weekly astrology forecast | october 31 - November 6, 2022 - the eclipse spin cycle continues, scorpio on steroids, breakdowns, breakthroughs, break-ups, surprises and fated change, SEEING THE SILVER LINING

 We are in the Eclipse spin cycle now - in between two powerful Eclipses. Personal and collective timelines are SHIFTING. Old...

Mars retrograde in Gemini | october 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023 - rethinking our effort, our anger, our passion, second chances, a time to slow down and reflect, a world split in two

While we manage our lives during these weeks in the Eclipse spin cycle, let's shift gears a bit and take a look at Mars! Mars,...

the astrology of the solar eclipse new moon in scorpio | october 25th, 2022 - the eclipse portal opens, ending merged karmas, let go or be dragged, a new path is emerging

On October 25, 2022 at 6:49AM EDT, the Moon meets the Sun in dark, deep, powerful and intimate Scorpio, giving us this month's New...

weekly astrology forecast | October 24th - 30th, 2022 - Scorpio on steroids, the intensity of Eclipse season

  Scorpio season kicks off - and, yes, we are already feeling this - with an INTENSE New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio...

Sun square Pluto with Mercury opposing Chiron | when the shadows come looking for us, no pain no gain

 Let's dive a little deeper into the mid-week's energies since they are volatile and already active! Gut-punched me today....

weekly astrology forecast | October 17th -23rd, 2022 - another BIG week ahead plus a look a bit further out!

  This week is BIG, needs no introduction because we are already in it. At the end of this post we will take a longer look...

weekly astrology forecast | october 10th - 16th, 2022 - I hope you like your dance partners because October looks like a long and fated dance with destiny

 BIG week ahead with some crazy possibilities as we head into Eclipse season.  I hope we heard whatever news/information...