Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 1st - 2019's wild card month kicks off, a change of course, delays, wanting what makes us feel safe, a new focus, powerful endings, bold action, intense and uncomfortable pressure

MONDAY - Mars into Leo TUESDAY - Solar Eclipse (total) New Moon in Cancer (10 degrees) WEDNESDAY - Venus into Cancer THURSDAY...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 24th - too much of a good thing, disappearing love and money, hitting a limit, dropping an anchor, take care of your health, a need to adjust, speaking from our hearts and wanting an audience, change is good

SUNDAY - Venus opposes Jupiter and inconjuncts Saturn MONDAY - Venus squares Neptune TUESDAY - 3rd Quarter Moon Aries (Moon square...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 17th - overwhelm, hopefully something other than a fight to the death, in the thick of it, making the dream more solid, a sacrifice, not a time to believe everything we see and hear, an intense week with stuff lightening up around Thursday

Some major aspects for this intense week ahead are: MONDAY - Full Moon in Sagittarius TUESDAY - Neptune sextile Saturn, Mercury...

Full Moon in Sagittarius | a closer look at what we believe, big plans, our faith is tested, who/what can we trust, not everything is quite as it appears, details are blurry, results not quite final, an expansion of a dream or the exaggeration of a promise

Early Monday morning EDT - the Sagittarius Moon will oppose the Gemini Sun (25 degrees) giving us this month's Full Moon. Full...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 10th - wanting to move into the new, but something from the past isn't finished with us yet, reality bites, living to fight another day, offering compassion, the way forward becomes clearer, a week of coming attractions so pay attention

MONDAY - Sun opposite Jupiter TUESDAY- Mars conjuncts the North Node THURSDAY - Mars opposes Saturn and trines Neptune FRIDAY...

NEW MOON IN GEMINI | Monday, June 3, 2019 - new options, new stories, changing our mind, more than one way forward, seeing double, time to notice what we are noticing, diplomatic strategies, defending our choices, pleading our case, a fresh insight that requires our courage and initiative grabs our attention and won't let go

On Monday at 6:01AM EDT the Gemini Moon meets the Gemini Sun at 12 degrees giving us this month's New Moon in, you probably guessed...