weekly astrology forecast | April 25th - May 1st, 2022 - UPDATED - and Venus is her name, magical possibilities, love and money luck, unexpected starts, Eclipse season begins with a bang

  What magic is this week?!  Some pretty potent magic folks!I am away this week, so will fill in the week as...

weekly astrology forecast for creatives | April 18th to 24th, 2022 - power struggles, the devil is in the eggs, stopping to smell the roses, a fated meeting, the dream and the practicalities

 More fiesty astrological weather as last weekend's Full Moon in Libra story rolls out. This week starts off with a bang, smooths...

Full Moon in Libra | April 16th, 2022 - a powerful portal for relationship change, a new kind of balance after an intense crisis, committing to a different kind of future

On Saturday, April 16th at 2:56PM EDT, the Libra Moon opposes the Aries Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon...

the astrology of Jupiter meeting Neptune in Pisces | April 12th, 2022 - a cosmic baptism

  On April 12th, 2022 at 10:42AM EDT, Jupiter's conjunction with Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces becomes exact. We have both...

weekly astrology forecast for creatives | April 11th to april 17th, 2022 - a need to dial down the noise, from mountains to miracles

  This year's BIG aspect perfects this week - the miraculous meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces for the first time...

today's astrology forecast | Friday, April 8th, 2022 - fresh words, new ideas and brave conversations help seal the deal, expanding on that new thing, nurtured by home and family

  The Moon is home in Cancer now - we are nurtured/nourished by home, family, real estate, mom and apple pie. Her only...

today's astrology forecast | Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 - stay flexible, communicate, split one big or complicated thing into two smaller things, here's more choices

  The Moon is in versatile/communicative Gemini now. We are nourished/nurtured through conversation, information, having...

Today's astrology forecast | Monday, April 4th, 2022 - do we want to fight or do we want to succeed, thanking the stars in the sky and the ones in california

  On Monday, the Moon is in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation. We are nourished/nurtured by what is simple/soothing/comfortable...

the astrology of Will, Jada, Chris and Oscar | the impulsive New Moon, the Sea Goddess out of water, the wounded masculine, more than sticks and stones can break our bones, a zeitgeist teachable moment

We might all be a bit tired of talking/thinking about this story, or maybe we didn't give it  a second thought in the first...