weekly astrology forecast | october 10th - 16th, 2022 - I hope you like your dance partners because October looks like a long and fated dance with destiny


BIG week ahead with some crazy possibilities as we head into Eclipse season. 


I hope we heard whatever news/information Mercury received from Pluto last week - MESSAGE DELIVERED - because we will need that info in the weeks ahead. Pluto's direct station on Sunday takes us back to January 2022. Something from that time period could be changing direction or moving forward.  


(People with planets nearest 26 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - will feel this energy strongest. At the moment Pluto stationed - here is the death that was postponed - my 26 degree Cappy Sun cousin's 22 year old, much-loved cat passed away, you will be missed Mikey)


The Sun and Venus are pulled into the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square this week with both planets having their individual conversations with both Saturn and Uranus (both Saturn and Uranus are retrograde, so something here will have a 'been there/done that' or "re" feel to it). The trines to Saturn speak of smoothly stepping into responsibility, our integrity, movement through mature relationships and long-term investments. This is sober/practical energy we can count on. The inconjuncts to Uranus speak of dealing with relationship/financial disruptions. Unbalanced responses. Rocks and hard places. Adjustments needed.


Traveling together again next week, Venus and the Sun will trine Mars (our actions attracting what we want, good options, choices) and square Pluto (power struggles, third party problems, financial/career challenges) before meeting up with each other at the end of next week when SOME GOODIES GET DELIVERED. 


Yes, for all of us!

In the meantime, this tag-team (Sun/Venus) double dose of partnership-focused LIBRA, will bring some extra challenges and opportunities to our RELATIONSHIPS.


There is ALSO some potential good news this week as Mercury makes his final opposition to Jupiter - that OLD GOLD is back in play! With Mars squaring Neptune the same day, we want to keep our head in the game here, not let our actions drift off course or sabotage ourselves. Stay focused on the details/the facts. We are still in the danger zone of taking something too far and things falling in on themselves. 


One thing at a time. Focus on your next right step. What is working? What needs to change? Keep one eye on the OTHER PERSON.

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Venus opposes Chiron and squares Pallas, Mercury re-enters Libra, Mars trines Vesta

TUESDAY - Sun inconjuncts Uranus, Sun trines Saturn

WEDNESDAY - Mars squares Neptune, Mercury opposes Jupiter

THURSDAY - Venus inconjuncts Uranus

FRIDAY - Venus trines Saturn

SUNDAY - Sun inconjuncts Neptune and trines Vesta

On MONDAY, Venus, following in the Sun's footsteps and blown-out/under the beams of the Sun, reaches 14 degrees Libra and opposes Chiron.

Venus/Chiron can bring healing/love - IF we use what hurts to create change - we will need to work with whatever vulnerability the Sun illuminated last week. Feelings of being unappreciated/unloved can come up to be worked through. Financial vulnerability can be felt and we will need to take some kind of action to be/feel less fragile. We might need to stand up for ourselves/pull ourselves together. KNOW OUR WORTH. Embrace our flaws.


Instead of Libra's tendency to gloss over discomfort, pour pink paint over problems, grow old and bitter - if we WORK THE PROCESS OF THIS (release what is unhealthy, admit something hurts then work to change the situation and/or our reactions/responses) - we can end up on more solid ground. Very old, very deep wounds are being visited for healing. Relationship imbalances/injustices/hurts that reached a tipping point last week are re-visited. Or new situations are stirred up. Maybe we were wanting something and didn't get it. What have we learned?

This is also the day Mercury re-enters Libra. So we are back to August 25th and September 23rd when Mercury previously visited early Libra. Conversations/ideas from those times are reactivated. Hopefully we are older/wiser - having taken something relationship or financial or self-esteem/values related back to the drawing boards of practical Virgo. HERE WE GO AGAIN. Mercury moves from logical Virgo into diplomatic, but indecisive (the problem with being able to see both sides of the story!) Libra.

So, to be successful our words are more polite now. We need to listen. If we want our communications to hit their target we need to make the other person feel listened to. 

Communications lighten up. We smile. We talk about the things everyone can agree on. We find common ground. That is the energy that moves communications, ideas and conversations forward now. Mercury will be in Scorpio by the 29th, a space he/she is much less comfortable, so use this energy while you have it. Yes, it's schmoozy, but if we used what we learned during Mercury's retrograde, the schmoozy can work. 

Venus squares Pallas which speaks of our relationships/need for balance/finances at odds with the rather foggy - or imaginative - strategies we have for achieving our dreams. Luckily we also have Mars trining Vesta allowing us to FOCUS on what really matters. Make choices/decisions, take actions and have conversations that are future focused and smart.

The Moon is void for most of the day today, so not a good day to start something brand new until after the Moon gets into Taurus - the sign of her exaltation - at 5:04PM EDT.

On TUESDAY, the Sun reaches 18 degrees Libra and enters the Saturn/Uranus square via a trine to Saturn and inconjunct to Uranus

This is about the old vs the new. Stability vs change. The Sun is in a smoother flow with Saturn - so good for our connections with groups, rules, limits, structure. The testy 'rock and a hard place' with Uranus will have us adjusting to uncomfortable changes. 

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury opposes Jupiter for the last time and Mars squares Neptune for the first time. Both are repeating aspects.

Mars/Neptune could see us initiating something that will have a tendency to drift off course. We can't see clearly what we are getting into/where we are heading. It's a draining aspect. We could be exhausted/mentally exhausted. We have talked about the need to pace ourselves with Mars in Gemini until March 2023. Sometimes Mars/Neptune brings water issues. Or Neptunian-style distractions/escapes. With Mars in Gemini there will be choices/multiple ways forward. Imaginative/creative work is favored. Movement toward our dreams won't be simple, but square aspects are what get things done.
The Mercury/Jupiter could make this whole thing even bigger or bring us miracles/old gold. We need to be confident, expansive, reaching further. This is their third of three conversations so something could be concluding/wrapping up here. Just keep one foot on the ground with the Mars/Neptune happening at the same time!

On THURSDAY/FRIDAY, Venus, at 18 degrees Libra, again following the Sun's footsteps, is pulled into the Saturn/Uranus square through a smooth trine with Saturn (rules, limits, the old structure, commitment) and an awkward inconjunct with Uranus - change/the future/mixed feelings within new or changing relationships. 
This is all part of Venus's dance with the Sun until she finally catches up with him at the end of next week. This week, I'd say dance with the one who brought ya'. Or the one who knows how to dance. Does that make sense?

On SUNDAY - the Sun inconjuncts Neptune, so here is the need for some adjustment between our relationship/need for balance or fairness and the dream. Venus will make this aspect the next day, so there is a need for an honest look at what we are attracted to/attracting now. There is some kind of uncomfortable mix of insecurity - via relationships, self esteem, finances - and elevated expectations. Inconjuncts are not really fixable when they occur, we just kind of deal with them/work with them - learn to adjust.
The Sun's trine to future-focused/smart Vesta in Aquarius will help. Be smart. Focus on what matters/what keeps you up at night/the flame that needs to stay lit. Don't get overly emotional. Step back and detach a bit.

I hope something here is helpful. The Air Grand Trine from the Full Moon continues so ideas/information are pulling us forward! 
I will get a BIG picture forecast up so we can see further ahead - this piecemeal week to week is only so helpful with the next set of Eclipses bearing down on us. The end of October/beginning of November is about BIG CHANGE. Next post we will focus further out - get our bearings.

xo all

artwork by the talented mercuryferns

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