with Mercury doing this week what Venus did last week, multiple planets changing signs, Venus meeting Uranus...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 6th, 2019 - practical thinking, plain talk, a turning point, money/love karma, a reality check, power plays, facing the music, adjusting or moving on, finding old treasure and lost faith, the expansion of something new, rewards for past work, endings and beginnings

Let's take a look at the week ahead! The Moon is waxing (growing) and something in our life is, too - everything this week is...

New Moon in Taurus - May 4th, 2019 | coming back to Earth, keeping it simple, practical action, the seeds go into the ground, keeping the fire burning, the success of this new beginning depends on how we finish what is ending

At 6:46PM EDT on May 4th, the Taurus Moon meets the Taurus Sun at 14 degrees giving us this month's New Moon. The New Moon is...